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NCIS: New Orleans - One Good Man - Review: “Bikers and Bombs”

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NCIS: New Orleans - One Good Man - Review: “Bikers and Bombs”
3.7 - “Outlaws”
Directed by Mary Lou Belli
Written by Greta Heinemann
Reviewed by Kelly Anne Blount

We start out this episode with an awesome band on stage. The music on this show is incredible!

As the band performs on stage, it appears a bunch of motorcycle are gathering for a race. Just before the flags are waved, a very suspicious looking man with a black helmet covering his entire face rides up next to one of the bikers. As the flags are dropped/waved, we hear what sounds like a gunshot and a man falls to the ground, a pool of blood quickly forming underneath his lifeless body.

Boom, boom, boom, boom! Bang, bang, bang, bang! The theme song for this show is simply the best!

Aw, LaSalle is watching a video on reasons that babies do not sleep. As the doctor gives advice on potential solutions to help little ones fall asleep, LaSalle practices on a football.

Gregorio comes in and catches him in the act. She has a smart aleck response. What a jerk. LaSalle should have tore her a new one.

LaSalle is struggling with becoming a new father. He admits that he’s having a hard time. Instead of giving him advice or even a shoulder to cry on, Gregorio says that she’s heading back to DC in, “a minute and a half.” Ugh, I repeat, what a jerk.

Instead of biting her head off, LaSalle tells her that she’s the only one that knows a.k.a. he doesn’t have anyone else to talk to about the whole situation. His “lady friend” keeps calling and asking him to pick things up, he’s not getting any sleep, etc.

Gregorio tells him that he should tell “Country Mouse.” HE’S COUNTRY MOUSE! Ugh! She next tells him to tell Pride. Clearly, she doesn’t want to be his friend and help in his time of need.

Percy walks in and things are awkward.

She heads to the kitchen to talk to Pride. She confides that she’s worried about LaSalle. She wants Pride to talk to him. Pride tells Percy that he’ll wait for Christopher to come to him, because that’s how Pride rolls.

Before Percy can object, they get a call. There is a dead sailor.

Pride brings Loretta a coffee. He’s sweet. Loretta informs Pride that there are thousands of bikers in town for a rally. She admits that she expected a casualty, just not a sailor.

The victim is named Lloyd Felibert. He was staying at a hotel near the bike festival grounds in NOLA. He was shot with a small caliber gun and the bullet hit him in the heart.

Although the team knows there was a race, they don’t have any cooperating witnesses. They either have a case themselves or don’t want to rat on the wrong club.

Percy knows a lot about motorcycles and motorcycle games. She knows this from her time with the ATF.

Victim was a member of the Brothers at Arms, a group primarily composed of vets looking to support one another. Turns out another biker gang, the Niners, who were bad news bears, had beef with the Brothers at Arms. The Niners were into drug dealing and the trafficking of weapons.

Mid conversation, a bunch of Niners drive by on their bikes. Percy ducks and tries to avoid being seen. Turns out there was an ATF informant in the group named Ramon. He used to build custom bikes, but according to Percy, he wasn’t part of the Niners. Looks like that might have changed.

Pride and LaSalle are in the car together. Christopher’s gets another call. He admits to Pride that he “might” be a father, but then quickly says, “I am a dad.” Before they can get into specifics, they roll up on the Brothers at Arms. They are a tough looking group of guys.

Pride makes it clear that they are only there to see if the guys have any information that might help find Filbert’s killer. It quickly becomes clear that the Brothers at Arms are still upset about how things went down the last time they were in town. They took the blame for something the Niners did and they are pissed. Their leader says that he isn’t going to wait for the law to help solve this case. He’s done and taking matters into his own hands. Pride persuades the leader of the Brothers at Arms to let him handle the case, at least for the time being. I have a feeling this isn’t going to last, what about you?

Pride and LaSalle pull up to Niners territory. Pride tells LaSalle that he should talk to Percy and that she’s worried about him. LaSalle tells Pride he’s worried to tell her because she’s going to, “whoop my butt for being stupid.” Man, I love City Mouse and Country Mouse! Their dynamic is fantastic!

