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Charmed – 10th Anniversary Special – Season 3 Review: “We Are Blessed as Witches, and We Are Cursed as Women.”

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Reviewed by Gavin Hetherington

On May 21, 2006, Charmed ended its spectacular eight-year run on The WB, and for fans of the show, it's been an agonising ten years since this magical show died. Relive all eight seasons every Saturday on SpoilerTV in the run-up to the 10-year anniversary of the series finale.


When a Charmed fan thinks about the third season of the show, a lot of different thoughts usually run through their head. It may not be some people's favourite season, but it cannot be denied that this is a rather important season for many reasons. Some people may say this was the "peak" of the show's quality, and that it went downhill after. Some people may say they do not like the darkness of the season, especially in contrast with the season before. Some people may even say that the show died at the end of the season, and this was "the end" for them.

I love season 3 so much - it's possibly my second favourite season of the show. It's not just because of how important this season is to the canon, but because this season continued the upward trend of rising quality that began with the season before (in my opinion, season 2 was better than season 1, and season 3 was better than season 2). Just like almost every season, there are many standout episodes that elevates the entire season as a whole, and it may have been quite controversial at the time (due to Constance M. Burge leaving prior), but the multi-episode story-arcs begin to really creep up here, and I'm a fan.

But the most important event to happen in this season is the death of Prue. It's so unthinkable that one third of the main sisters could be killed off, especially after spending three whole seasons with her. Shows have killed off main characters quite regularly these days, but due to the role Prue played in the show, it still shocks me a little when the first episode of season 4 plays, and Piper is mourning over her trying to bring her back. It's a rather morbid reason of why I love this season - that Prue dies - but it's so crucial to the direction of the show that I like how unpredictable it made the future.

OCTOBER 5, 2000 - MAY 17, 2001

The final opening credits to star Shannen Doherty, which is rather sad, but still an awesome opening. I love the parts they use for each character.

Original airdate: October 5, 2000

Another season begins, and I think this episode really sets off the tone that this entire season will have. If you compare how season 2 began, and how 'sunny' it was, season 3 begins a little darker. This was a pretty good premiere too, but in terms of scale, it doesn't have a huge impact. From the very first scene, when Prue mentions the Triad, we already feel the stakes raising a little as they will be the first multi-arc enemy they've had (besides Barbas). Because of that, it makes me like this premiere even more. It was great to meet Cole too, who despite being a bad guy, I ended up falling in love with - just like Phoebe. I loved his introduction as well, and when Phoebe was about to high-kick him too, it really showed they have amazing chemistry; perfectly cast. I love how Phoebe learned to levitate too, which she first experienced in the episode before. The moment of the episode, for me, was the courtroom scene. I loved when the girls run into the room to prepare, scared and outnumbered, to then come out and beat all their asses. "Don't hold my hand" was pretty hilarious too. Great fight scene that demonstrated their skills as a team. I can't go without mentioning the scene of Leo in the bathroom when Piper overhears, and then he proposes to her, which is incredible!

Leo: Every time I see you, I love you even more. You're so beautiful. You're so special. I can't imagine my life without you. (Piper walks in.) Piper!
Piper: Leo, who are you talking to?
Leo: Me? Uh, nobody, just myself, you know.
Piper: Yourself? You were telling yourself how much you love you?

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for taking charge.

3.02 - "MAGIC HOUR"
Original airdate: October 12, 2000

The main part of this episode that I remember is not just the naked man on the porch part, but when Leo is taken away from Piper when they tried to secretly marry, which is also my moment of the episode. Piper crashing down in tears was just heart-breaking, and I kinda thought Leo was destroyed when I first saw it happen. A lot of the episode is to do with figuring out how to marry Piper and Leo without the Elders knowing, which has Phoebe on edge as she worries of the consequences - I thought it would be Prue to be the one doing the worrying. In other episode news, I did really enjoy seeing the naked guy on their porch and I kinda liked the true love story in the background of this episode - perfectly reflecting the forbidden love of Piper and Leo. The poor owl and wolf story was nicely done, and I rooted for the couple to win. Despite this, this wasn't one of my favourite episodes, though still nicely done.

