Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Speechless - I-N-S--INSPIRATION - Review: "The best on the worst day ever"

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Speechless - I-N-S--INSPIRATION - Review: "The best on the worst day ever"

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Speechless keeps doing an amazing job delivering great stories and even bigger laughs week after week. The show's 4th installment I-N-S--INSPIRATIONS tested a new dynamic and it proved to be a clear winner.

Quick Recap:

- Kenneth and JJ spent a day on their own and enjoyed exploiting the benefits of being disabled and black. Kenneth got quite the power rush out of it, eventually ruining their day together.

- The rest of the DiMeo family meanwhile tried to do entertaining stuff on their own and was tricked by Maya to fix the bathroom door for JJ. The family eventually went paintballing and had the best day ever making them feel guilty about it.

What worked:

- Exploring the Dylan-Ray relationship/chemistry. The two of them played so well together. Their scenes were funny, light and really adorable. Especially the moment the two of them leaned on each other.

- The mid-credit scene where Dylan tortures Ray cause she prefers it over teaming up with him. That girl has charm.

- Dylan playing the psychotherapist to Maya, I mean Kyla Kennedy nailed that scene and I enjoy her scenes more and more as time passes.

- The whole day off for JJ and Kenneth. It was such a nice setup, the two of them really share a beautiful bond and the scenes simply work. They don't have to try hard just take the necessary amount of respect and write as the actors will perform the hell out of it.

- The rift between JJ and Kenneth, that followed after Kenneth got too greedy and didn't listen to JJ anymore. Another ep and they tackled another important topic related to people's with disabilities. Other people deciding for them and not hearing them. I liked that the show showed JJ's anger and made Kenneth revisit the choices he made.

- Kenneth indulging JJ and letting him drive the van was hilarious, Cedric's facial expressions are just pure gold.

What didn't work:

- Really hard to tell and nitpick about, cause it was a great episode. The opening scene certainly revealed a bit too much. The DiMeos need boundaries or better-said bathroom boundaries.

Best Line:

Jimmy: Those monsters! They've shot you in my favorite breats!

What did you think of last night's outing? Am I smitten by love and can't see the bad parts or is the show just that good? Feel free to let me know in the comment section.

About the Author - Marko Pekic
Marko Pekic (aka Spindae2) is a passionate TV viewer from Serbia who joined the SpoilerTV team in 2016. He compensates the lack of drama in his life by watching thrilling, passionate, mysterious, funny and mostly supernatural dramas. He apparently watches way too many shows , if something like that is even possible. Some of his favorite shows include American Crime, Code Black, The Vampire Diaries, Once upon a time, Charmed, Grey's Anatomy.
If you got any questions or suggestions you can contact him via mail
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