As the guys approach the NIners territory, Pride say that the need to figure out what’s going on before, “things escalate.” Too late. There is a big explosion and the Niner’s building looks like it just took a major hit.

The next morning the team is at the explosion site. Five people were killed and two are in critical condition. An accidental explosion has been ruled out.

The leader of the Niners is there and he is irate. He is blaming the Brothers in Arms. He is accusing pride of siding with the Brothers in Arms because they are vets. LaSalle steps in and squashes the fight, at least for the moment.

Interesting, dynamite was used in the explosion.

Percy and Gregorio have pulled info on the Niners. Currently, two of their members are on trial for murder and several more were recently charged with racketeering, but the charges didn’t stick. The vets on the other hand, checked out clean. Turns out there were trying to build affordable housing in NOLA.

Percy brings up the jerk, McKinley, who stole the recovery money for Hurricane Katrina. Gregorio admits to knowing about the situation, but she doesn’t tell Percy that McKinley is her ex-husband.

The Brothers at Arms show up as Pride is collecting evidence. He is checking to see if the explosives used at their low-income housing project/build site match the explosives used at the Niner’s clubhouse. If they do, Pride says he’ll be back with arrest warrants.

Gregorio is giving Percy a hard time. Says she thinks there was more to Percy’s backstory with Ramon, the motorcycle bike builder she met back when she was with the ATF. Gregorio, who claims her life is back in DC and that’s why she’s calling Percy out on the Ramon situation, bluntly states that she thinks Percy and Ramon screwed. Well isn’t that classy… Percy throws it back on Gregorio and says she wants to know how Gregorio knew about McKinley and the stolen Katrina funds. Who is going to crack first and admit the truth? Neither! They are both keeping their secrets, at least for now.

Loretta and Sebastian found evidence that a Niner shot Felibert. But they don’t have the leads they need in order to make an arrest nor is Sebastian done with analyzing the explosives to know if they are a match.

As the team talks through the case at HQ, Gregorio suggests that they use Ramon, the former ATF informant, who was last seen running with the Niners. I hope he didn’t make her the other day! That would lead to major problems!

Pride assigns Gregorio to back up Percy. LaSalle doesn’t like it. Neither do I. Percy doesn’t look too happy either. Pride tells Christopher that he thinks he has enough on his plate right now and that even though Percy and Gregorio butt heads, that they are a good fit. Meh. We’ll see.

We cut over to a biker bar. Dang, Percy is all done up! Get it! She sets her sights on Ramon.

Patton and Gregorio are running surveillance for Percy. I hope Patton gets sassy with Gregorio. I like Patton!

Percy and Ramon have quite the reunion. Turns out Percy’s undercover name is Sunny. We find this out in between a major make out session. Looks like Sunny and Ramon had a really close connection at one point. I think Sunny might still have feelings for him, I just hope he didn’t make her the other day when she was in her FBI gear.

Meanwhile, in the surveillance van, Gregorio tells Patton that Percy and Ramon definitely screwed. Why is she telling everyone else Percy’s business? How would she like it if Pride shared that she’s McKinley’s ex-wife? Grrrrr…

Ramon and Sunny are catching up. He’s pissed she up and left without saying goodbye. Ramon tells her that everyone but him got busted shortly after she left.

Gregorio jumps all over that and contacts her friends at the FBI. She thinks Ramon is hiding something and she’s worried about Percy. There you go, Gregorio. Acting like a member of the team is a good thing. Gregorio also tells Patton that if ever there was a good time to hack into the ATF database to look into the undercover ops, now would be that time. Well, well, well, look at her breaking the rules.

LaSalle’s lady keeps calling him. Pride has a heart to heart talk with him. Chris admits that he might not be ready for this situation. Pride asks LaSalle if he’s sure about the baby being his. He admits that the timing makes sense and that he slept around a lot after Savannah was killed. Aw, that was sad, remember how much he cared about Savannah? Pride lays it all out on the table. He tells Christopher that he can’t keep avoiding the situation. He needs to call her back and address it head on.