Piper: Kit, leave that alone!
Phoebe: Bad kitty!
(The owl suddenly turns into a naked man.)
Prue: Oooh, good kitty.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for her emotional attempted wedding day.

Original airdate: October 19, 2000

When it comes to the comedic, I think this episode captures the show's sense of humour perfectly. Who doesn't love to see Prue and Phoebe act insanely immature and childish? The moment of the episode has to go to Phoebe's and Prue's beautiful rendition of 'If You're Happy and You Know It' in P3. Really enjoyed the fantasy element of this episode with the trolls and the faeries, even if it is a bit of a ridiculous storyline - but hey, this is a show about witches, so anything can happen. Poor Piper though, still reeling over Leo being taken away from her, so she isn't as included in this episode due to her threat of going on strike. I loved her scene outside P3 where the trolls trip her up and she sort of goes ballistic to the Elders, demanding Leo back. I like how she became more moral at the end by wanting to put the innocents first, so I'm glad she and Leo managed to reunite. This is a really fun episode, and one of my favourite 'comical' episodes of the show.

In this tween time,
This darkest hour,
We call upon this Sacred Power.
Three together, stand alone,
Command the unseen to be shown.
In innocence we search the skies,
Enchanted are our new found eyes.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe and Prue, for being children at heart.

Original airdate: October 26, 2000

I only wish there were more episodes like this one - an episode that celebrates Halloween. I'm a sucker for a holiday-themed episode, and I am still sad there was never a Christmas episode, but I really appreciate and love this Halloween episode. As is the custom with Charmed, some of its best work comes from time travelling, and here we have the exciting storytelling being told in the 1600's. I loved that we saw Melinda Warren's mother and the problematic birth of her, which raised the stakes so high when the Charmed Ones had to protect her. So many moments I loved from this episode, but perhaps the moment of the episode goes to Phoebe riding a broom and cackling as she passes the full moon. I liked how Cole travelled back there too and the girls had no idea of his evilness. So much urgency in this episode, and it's why it's one of my all-time favourites. It nearly became my favourite of the season, but as you'll read later, it doesn't quite make it to the top spot.

Phoebe: So you're an angel.
Cole (about his costume): This? No, not really.
Phoebe: That's okay. Neither am I.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: A 3-way tie for the Halliwell sisters.

Original airdate: November 2, 2000

I liked this episode for different reasons than I usually would, and my thoughts of it are so different to when I first saw this episode. For starters, we had a very human problem in a stalker for Prue - Abbey. It was rather scary and intense when Prue was attacked by her in the Manor, and could barely see - but fortunately Piper freezes a bullet before it goes straight into her face. So close. I like the idea of not being able to see what's in front of you as the theme for this episode. The demon of the week is Troxa, an invisible demon who they can only really see when it's cold, and fortunately Cole kind of helps the sisters just because he is furious the Triad sent a different demon to kill them. First sign of Cole actually being a good guy. I kinda like how Prue was putting her Charmed duties before dating men - she really took her job as a witch seriously. All in all, a decent episode, and moment of the episode may go to Prue's fight with Abbey.

Prue: If you guys don't want to take this seriously, that's your business. Me? I'm on a mission.
Leo: Whoa...
Phoebe: We really need to get her laid, huh?

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for her focus on the Triad.

Original airdate: November 9, 2000

Happy 50th episode everyone! I feel like that feat should be celebrated considering a lot of witch-focused shows these days can't seem to make it past 23 episodes. This episode is pretty good too, and very Prue focused, which I'm seeing a lot of so far this season, and we're only 6 episodes in. I loved Prue trying to advance her powers in astral form, and Phoebe not liking her "astral games" - I wish we saw more of Prue using her astral projection to annoy her sisters. I guess Prue was kind of an outsider to her sisters in this season, in that Piper has Leo and Phoebe has Cole, so Prue just has her work. She finds an empath in this episode and ends up taking in his pain that almost destroys her. I love her traumatic scenes in the basement as she can't seem to cope, but fortunately she ends up channeling it, and in doing so, destroys the demon with her amazing astral projection skills. My moment of the episode goes to Prue jumping inside Vinceres and destroying him. So badass.

