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The Originals - Give 'Em Hell Kid - Review

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This week on The Originals, Klaus tried to talk to Marcel. Freya uncovered more details about the prophecy that involve Marcel. This leads Elijah to try and stop him from taking the serum and eventually killing Marcel, not knowing that he had already taken it. Kol, Josh, Vincent and Will work together with Davina on the ancestral plane to take the ancestors down, in which they succeed. Hayley and Elijah share a kiss. Marcel wakes up as the beast. 

The voice of reason: God, I’ve missed Josh. Now that Cami is dead, we no longer have anyone to talk sense into the main characters when they’re about to do something really stupid. But I think Josh did a pretty good job of that this week. I completely agreed with his speech to Marcel. Davina wouldn’t want this and neither would Cami. There’s only one element I wanted to add. What about Hope? If Marcel goes after the Originals he’ll be killing Hope’s father. Possibly even her mother because let’s face it, Hayley will try to save them. So what the hell did a two year-old ever do to him that she deserves to become an orphan. 

Least favorite character: Holy hypocrisy, Marcel quickly became one of my least favorite characters on this show ever. Marcel fans, this is when you’re going to want to look away. As I mentioned earlier, this isn’t what Davina or Cami would’ve wanted. But let’s be honest, this isn’t about what happened to them, it’s about Marcel’s manpain. Davina died (for the second time, might I add) and Marcel finally had a good excuse to get rid of the Originals. Everything he did this week was for show because as Vincent revealed, he didn’t even hesitate to take the serum. He took it the minute it was offered to him. He says all he wants is to be equal to the Originals but then why take a serum that does the opposite. It won’t make him equal, it’ll make him superior. And why has no one mentioned that the reason going after Lucien was so urgent is because he was going after Rebekah? Did Marcel know this? Did he care? I’m sure Rebekah will be thrilled to know he doesn’t care whether she lives or dies (same goes for Kol btw, after everything she did to try and bring him back). And yes, I’m fully aware that if Elijah hadn’t killed him, perhaps the prophecy wouldn’t have been fulfilled (although…) but if I’d seen what Elijah saw … I’d kill him too. Also, was he actually defending Lucien (aka Cami’s killer) at one point? Okay, rant over. 

I would’ve done the same thing: As you can probably tell, I’m Team Originals. So I don’t blame Elijah for killing Marcel. Was it a smart move? Considering the outcome (which I saw coming from a mile away), no it wasn’t. But after seeing the prophecy, he really didn’t have much of a choice. Klaus didn’t see it, so I’m not sure he gets the gravity. I remember last season when Klaus killed his biological father, someone he’s dreamed about his whole life, to keep Hope safe. In the vision, Hope was covered in blood, probably his blood. I don’t know for sure what choice he would’ve made but I personally think he would’ve done the same. What I do know for sure is that this will haunt Elijah for a long time. We saw how he reacted afterwards. I’m afraid that if he gets seriously injured next week, he might not want to survive. 

Favorite storyline: Yes, the ancestors are no more! I have been begging for this for weeks. The witches of New Orleans are finally free. Vincent may not be my favorite person right now but at least he has his priorities straight. I’m glad we got to see Davina again. At least now her last scene won’t be screaming in pain. Plus she finally got to stick it to those dead witches. I wonder what side Kol will be on next week, somehow I can’t see him siding with Marcel on this one (especially after what I saw in the promo for next week). The same goes for Josh. Vincent though, I give him a 50% chance of making it to next season. 
What I want next week: Rebekah! I have very high expectation for her return. Mainly I hope she lectures everyone on how stupid they’ve been. Also about the fact that everyone seems to have forgotten about her and her magical affliction that has her trapped in that coffin. Something else that I want is for the entire Original family and Josh to make it through the finale alive. Yes, I realize that this is highly unlikely. And last but not least, don’t let the cliffhanger be too bad (because there will be one, there always is). 

Best quotes: Josh: "She was like a sister and a best friend. I loved her."
Josh: “It’s funny. I missed out on the whole binge drinking thing in college but I guess I’m making up for it with the drowning my sorrows thing so, cheers.” 
Kol: “Give them hell, Davina Claire."
Hayley: “Klaus, after everything that you have done. All the people that you’ve threatened, tortured, killed, all the pain that you have put him through. He has always forgive you. You have to forgive him.” Klaus:” You sound like Camille.” 

That’s it for this week. Check in again next week for an all new review and let me know in the comments what you thought of this week’s episode.
About the Author - Belle333Black
Jamie Coudeville (Belle333Black) writes reviews for The Originals and Shadowhunters. She's 21, lives in Belgium and her favorite shows are The Originals, Vampire Diaries, Orphan Black, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ...
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