In the final installment of the girl’s road trip, Max and Caroline finally arrive in Texas and end up becoming extras in Randy’s zombie movie in order to get close to him as they can’t just walk right onto the set. After finally getting close enough to Randy to talk to him, Max decides to let the relationship end once she overhears a conversation he has with the lead of the movie about how unhappy he was doing long distance and how he and Max are just in different places. Meanwhile, after finding out that Barbara calls him “Mama,” Oleg tries to be authoritative, but ends up losing Max and Caroline’s contractor. He is unsuccessful in his attempt to fix the dessert bar himself, but Barbara ends up calling him “Papa.”
Now that is has come to an end, let’s reflect on the road trip storyline as a whole. I’m feeling really torn about this because on the one hand, I loved seeing the different locations and situations the girls found themselves in. Between a plane crash, being waitresses on a riverboat, and being zombie extras, the writers gave us some classic sitcom ridiculousness that I loved. On the other hand, however, it felt as though the storyline ended prematurely. If they had done another episode or two of the girls traveling to Texas, such as a hitch hiking episode (because there’s no way RuPaul could handle Caroline in a car for longer than 5 minutes :P) or something like that, it would’ve made the entire journey longer and feel a little more epic, which would’ve made the Max and Randy break up even more heartbreaking. That being said, I really did enjoy the road trip overall because it was such a fun, unique thing for a sitcom to do, I just wanted more.
And finally that brings us to the rest of the diner gang! I really liked this portion of the episode. Oleg’s masculinity crusade was not only funny on its own, but also had a nice heartwarming undertone as it was all in the name of Barbara seeing her father as a superman (even though his motivation was a tad selfish as well). It was a cute way to showcase their relationship, which I think was needed because many of the storylines this season have been a little more focused on Sophie and Barbara. And I just about lost it when Oleg hated being called “Papa,” which on any other sitcom would be a huge moment, but we aren’t watching any other sitcom, we are watching 2 Broke Girls, where a Ukrainian father wants to be called “de-douche-key.”
Overall Grade:
A-. An emotional, but well done ending to the Max and Randy saga with a solid B-story.
Favorite Quotes:
Bonnie: God I want to go back to casting commercials for Applebee’s. You just had to be white and a little fat.
Caroline: Are you sure you don’t have any non-zombie parts? Maybe a cheerleader or a socialite who lost all her money but not her looks or her will to succeed!
Max: But she has lost everyone’s interest.
And last but not least - anytime Caroline tries to act.
What do you think of the big road trip finale? Sound off in the comments!