I’m saddened by the fact that this season is nearing it's end but I have to say what an epic season it has been. This past episode was just beautiful. I loved the seriousness that Josh has with his relationship with Liza. Things are becoming more and more complicated between those two and with all the obstacles they have faced together I can’t help but wonder when they're going to reach their breaking point. Maybe in tonight’s one hour season finale.
Diana has to be one of the funniest characters out there. Miriam Shor killed it this season. Those moments with her and her new beau and most definitely the scenes with her and the parrot had me in stitches. One on the best things about her is how crazy and flawed she is.
Kelsey seems to continue to mix the personal and professional aspects of her relationship with Colin. With the mistake that she made last episode I was hoping that she learned that it would be best not to do that. That being said it was great to see that she’s very invested in helping Colin and that helped her realize that she needs to be pushing for more exposure for Millennial. At least that's what I'm hoping she was doing when she insisted to Charles that they attend the book fair. I do have to admit to questioning her true motives there. Is she jealous and worried about Colin attending with his editor? I’m really hoping that isn’t where that storyline is going as I’m a huge fan of Kelsey being a strong career driven character. What do you think of her relationship with Colin? And is anyone else really excited about the season finale?
Favourite scenes:
Liza, Josh, Charles and his daughter at the event table
Diana and Charles at the office
Josh and Liza at the end of the episode
Kelsey and Charles in his office
Favourite line:
Liza- “Who catered this? A litter of cats?”