Prue: I haven't felt anything like that since Andy was alive.
Phoebe: Like what?
Prue: Spinning into infinity. You know, falling down the spiral that makes you lose your breath and stops your heart.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for one of the best vanquishes of the show.

Original airdate: November 16, 2000

I love when the sisters have some pent-up drama between them, and it really all comes out in this episode - on a huge scale! So huge that the triquetra on the Book of Shadows splits - which is dramatically done. The fight between the sisters is my moment of the episode, as Cole unleashes the demon of anger to turn them against each other. Sneaky. I also liked the rehearsed attack by Belthazor, or Leo in disguise, to prepare them for a surprise attack. The threat by Belthazor a.k.a. Cole is so strong, it makes it even more intense when Phoebe goes to Cole after the fight and he pulls an athame out while they're kissing. I was holding my breath until the girls apologised to each other, and fought the double-attack from Belthazor and Andras. I was rather shocked when Cole single-handedly killed all of the Triad too, which shows just how strong he is, despite being wounded. Really loving the complication of his relationship with Phoebe and his struggles with that. Great episode.

Phoebe: I am so sick of the two of you ganging up on me and judging me.
Prue: I am so sick of saving your asses.
Piper: I'm sick of being taken for granted and those are mine.
(Piper rips off Phoebe's earrings.)
Phoebe: Ouch! Bitch!

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for managing to take some flesh from Belthazor.

Original airdate: December 14, 2000

Aww. Poor Phoebe. After episode upon episode of seeing Cole being quite shady behind their backs, the truth finally comes out - and it's tough decisions galore for our youngest sibling. Firstly, Prue and Piper try desperately to finish the job on Belthazor but end up summoning Krell - and I love when Piper unfreezes his head, and still let him fly into the poor grandfather clock that always needs fixing. "It was worth it." I like the slow realisation that Cole is Belthazor, from Leo healing only part of him, and the jacket the homeless man has. It all starts to unravel, and no big moment would be complete without a climax at a graveyard. The moment of the episode does go to Cole's speech to Phoebe about how he couldn't kill them because of his love for her, and offers himself up for Phoebe to vanquish. I love that she was actually going to do it too until Krell attacked and Cole saves her. I also love how Phoebe pretends to have vanquished Belthazor to Prue and Piper - a huge secret to keep from them, so quite the betrayal!

Magic forces
Black and White,
Reaching out
Through Space and Light.
Be he far,
Or be he near,
Bring us the demon
Belthazor here.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for her love for Cole.

Original airdate: January 11, 2001

Pour Some Sugar On Me, Ooh in the Name of Love! Sorry, that's the film, but as you can see from the episode of the name and the very sexy dance Piper does on the bar, Charmed took a few leaves out of the film's book. This is another fun yet exciting episode this season, one that isn't quite as outrageously funny as Once Upon a Time, but manages to stay serious despite its comedic timing. Piper is dreading her 10 year high school reunion, but is possessed by a life essence. I love the concept of that, how the life essence kills the host body to move to a different body, which makes this threat extremely serious. I like how Prue had Piper's back throughout the episode, and how Phoebe researched Cole's history. But moment of the episode does go to Piper dancing on the bar at P3, shaking what her momma gave her. It's basically the defining moment of the episode. My heart was in my mouth at the end though, when Phoebe tells Leo that Cole is still alive, until she ends with "in my heart" after a heart-stopping pause.

Let flesh be flesh,
And bone be bone.
The Alchemist shall transform none.
Cruel scientist of evil born,
With these words face the fire scorn.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for those awesome Coyote Ugly skills.

Original airdate: January 18, 2001

I didn't realise how much Victor is in this season compared to last season until writing these articles, but this is yet another of his appearances, and to be honest I'm so glad. I loved that this episode strengthened the bond between Victor and Prue, and while I don't exactly scream for this episode, there is so much to enjoy here. The plot of an ice cream man capturing children is terrifying, yet I loved the twist that he was actually capturing demonic children - something that takes the Charmed Ones a little longer to figure out. Moment of the episode may have to go to when Prue and Victor are inside the truck, and the Nothing tries to take Prue, but Victor keeps a hold of her. It's probably the only moment she ever showed just how much she needed her dad, but it made her more relatable, and I loved it. Not much else went on besides flashbacks to little Prue also being taken inside the ice cream van - there's so much the girls have forgotten.

