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Supergirl - Welcome to Earth - Review: A Wonder-ful Episode

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Supergirl 203

Written by Jessica Queller & Derek Simon

Directed by Rachel Talalay

As mentioned in my previous review it has taken over 40 years for a DC heroine to appear on our TV screens so it’s very fitting that the actress who played Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter was cast as the President in Supergirl. Rumors of her appearance have been all over the internet since last season and she certainly made quite an impact in her scenes. This episode addressed the issue of prejudice something that has been forefront in the media in recent years due to events. It has become a habit for some to judge all by the actions of a few. While Supergirl has always had a message this one hit home and shows the show isn’t frightened to tackle current issues. We also get to meet another new cast member and J’onn gets a bit of a shock.

So, let’s take a closer look at Welcome to Earth.

After a fantastic start to season 2, I did wonder if the third episode would drop the pace a little but the action kicks right off from last week with a mystery man waking up and throwing Supergirl away like a rag doll, surely he must be Kryptonian. J’onn does get in a dig that it’s a great time to be without kryptonite. However, the timing isn’t the best as the President is arriving to sign an Alien Amnesty Act. J’onn tells Supergirl she is going to the airport to meet her for which we see her getting all giddy about the fact she is meeting the President.

At CatCo Snapper Carr is trying to prove he is the big man and James seems to be too much of a gentleman to put him in his place. Kara does get her first reporting assignment; she is to interview Lena Luthor on her stance on Aliens. Something her adoptive brother clearly showed his dislike for.

Firstly, Supergirl seems as giddy as the young girl she stands next to while in wait for the President but someone else has other plans and fiery blasts rain down. Supergirl just manages to save the President but not a lot of her security detail were left. Alex arrives and they conclude it was done by heat vision instantly thinking their escaped mystery man is to blame. Alex spies someone else at her crime scene and under the guise of being secret service she meets Detective Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Lima) from National City’s police departments science division. Seems they handle all alien and questionable activity. She even tells Alex what type of Aliens could be accountable. While the first greeting is them sizing each other up I can tell they both are similar .

At the DEO, the President is there being kept safe and talking about her Alien Amnesty Pact, J’onn is skeptical as he explains some Aliens only know how to kill but her argument is they all need to be given the benefit of the doubt. The all need to hope for the best as she states ‘It’s hope, J’onn how can it be false’

Kara heads off to interview Lena, who while appearing friendly has an alien test device. This seemed a bit suspicious to me but maybe I should not judge because she is a Luthor. After all, it’s all about making a profit and what better way to do that than people's fears. Lena argues isn't it there right to know if an Alien is present. Kara isn’t too happy when she asks her to take the test and when Lena seems distracted she fries the circuits so it shows her as human.

At the DEO Winn, has located the escapee from the chip in his medical bracelet. When Alex rushes off she only finds the bracelet and not him. She does once again cross paths with Maggie Sawyer who guesses she works for the DEO.

Seems our escaped Alien only wants to message home, yes the ET reference is used later in the episode.

Supergirl isn’t too happy with her sister Alex for going off without her and tells her so. It’s a reverse from previous when Alex was the one being over protective of Kara. Its shows Kara is more confident with who she is and knows Alex going in guns blazing could get her killed.

Maggie who mysteriously has Alex’s number calls her asking to meet. I am guessing she won’t tell Kara about this either.

Back at CatCo, Snapper pulls Kara’s interview apart saying it’s biased reporting and she should let the readers make up their own minds not put her opinions into the article. Sadly, this is true for a lot of reporting today. Kara does give James a pep talk about how to handle Snapper and be his type of boss not like Cat. Let’s be honest James can’t be like Cat. The one thing missing in this episode were her Snappy one-liners.

Alex pulls up on her motorbike( of course Alex would ride a motorbike ) to meet Maggie at what seems to be a dive of a drinking hole with a jukebox stuck playing Dolly Parton. Everything is not what it appears and it’s, in fact, an Alien bar. Maggie is friendly with a few regulars including an ex-girlfriend. Maggie tells Alex she can relate to them as it was hard being a none white, not straight girl in a small town. She felt an outsider like they do. Maggie has an informant who gives them the location of the missing Kryptonian in the reference ET wants to phone home.

Kara is working on her rewrite at the DEO with Winn when Alex asks him to look for orbital transmissions. We learn our mystery man isn’t trying to contact Krypton but in fact, the planet Daxam, Winn knows these due to the DEO’s star charts, probably gained from Fort Rozz. As soon as she hears this Kara changes into Supergirl and is off and from the reception and ass kicking she gives him she doesn’t like Daxamites.

