Update: 30th September 2016 We've just updated the mobile to include the following fixes/new additions.
- Show Labels now work! You can click on a show label, and you will be take to a page that shows only posts containing labels for that show. It's probably been our most requested feature. We hope to in the future make it easier for you to select your show.
- We made a number of improvements to how the screens display on some ios devices. If you have any feedback or suggestions about how we can improve the display please get in contact with us via the form below or by emailing us at support@spoilertv.com or in the comments. Please, where possible include screenshots to highlight your issue etc
Update: 30th September 2016 We've just updated the mobile to include the following fixes.
- Polls should load better
- Fixed the issue of older articles appearing on the homepage
- Final Adjusted Ratings Table display without having to scroll
- Best Scene Polls now display in the new mobile site
Update: 12th September 2016 We've just updated the mobile to include the following fixes.
- Header Images on Articles now display correctly without being cut-off
- More Articles are now loaded on the homepage
- Loading times improved for various devices
- Many issues with "jumbled" posts have been resolved
- Quizzes now work correctly.
Update: 5th September 2016 We've just updated the mobile to include the following fixes.
- Many of the articles that had multiple polls on them have been fixed so that the polls and text no longer overlap each other.
- Removed a number of other issues which caused posts to appear corrupted/jumbled.
- Made improvements to make images clearer and sharper as well as fixing some alignment issues.
- When you want to go back and view the classic version, there is now an icon at the bottom right of the old version that allows you to easily go back to the new mobile version.

Update: 1st September 2016 Based on all your feedback and bug reports, we're please to say we've just released an updated version for tablet users which help solve a number of formatting issues. We're still working on a number of issues affecting phone users.
Hey All,
We've just launched the new version of our website for Mobile users. If you visit SpoilerTV on a mobile or tablet device you should hopefully see the new site.
The new site has the following new features
- Faster Loading
- Better looking UI and design
- Clearer images
- Swipe between articles and images
- Improved Menu
- New Swipable Image Gallery
- Easier to use Social Share buttons
- Long Articles such as Reviews will have a indicator as to roughly how long it will take to read
- New Swipeable Related Articles and Section Widgets
- Embedded Spreadsheets will open full screen
- Plus of other neat features!
Please remember that this is the first version and there will be some early teething issues. We will aim to fix all these as we find them.
Known Issues (Do not need to report them)
- The Search Feature is not currently implemented
- The new mobile site does not work on Windows Phones
- The Live Blogging tool currently does not work on the new site.
- There is no Show List dropdown menu currently
If you have any bugs to report or have any suggestions/feedback. Please use the form below.