Piper (about the demons): Why don't they ever run into a well-lit room with nowhere to hide?
Prue: All right, well, nothing usually means something, and something usually means a boy, so...

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for the growing bond with her dad.

Original airdate: January 25, 2001

This was another episode I wasn't quite sure I liked when I first saw it, but upon repeated viewings, I've grown to love it - and for very good reason. The girls get a new whitelighter, Natalie, and she is very hard to cope with at first. She's bossy and kinda like the strict teacher we hated at school. But I warmed to her, as the Charmed Ones do, and I love the scenes where she's training them as if for bootcamp. The backchat by the girls was hilarious, including Natalie's criticism of their attire being "bra-less" and "strapless", which means Prue will have nothing to wear. Hilarious. Eames was a good villain as well, being able to steal a witch's power, or a whitelighter's, as he manages to steal Natalie's orbing and go to the upper realms. The moment of the episode goes to his vanquish, where I love Phoebe's delivery of the final line - "I'm rejectin' your deflection!".

Time for amends and the victims' revenge;
Cloning power turn sour.
Power to change, turn strange.
I'm rejectin' your deflection!

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for that one amazing line.

Original airdate: February 1, 2001

Bonkers. Another totally bonkers episode in the show - witches versus... professional wrestlers?! What's going on here?! Despite this crazy concept, I do find this episode to be quite fun and, due to the heaviness of the season, a nice change. But we also, finally, have Phoebe tell Prue and Piper the truth about Cole and that he's still alive. Of course, it doesn't go down well with either sister, and it again shows the strains of sisterhood - what happened to sisters before misters? I can't remember an awful lot about this episode besides bits here and there. I do remember Prue wanting to save someone she used to know who wants to enter the demonic Academy. She tries to save him, like Phoebe now wants to do with Cole, and it leads to the moment of the episode - the fight between the wrestlers against Phoebe and Prue. I still can't take it seriously that they actually did this, but it strangely worked.

Guiding spirits I ask your charity,
Lend me your focus and clarity,
Lead me to the one I cannot find,
Restore that and my peace of mind.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for wanting to atone for her mistake of saving Cole.

Original airdate: February 8, 2001

Love this episode! The evil Charmed Ones, look out, they may turn you into a pig in a blanket. I absolutely love when the girls turn evil, or act evil, just to see how they do it. Piper and Phoebe's change is amazing to watch, and I love when they 'blink' and have so much fun with their newfound powers. The freezing of the wedding planner - "now there's a freezing power with kick" - was also hilarious. Piper freezing Leo and shattering him was so scary, she's never scared me more since that scene. Prue mainly lay on an alter for most of the episode, which is fine considering she has had big parts in episodes prior and after, so it's nice to see the sisterly relationship between Piper and Phoebe. They're amazing at being evil. I guess my moment of the episode does go to Piper shattering Leo, but man, what a really cool episode overall.

Piper: I'm thinking I want pigs in blankets.
Female Planner: Nice to see a bride who still has a sense of humour this close to the big day.
Piper: No. I said. I want Pigs. In. Blankets.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for her bad-assery.

Original airdate: February 15, 2001

A kind of stand-out episode due to its travelling back in time to the cowboys and Indians era in the 1800s, and I do like this style of episode. Phoebe has premonitions of a ghost town stuck in a time loop, and she feels the symptoms of Bo, someone who was wronged in the town. The moment of the episode probably goes to when Bo is being whipped and Phoebe can feel it - it's so incredibly heartbreaking to see her in that much pain. Prue and Cole being forced to work together in order to save Phoebe was interesting to watch too, as I feel like she maybe began to warm up to him in the end of this episode. It's also another episode with Victor, and him trying to tell Leo that Whitelighters are "sneaky little bastards" was quite funny. I really did enjoy the story within the time loop and the whole saloon-feel of the episode, but still not one of my absolute favourites. Shannen Doherty did a good job directing this episode.

Cole: Gotta hold my hand.
Prue: This already sucks.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for going inside the time loop (and directing the episode).