The explosives from the Niner’s clubhouse match the explosives used at the Brothers at Arms’ construction site and evidence points to the bomber having a military background. Is this all an insanely good cover up or are the Brothers at Arms to blame for the explosion? Pride tells Loretta and Sebastian that he has to arrest Hogan, the leader of the Brothers at Arms.

Back in the surveillance van, Patton and Gregorio didn’t find out much about Ramon. Gregorio thinks he hangs around too many bad guys not to be involved. Pride calls and informs them that when he went to arrest the Hogan, the leader of the Brothers at Arms, he found his bike in a ditch behind the construction site and fresh blood at the scene. He wants Percy to get away from Ramon before things get too dangerous.

Ramon tells Percy that he has to bounce. The Niners need him to do something for them. Maybe dispose of a body? Percy plays her cards perfectly and gets Ramon to agree to bring her along. Ramon tells her to give up her blade, because the Niners would be pissed if she brought a weapon to wherever they are going. Does this sound fishy to anyone else? Percy tells Gregorio and Patton that she knows what she is doing before she cuts her wire. Eek! Not good! Gregorio takes her shirt off, revealing a little white tank top underneath and races into the bar. She finds Percy’s bracelet a.k.a. her hidden wire in a glass of beer. Not good. Not good at all.

Back at HQ, LaSalle is pissed at Gregorio for letting Percy get away. She was supposed to have Percy’s back. Sebastian calls in and breaks up the tension. He said that even though it looked like a Niner killed Felibert, that isn’t the case. Turns out neither the Niners or the Brothers at Arms were responsible for Felibert’s death or the explosion. However, DNA from both incidents came from the same person. A third party is at play and they are trying to refuel the feud between the Niners and the Brothers at Arms.

My mind is spinning! Who would want to do this and why?

The Niners are at a suspicious looking junkyard. Percy asks Ramon what’s going on. Things look shady.

Pride has a theory. Developers want the land the Brothers at Arms are planning on building low income housing on. Gregorio figures it out. Mobsters from New York are behind the development project and guess who’s connected to the bad guys? RAMON! Uh oh!

The Niners show up with Hogan (leader of the Brothers at Arms), who has been badly beaten. Percy wants Ramon to help, but he refuses. He gets aggressive. Percy drops him (literally) and sneaks off to see what’s going on and to help Hogan.

Pride to the rescue! Patton is trying to track Percy’s burner phone. He finds her at the junk yard.

Percy finds a gun and is on her way to save Hogan when Ramon finds her. He accuses her of being a cop.

Pride and LaSalle show up as Hogan gets out of the Niner’s grasp and gets his hands on a gun. He is pointing it at the leader of the Niner’s head.

Pride tells him to, “Stand down!” He adds in a, “please.” Pride is the best and he diffuses the situation.

Meanwhile, Ramon has Percy held at gunpoint. He is ready to shoot when Gregorio comes around the corner with her gun pointed right at Ramon. He drops the gun and Percy is safe! Woo hoo! Point to Gregorio!

Back at HQ, Percy finds a pacifier in LaSalle’s desk. Gregorio tells her to talk to him. She says that she isn’t getting involved.

In the last scene, Gregorio asks Percy if she’s okay. They matched Ramon’s DNA, he’s the killer and the bomber. He was supplying the Niner’s with untraceable guns. What a terrible person.

Gregorio admits to Percy that she was McKinley’s ex-wife. The two of them bond over falling for bad guys.

My Thoughts:

Another good episode in the books! The writers did a great job keeping us in suspense! I also really liked seeing a different side to Percy. Have we ever seen her as a love interest before? I can’t recall?

I also really liked how the writers are showing LaSalle struggling with his new life. His talk with Pride was completely on point. I hope he tells Percy what’s going on and soon.

In my opinion, Gregorio’s character had both hits and misses in this episode. I wonder when they are going to officially bring her on as a member of the team? What do you think?

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