Seems Daxam and Krypton were sister planets, this explains the similar powers. Daxam and Krypton went to war years ago and been estranged ever since. Kara judges the prisoner on where he came from and now they believe they have the assassin that tried to kill the president.

Lena asks to see Kara clearly surprised about the fact she didn’t slate her for her device in the article which Kara confesses she did at first but her boss made her see otherwise. Kara agrees there are still bad aliens out there and Lena states some people are just bad and nothing you can do can change that.

The President it about the sign the Alien Amnesty Act under the watchful eyes of Supergirl, Alex, and Maggie Sawyer. Unfortunately, they were all wrong and a woman with a fiery dispossession is the real threat once again causing things to heat up for Supergirl. Seems she had some tips from Wonder Woman and spins out the flames. Maggie is grabbed by the Alien who uses her flames to disappear,leaving Supergirl to blame herself. Seeing a picture of the attacker Alex recognizes her from being at the Alien bar .

Back at the Bar, Alex uses some strong-arm tactics to get the information but a friendly barmaid gives her the answer she is looking for.

Maggie is a bit tied up and soon Alex and Supergirl come to her aid and she theirs no wonder she states ‘You guys are fun’ . I love the fight scene with each of them proving they are just as good at getting the job done.

At CatCo James and Snapper hash it out and James shows he can be the boss but not like Cat Grant.
Back at the DEO Alex tends to Maggie’s wounds saying she has gotten so used to fighting Aliens she forgot to see the may not be all hostile. Could this be the start of a new romance for Alex? These two certainly did spark and it may take more than Supergirl to put out those flames.
Alex looks more than a little disappointed when Maggie leaves to go on a date.

Supergirl talks to their Daxam prisoner and apologizes as she did in fact rush to judgment on him, she also informs him his world was destroyed when Krypton exploded. Making them both refugees on earth. This is a step towards a friendly exchange and who knows having similar powers may lead them to work together in the future. We finally learn his name as well Mon - El.

The President thanks, J'onn, the DEO and Supergirl who is still geeking out over meeting her and I love the line when Kara states ‘I can’t believe I got to see air force one ‘
Madam President with a wink ‘if you think that’s cool you ought to see my other jet’.( I am sure this is a nod to her invisible one in WonderWoman. No mention of a truth rope, though !) However, as the President walks away we do in fact see she is and Alien something no one is aware of.

J’onn goes to visit the Alien bar and reveals himself, well I mean shows his Martian form. Being an Alien bar no one appears to mind his true self except for the barmaid and when J’onn follows her outside she reveals she is the last daughter of Mar’s M’gann M’orzz.

It was a truly wonderful episode showing a more in-depth storyline than previously seen on the show. I also liked the new character’s introductions, Mon- El( Chris Wood) and Maggie. While too many new characters may take it away from Supergirls story , I feel fresh blood is needed to make up from absences left by other former cast members. The Alien Amnesty Act storyline gave our regular cast something to work with, Supergirl herself was quick to rush to judgment based on her on fears and insecurities’ no doubt passed on through Kryptonian generations. Alex also questioned her own outlook and how it had become all about the hunt for Aliens. J’onn, of course, will always be fearful due to his experiences and his race being wiped out but he has a glimmer of hope at the end he may not be alone.
The other interesting storyline was the flirting going on, clearly with Alex and Maggie and almost subtly between Lena and Kara, though I suspect this could blossom into a friendship. I know it has been stated we will see more sides of Alex and her life outside the DEO this season, could this include a possible romance as well. Time will tell but I can see Maggie and Alex teaming up in the future.

I am excited to see more of Maggie Sawyer and M’gann M’orzz next episode. I am also interested in which way they are going to develop Mon- El's story, will he become the hero from the comic's?

So, what were your thoughts?

Can you see romance in the air? Alex and Maggie? Kara and Mon- El?

Please post in the comments below.

About the Author - Zandarl
Zandarl a Writer and avid TV and film buff ,once described as a wilful hedonist, has travelled all over and lived in the states for a short time. Now based in the UK she attends cons when able and meets stars from her favourite shows .Her first start in fandom was Xena and since then has admired tv shows that portray strong women. Her current favorites being Rizzoli and Isles and Once Upon a Time as well as anything comic book related. A regular movie goer she watches most genres but never ask her to watch a horror movie.
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