Original airdate: February 22, 2001

This is it. The episode, the one that the Piper and Leo shippers were waiting for - and what we have been waiting all season for. After the first failed attempt in episode 2, it was finally incredible to see them finally marry, though there were a couple of speed bumps along the way. Trust Prue to make the day about her, when she ends up wanted for murder because of her astral self. We can't really blame her really, but poor Piper, especially when the guy drives in on the motorbike and whisks Prue away, but also destroys some of the house along the way. I guess something did need to happen in this episode besides the wedding, which happens to be my moment of the episode. I also loved Piper's struggle with accepting her family fate that, as women, they are cursed. The quote I decided to use for the tagline of the article, as I feel it speaks a lot about the themes of the show. I really enjoyed this episode for what it is, especially seeing Piper finally get the man of her dreams.

Piper: All I have to do is look at you and dad to see where I might end up if I marry Leo. I mean, look at the track record. The Halliwells, we are blessed as witches and we are cursed as women. Sometimes I think we're all destined to end up alone.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for being a beautiful bride.

Original airdate: March 15, 2001

So many connotations of the episode towards the finale, and it's things we probably would have missed the first time around when we didn't know Prue was going to die. "Don't worry, it's not your time. Well not just yet anyway." Subtle but effective. It's also a nice way of having Prue accept death before it comes, which means when they killed her off, she'd know it was her time, and wouldn't have any bitter feelings about it. A big learning episode, which is always a good episode, as it helps them to let someone who is supposed to die, die. I also really liked the idea of the Angel of Death and his role in the show - he's kind of like Barbas in that he will reappear later in the show too. The Seekers, searching for Cole, were alright villains, and resembled vampires (which we will see next season), but that still didn't make them any better. Good episode.

Knowledge gained by murd'rous means,
Is wisdom's bitter enemy.
The mind that burns with stolen fire,
Will now become your funeral pyre.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, for accepting death.

3.17 - "PRE-WITCHED"
Original airdate: March 22, 2001

You can see from the photo on the left the main reason I like this episode. The rest is fine, but the flashbacks to before the series started are such a big highlight for me. The hair! The way the girls have changed since then but we got to see how much they've grown - amazing. Loved seeing Grams again too when she was alive, so when the girls find her dead, that was the moment of the episode. I would have loved to have seen the famous apartment Piper and Prue lived in together before the Manor, and I wonder if it was anything like Friends. The possibility of one of the sisters moving out is so scary that nobody knows what to do about it. I also really liked the idea of the warlock wanting the girls to kill him nine times so he can become immortal, so the girls try their best not to kill him. I liked Phoebe's quick thinking on how to vanquish him, and the spell that follows. Great episode for some Grams love.

Nine times this evil's cheated death,
Felt no pain and kept it's breath.
This warlock standing in our midst,
Let him feel what he has missed.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for her quick thinking.

Original airdate: April 19, 2001

Love, love, love this episode. Another one of the funny episodes, and fortunately it really works in this episode's favour. Each of the girls, and Leo, are infected with one of the seven deadly sins, and of course Prue would get Pride and Phoebe would get Lust. It was also very entertaining to see Leo with Sloth, and when he couldn't be bothered to orb to the Elders so he came back when he was half-way there was so funny. I also liked when Prue comes out from the hostage situation and is swarmed by reporters and she's loving it - a serious change to when she flings every reporter she sees in the finale. Phoebe's adventures were also comical. Other than the Sins, this isn't the most memorable episode, as the demon isn't exactly a formidable threat. But I still love this episode looking back on it. Moment of the episode will go to Piper's selfless act.

Prue: What did the Elders have to say?
Leo: I don't know...
Prue: What do you mean you don't know?
Leo: Well I got tired halfway up there so I came back.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for conquering Gluttony first with her selflessness.

Original airdate: April 26, 2001

I hate this episode. I am probably being really harsh, but boy do I hate this episode. I don't think it's as bad as season 1's "The Wedding From Hell", but I really despise this episode. I probably couldn't exactly tell you why, but I really did not care for the whole Brotherhood of the Thorn business malarky that went on. I feel less forgiving about this episode because we have limited time with Prue left and I wanted every episode in the run-up to her death to be amazing, but unfortunately this one lets me down. The next one, which is sort of like a part two of this episode, is much better, but yeah, still not a fan of this one. There's a lot of Cole, and it was dramatic when he said that they vanquished his "brother" - but it's not his actual brother, just part of their little group. That's basically all I can say about this episode - if anybody likes it, I really do apologise. I just didn't! I can't really think of a moment to win this episode, to be honest.

