“This is the floor where babies die.”
I guess Natalie is specializing in pediatrics…? Is that something we knew? Isn’t she too young to pick a specialty? I know nothing.

Because, why not throw another test in the mix for a baby? Connor, desperate for a heart for Baby Timothy, asks Natalie if he can run a test on her patient to see if she’d be a donor match. You know, in case the worst should happen. Natalie surprisingly agrees to ask the parents, and they react exactly the way you’d expect them to. They do agree, and of course the babies are a match. So sadly, only one of these babies is going to make it.
All of Natalie’s negative tests leave her without an answer. But the grass stains on Baby Alicia’s brother’s pants lead her to the answer: Botulism. So while it’s great news that Baby Alicia will make a full recovery, it’s likely tragic news for Connor, Baby Timothy, and his family.
“In my experience, we get the patients we need.”
Well things certainly escalated quickly between Natalie and Jeff, didn’t they? After a G-rated ending to their previous night (the adorable arm in arm walking down an empty street at night), this was an unexpected morning after. At least, at first it was. I thought about it, and it actually makes sense. Natalie spent all of last season still coping with the loss of her husband, having her son as a now-single mother, and moving toward a place where she could be ready to move on. So while it might seem surprising that things moved quickly with Jeff, it makes sense. He’s known her for many years and he was friends with her husband. I’m sure there’s a feeling of normalcy with him, even though their relationship is new. That of course doesn’t change the fact that her future is clearly with Will. Speaking of…Will struggles with money this episode, as his malpractice insurance piles onto his already expensive student loans. Not to mention the standard bills like rent, car insurance, phone, etc. Of course his malpractice insurance is astronomically high because of his case last season with the Baker family. But thankfully, the adorable pathologist Nina Shore (real life wife of Colin Donnell) is there to put a smile on his face. Seriously, she is amazing. I vote we see her every week, please! There’s definitely a spark between the two, so this love triangle between Will, Jeff, and Natalie just got a bit more complex.
Will also treats Mr. MacGregor, a homeless man suffering from a tumor behind his eye. The tumor causes Mr. MacGregor to essentially live in the past, as he recalls aspects of his life from years ago thinking they just happened. Thankfully, Mr. MacGregor will likely recover and it seems his outlook on life affected Will in a positive way. Fans seem to not like Will all that much, and he hasn’t been my favorite (though I’m always rooting for him). But something about him changed for me this episode, and I hope it’s the beginning of major character growth for him. I think Nina, though she’s not who he’ll ultimately end up with, could be a big part of his growth this season.
Ethan spent the episode as a mentor for Torres, a young Navy medical recruit. He’s at Chicago Med to learn from Ethan on a rotation, and they get a doozy of a case. Jeff, Ethan, and Torres respond to a young gunshot victim outside the hospital. His injury seems serious at first, but after an X-ray, they learn no significant damage is done. In fact, Marco (the patient) can leave the hospital that day.
Unfortunately, Marco’s friends seek revenge on his shooter when he leaves Chicago Med. In the process, a stray bullet hits a young mother, who dies. It’s not something you’d want Torres to deal with on his first shift, and it’s a devastating loss for Ethan. It’s ironic that Torres tells Ethan, “I hope I can handle my emotions as well as you,” because truthfully, Ethan isn’t handling his emotions at all. He’s stoic this episode, and seems to have regressed a bit in the progress he made last season. Sure, he keeps a journal of patients he lost who he will never forget, which I suppose is dealing with it on some level. But he sure has a long way to go.
Sarah’s storyline was small but hilarious this week. As a new psychiatric resident, Sarah’s studies result in her diagnosing everyone she knows (including herself) with psychiatric disorders. Dr. Charles isn’t worried though, as compulsive diagnoses are normal for first year psych residents. I minored in Psychology in college (and remember little to none of it) and one semester, I took Abnormal Psychology. I’m not exaggerating when I say I left each class convinced I or someone I knew had some weird disorder. So this storyline was particularly enjoyable for me, as I’ve been there (somewhat). Also, though it’s a self-diagnosis, I know with certainty that I have arachnophobia. In case you were wondering.
Best exchange of the night: Will looking for a roommate
Will: “Do you think cat lover means cat or cats?”Maggie: “Does it matter?”
Will: “Good point. Pass. What’s cosplay?”
What did you think of the episode? How long will Natalie and Jeff last? Can Will turn things around this season? Share your thoughts below!