Arlen Escarpeta (American Dreams) is set for a recurring role on Syfy drama series The Magicians, from Universal Cable Productions. Based on the bestselling novels from Lev Grossman, The Magicians centers on Quentin (Jason Ralph), a brilliant grad student chosen to attend Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, a secret upstate New York university specializing in magic. Escarpeta will play Prince Ess, a handsome, rugged, pelt-clad man, with a sort of frat bro air of entitlement and the ruler of Loria. Escarpeta, a series regular on NBC’s American Dreams for three seasons, also played co-starred as Bobby Brown in Lifetime movie Whitney. His feature work includes Into The Storm and Final Destination 5. Escarpeta is repped by Don Buchwald & Associates and Karen Forman Management.
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