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The Flash - Rupture - Review : The end of The Flash?

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Episode 2.20
Written By Lauren Certo
Directed By Armen V. Kevorkian

Previously on The Flash, we have Barry giving up his powers to Zoom aka Hunter Solomon /Jay Garrick to save Wally West. Zoom kidnapping Caitlin and taking her back to Earth 2 because there may just be part of him that did feel something for her.

Barry without his power is feeling lost but still manages to take down a Meta Human with help from his friends and save Earth 2 Harrison Wells who is reunited with his daughter Jesse Quick (interesting). Wally thanks The Flash for saving him and is still unaware it’s Barry and promises not to waste his second chance.
Harrison Wells promises to be better and offers to help Barry get his powers back by building another particle accelerator.Still hungry for power Zoom , not happy with just conquering Earth 2 plans to head to Earth 1 with Caitlin.

Obviously, another particle accelerator explosion is not ideal as we know what has happened before so the gang are playing virtual Flash to try and stop the bad guys. However Zoom( Teddy Sears) turning up and starting his campaign of terror has them wondering if Wells has the answer.

Barry(Grant Gustin), who had gone to visit his father ,returns with him just as Zoom announces his plans and takes over the CCPD.

Harrison Wells(Tom Cavanaugh) believes he can contain the explosion but the others are not convinced.

Meanwhile, Cisco(Carlos Valdes) is doing some brotherly bonding which isn’t going to well after he saw a vision of his brother but soon learns it’s not who he thought it was.

Wells, Jo(Jesse L. Martin) and Henry(John Wesley Shipp) are discussing if Barry should do this, Henry as his father says no, Jo feels conflicted and Wells believes it’s the only way to stop Zoom. I really loved this scene with all Barry’s fatherly figures in one place expressing their views. Barry overhears and clearly states it is his decision.

Cisco soon discovers the vibe he had was about Reverbs Earth 2 brother , who is a doppelganger of Dante, wields an axe like a grim reaper. Back at Star labs, Wells tells them he is one of Zooms Meta’s called Rupture.( I preferred Cisco’s name for him) Obviously, Zoom lied as he was the one who killed Reverb but has clearly told Rupture it was Cisco.

Barry and Iris have a talk that has been building for the last few episodes, She realises she has feelings for Barry and it doesn’t matter if he is the Flash or not.This is what we have been waiting for but the timing could be better !

Zoom hasn’t spared the CCPD for long and plans to send Rupture to attack them but Caitlin warns the others.

Barry decides against the explosion as not sure of the effects it will have on the city.

This episode is all about the heart to heart as Cisco reveals to his brother Dante he is a meta- human and can vibe.

I do love the fact they turned the Coffee shop, Jitter’s into the new CCPD base . They capture Rupture with the help of Hologram Flash but Zoom appears killing Rupture and most of the CCPD leaving only Barry, Jo, and the Captain alive. Zoom reveals to all that the Flash is gone and no one can stop him.

Cisco is affected by seeing Earth 2 Dante murdered and the brothers both promise that things will change.

Wally and Jesse who have been kept hidden for their safety are getting bored, Wally wants to help and he knows Jesse’s brilliant mind helps them break out.

Wells is pleading his case again and to be honest you can tell Barry is listening and feeling responsible once again for others deaths. He decides to do it.

Wells is going to recreate the conditions like the first time including lightening in which Cisco is up on the roof with his Harry Potter wand.
Jo, Iris, and Henry all have a one to one with Barry . He tells his father the Flash is the best version of himself.

Jesse and Wally escape and wonder what is going on… umm

Barry seems to disappear, Zoom seems to see what is happening and rushes over. Jesse and Wally are hit by a blast.

They all are staring at the empty chamber as Cisco and then Zoom arrive, they all believe they have killed Barry. Zoom, of course, gloats over this before he rushes off.

As they all stare at Barry’s shredded outfit we are left wondering until next week what has happened to Barry as we know this can’t be the end of the Flash.

These last few episodes have been on point from start to finish leaving me hungry to see what is in store and how can they ever hope to stop Zoom.
Cisco going all Harry Potter then saying Great Scott had me laughing until I realised things were going terribly wrong. I also get the feeling we will meet two new speedsters before much longer thanks to this little experiment and their ability for not staying where they should.

So what were your thoughts?

What has happened to Barry?

Will anyone be able to stop Zoom?

Please leave in the comments below

About the Author - Zandarl
Zandarl a Writer and avid TV and film buff ,once described as a wilful hedonist, has travelled all over and lived in the states for a short time. Now based in the UK she attends cons when able and meets stars from her favourite shows .Her first start in fandom was Xena and since then has admired tv shows that portray strong women. Her current favorites being Rizzoli and Isles and Once Upon a Time as well as anything comic book related. A regular movie goer she watches most genres but never ask her to watch a horror movie.
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