Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon 2 Broke Girls - And the Riverboat Runs Through It - Review - "So Your 43 Boob Dollars Are Gonna Get Us To Texas?"

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2 Broke Girls - And the Riverboat Runs Through It - Review - "So Your 43 Boob Dollars Are Gonna Get Us To Texas?"

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When the girls crash land in the middle of the nowhere, they realize Caroline’s wallet with all of their money is lost in the rubble.  Things go from bad to worse when they then find out that their credit cards were maxed out at a local gas station, leading them to stow away on a riverboat headed towards New Orleans.  The girls are then caught by security and forced to be waitresses, but are quickly fired and kicked off the boat when Caroline tries to double her tips by gambling.  Luckily, the girls run into RuPaul at a bait shop and he offers them a ride to Texas.  Meanwhile, Sophie and Oleg start a business of their own when they charge people to ride Chestnut.  Earl and Han eventually join in on the venture, but the fun ends when they find out Max and Caroline have lost all their money, so the diner gang sends the girls $500 via PayPal.

Let’s kick it off with talking about Max and Caroline’s adventure on the riverboat! Unfortunately, this part of the episode fell really flat for me, which was especially disappointing after the previous episode was so amazing.  I absolutely love the random and ridiculous turns that this road trip has taken the girls on thus far, but the actual jokes in this episode just didn’t make me laugh.  I definitely laughed when the girls were digging through the plane wreckage and came out in their new waitress uniforms, but other than that, I didn’t spend too much of their storyline laughing.  One thing I did enjoy about their portion of the episode, however, is that we got to see Max doubt herself in her pursuit of Randy.  In the last episode, she was very gung-ho about going after Randy even though it was kind of a crazy idea, so seeing her second guess her recent life choices was a great way to make the road trip storyline more multidimensional.

Unlike the riverboat storyline, I found diner gang’s storyline to be pretty funny this week.  I loved seeing Chestnut make his epic return, mostly because I had almost completely forgotten that the girls still had him.  Even more than that, it was hilarious watching the diner gang get wrapped up in some morally questionable activity and I loved that 2 Broke Girls featured all of their supporting characters in one storyline.  It was fresh and funny because so often we see Sophie and Oleg doing their own thing or Han bickering with the girls rather than all four of the supporting characters doing something ridiculous together.  Plus, the whole scene where they discover Han had purchased lifts was comedy gold.

Last, but not least: RuPaul.  Now don’t get me wrong – I love me some RuPaul, but this cameo was a little weird.  I felt as though he was way too quick to offer the girls a ride and it was far too convenient that he happened to be going to Texas.  I’m all for suspending disbelief for the sake of comedy and story, but this was a little too out there from a logic perspective.  The writers should’ve put more of a joke or reason as to why RuPaul was headed to Texas, so that writing felt a little lazy.  He was funny as always but his presence felt a little forced.

Overall Grade:
B-.  A rare misstep for the show.  Did well at putting the girls in a ridiculous situation, but didn’t follow through with the jokes.  The dinner gang provided some needed laughs, however!

Favorite Quotes:
Caroline: Please, there’s got to be a way we can work something out. We’ll do anything! …Well she will. I’ll do over the shirt stuff. Your shirt. If you take off that hat.

Max: Well, shall we sashay away?
RuPaul: (Laughing) You know thats copyrighted. Say it again and you owe me $12,000.

Han: The girls asked me to make sure you’re feeding him and here you are pimping him out like…this isn’t my wheelhouse… famous pimps anyone?

Were you as critical of this episode as I was? Let me know in the comments!

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