Kitsis: No, Disney has been really supportive since season one. The greatest thing about Disney has not only been their support but they oftentimes will let us use their characters or talk to the people behind them. We've had the Frozen characters, we've had Ariel, and we waited until the right moment to do the Aladdin story.
Aladdin had many other beloved characters, including the late Robin Williams’ Genie and Abu. Any plans to bring them in?
Kitsis: Obviously, I don't think we would touch the genie. I would like to see a monkey but I can't promise anything. I think, whereas some stories, like Frozen, we were very faithful to Frozen, I think you will see Aladdin will have its own Once twist.
Could there be more Saviors out there that bring the light to Storybrooke?
Kitsis: We are going to dive into that mythology. Whether or not there will be multiple Saviors, I can't say.
What does Belle and Rumple's relationship look like post-sleeping curse?
Kitsis: Rumple and Belle are in a bad place. It's going to get messy. Especially when there's a kid involved. You can't take a baby away from Rumple!