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Once Upon a Time - Episode 5.19 - Sisters - Sneak Peeks, Script Teases, Photos, Press Release & Promo *Updated*

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Script Tease 3
Thanks to Anneliese for the heads up.

Script Tease 2
Thanks to Anneliese for the heads up.

Sneak Peek 2 & Interview
Thanks to Anneliese for the heads up.

Can everyone trust Zelena? She’s been wishy-washy for the past few seasons.

It’s been sort of hard to say because ultimately, Zelena is wicked, but she’s also just had a baby. So it’s a very interesting time in her life in terms of her own identity, and her endgame is shifting as her heart opens up by having a child. Also the storyline of having Hades around has sort of awakened things inside, and it’s a really confusing time. I don’t know if she even trusts herself right now.

Hades is very convinced that she’s his true love, but is she convinced that he’s her true love? Is she trusting of him or skeptical?

It’s very difficult for her to believe it or accept it because she’s been alone her whole life. … She’s definitely more skeptical. Even in [episode 16], there were so many moments that in the stage directions that said, “This is the moment where they should kiss!” And then they don’t. The music swells and there’s that moment — like when they were on the bike or when he was kneeling below me at the dinner — that in real life, you would lean in and kiss, but that was when Zelena was pulling away or backing away because she’s ultimately terrified of getting hurt, because all she’s known is pain. She doesn’t know what’s on the other side, because she’s never experienced it, and that’s incredibly terrifying for her.

Script Tease

Sneak Peek

Promotional Photos & Press Release


Barbara Hershey Guest Stars as Cora, Robbie Kay as Peter Pan and Greg Germann as Hades

“Sisters” — Now that Hades and Zelena are reunited, Hades tells Zelena that he wants a future with her outside of the Underworld. All she needs to do is heal his heart with True Love’s Kiss so they can leave the Underworld and trap the heroes there for eternity. When Regina overhears of this plan, she enlists Cora’s help to find a way to separate Zelena from Hades. However, Cora reveals a family secret that could change Regina and Zelena’s lives forever. Meanwhile, David finally meets James, only to realize that his twin is determined to seek revenge on him for stealing the life he could have had, on “Once Upon a Time,” SUNDAY, APRIL 24 (8:00–9:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network.

“Once Upon a Time” stars Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White/Mary Margaret, Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan, Lana Parrilla as the Evil Queen/Regina, Josh Dallas as Prince Charming/David, Emilie de Ravin as Belle, Colin O’Donoghue as Hook, Jared S. Gilmore as Henry Mills, Sean Maguire as Robin Hood, Rebecca Mader as the Wicked Witch/Zelena and Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold.

Guest stars include Barbara Hershey as Cora, Robbie Kay as Peter Pan, Victoria Smufit as Cruella De Vil, Tony Perez as Valet, Adrian Hough as Woodcutter, Ava Acres as Young Regina, Isabella Blake-Thomas as Young Zelena, Romuald Hivert as Guard and Greg Germann as Hades.

“Sisters” was written by David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales and directed by Romeo Tirone.


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