It seems like every single week I'm raving and laughing hysterically at the cold opens this show gives us. And every week I think they can't possibly outdo themselves from the week before. Every week I am somehow proven wrong; this is especially true for this week. The episode starts off with the janitor buffing the floor, a surprise to the entire squad as they rarely work the Night Shift and don't get to see this. Jake seizes the opportunity to do a "Full Bullpen" (glide across the floor from Holt's office all the way to the elevator without stopping). With a casual kiss from Amy, he flies off, with an excellent use of slow motion. But wait, Holt shows up inside of the elevator, and everything looks grim. Jake flies into the elevator, and once him and Holt emerge, to everyone's surprise he doesn't berate him, he cheers along with everyone about the achievement of the Full Bullpen! What a wonderful opening!
The episode continues in this hilarious and brilliant fashion by giving us three excellent plots. You'll never guess which one was my favourite. Jake and Terry's fangirl experience was close. It gave us an interesting perspective on Terry. And it also taught me that Jake is a serial pantser. Sure, the story might have been a tad cliché. But they told it well, and the fact that it happened to Terry, the last person in the whole word who deserved this, made it better. This dynamic was a great one to focus on. They really are great friends, and the fact that Terry wasn't expecting Jake to support him was so sad. It was wonderful to see these two dress up and talk about geekdom. Again, I didn't mind the cliché because it was done so well with characters who shined. They didn't stand for the sexism, they just wanted to make a joke about dragons. The fact that Brooklyn Nine-Nine is probably the most feminist comedy I have ever seen is pretty great, since it beautifully handles so many other topics. Furthermore, DC Parlov PULLS, Jake, he pulls. He also doesn't really care about his fans. I guess Scully was right; meeting your heroes can be a really bad idea. However, I've met some of mine before and the experiences were great. I wonder what would happen if I met some of the cast of this show...
My favourite plot of the episode was, you guessed it, the return of the amazing Marc Evan Jackson as Kevin Cozner. If you have read my reviews or know me at all, you would know that he's basically one of my favourite characters of all time. When the press release for this episode came out and only made brief mention of him without any credit or indication that he was going to star in it, I was sad but still looking forward to the references to him. So when Holt walks out of his office and Kevin walked out with him, I was dumbfounded. It was a huge shock to me and I could not have been happier to see him again. And what did he come back for? Well, they've been arguing a lot due to the Night Shift (and Florida. and Paris) keeping them apart for so long. They took a math problem to dinner (cute, but I hate math, so they completely lost me. I would watch an entire season of Kevin explaining a math problem, though, even though I wouldn't get it.) and made them divided in their thoughts on it. Amy took Kevin's side, which was not a smart decision because Holt fired her! Rosa figured it all out, though. Again, if anyone knows me, they know that I describe intercourse as "boning". I want Fox to let Holt and Kevin kiss on screen, let alone bone. So, when Rosa said that the real cause of their frustrations is that they need to bone, I was on cloud nine. One of my favourite characters used my verbiage to describe how she feels about one of my favourite relationships. It truly was a fantastic moment.
And it was made all better when Amy tries to help out the math problem with no luck, (but an adorable model of the problem) and Rosa confronts Holt head on (maybe not the best phrasing) about how he just needs to bone Kevin. 40 minutes of ranting later, and Holt finally got it out of his system. I would actually watch an entire season, however many episodes it needs to be, of Holt ranting about anything, let alone the word "bone" and Rosa's interference with his bedroom life. I think I will go with this for my scene of the week. By the end of the episode, Holt returns and he's way more relaxed about the episode. "Because you understand the math now?" "Nope." "Because you guys-" "Yep!" That settles that. "See, what happened is that your dad's had sex." God. What an amazing plot for Kevin to return to. The flashback with him and Holt arguing about which grades of statistics they need to teach each other was good enough. Now we know that all they needed to do was bone. This was treated just like any other, straight couple, and I couldn't be happier about how it all turned out.
And finally, we had Boyle and Gina's interactions, which were also pretty funny to see. The slow realization on Gina's part that she is one of the Boyles now was fantastic. They brought back the butt dance with Boyle and his cousin, which I loved. The fact that the Boyles all say I love you to each other was so pure and so adorable. They changed their Christmas vacation destination from Iowa to Aruba. I'd say that's an upgrade, but Charles Boyle would disagree. At least the entire family came to a swift, unanimous decision by the end of it. And Gina Linetti approves this message, which is always a plus. To go back to the Holt subplot for a second, I have seen some commenters get angry about how much Amy was creeped out by the thought of her "dads" boning. I ask you this: have you ever actually seen the show before? Amy has always worshipped Holt in this way, as does Jake. You never batted an eye when Jake said this. (Probably because he wasn't creeped out about it. He is already quite involved in this aspect of his life already.) It would make sense that if she sees Holt as a father figure, it would extend to Kevin too because they're married. As well, I observed that it was strange, yet oddly in character that Holt and Kevin just stand around all night talking about things. I guess they really did get rid of the TV in their bedroom. It's the little things in these episodes that make this show what it is. And make these episodes amazing. And this episode was truly one of the best of the entire show. I am SO thankful they finally brought Kevin back for a bit. I hope this isn't the last we see of him this season. And I hope one day Fox will let us actually see them kiss. (They don't need to bone. But, I mean, if Jake and Holt can kiss, certainly Holt can kiss his own husband on screen. Right?)