Phoebe: The safest place Cole knows is with me.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for graduating.

Original airdate: May 3, 2001

This was definitely a step up from the last episode. and mainly due to Piper's new power of blowing things up, or to be more technical, speeding up molecules to the point where they explode. Either way, such a cool new power, and so handy too, especially when you want to vanquish a demon - though Piper needs to learn to not blow up a shelf next to her sister causing her to become unconscious haha. I did enjoy more of the storyline involving Cole when he says he wants to be stripped of his powers, and he almost succeeds, until the sisters accuse him of only wanting the Book and the Amulet. Such drama, and I kinda loved the fight between Phoebe and Cole, where she tells him to save himself and then smashes the potion on the floor. Such sass. I like when the girls are on the same page about people, and I like the struggle of Cole's good/bad side. Moment of the episode will be when Piper blows that shelf and knocks Prue out.

Prue: Uh, okay, was it a demon?
Piper: No, it was watermelon!
Phoebe: Honey, why did you vanquish watermelon?
Piper: I didn't vanquish watermelon. I threw it up in the air and I tried to freeze it and it exploded.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Piper, for vanquishing watermelon.

Original airdate: May 10, 2001

This was the first ever episode of Charmed I watched. Random one, I know, but it was on TV at the time in a double-bill with the next episode, and I remember how scary it seemed with the Banshee screaming in someone's face causing them to bleed. I love witches so much I stuck with the show, and this was a great first episode for me, because I genuinely do love this episode. Trivia note - it's cool to see Ashley Tisdale in this episode. But I loved Phoebe's transformation into the Banshee, she is wickedly awesome. Moment of the episode, too, when she fights with Cole and screams at him as the Banshee as he tells her that he loves her. Also loved the moments with Prue as the dog - she makes an amazing dog. Loved the guy who cared for her, and I kinda wished we saw more of him, but tragically, this is not meant to be. I liked the contrast of funny and serious in this episode too.

The piercing cry
That feeds on pain.
And leaves more
Sorrow than it gains.
Shall now be heard
By one who seeks.
To stop the havoc
That it wreaks.

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Phoebe, for becoming one hell of a scary Banshee.

Original airdate: May 17, 2001

And here it is. My all-time favourite episode of the show, which is maybe morbid considering Prue dies tragically. But I just absolutely love the action and pacing of this episode - everything is so intense, and the ante is raised to an infinity percent. From the very first attack, to the girls being exposed as witches, it just blew me away. I've always wanted to know what would happen when their secret got out, and now we found out and it's rather devastating. The moment Piper got shot was jaw-dropping, especially with the scenes that followed with Prue trying desperately to get her to the hospital, calling out for Leo and using her power against the mortals. Intense man, intense! The acting when Piper dies is just incredible, the emotional turmoil of the sisters, and then us as an audience because we are bawling our eyes out too, shows just how well this show can handle heavy storylines. I wish it got recognised. Poor Phoebe was kind of left out of the action. But the end scene, when time resets and we go back to the opening, has to be the moment of the episode. Prue's sacrifice, while wasted due to Dr. Griffith's death anyway, is such a pivotal moment. Shax's "the end" and then slamming the doors shut to end the season rendered me speechless for 20 minutes after the episode ended. So much I could talk about with this episode, so click on the title of the episode to see my full review.

Evil wind that blows,
That which forms below.
No longer may you dwell,
Death takes you with this spell!

Winner of the Charmed One Award: Prue, no explanation needed. May she rest in peace.


What an emotional rollercoaster. I don't think I can ever really get over Prue's death, despite it now being 15 years since it happened. When I think of season 3, I usually do think about the death of the original Charmed Ones. Fortunately, I continued to love the show afterwards with Paige in the mix, though I know a lot of people have mixed feelings - whether they hated Prue and loved it after she left, or they hated what the show became after season 3 and thus consider this season to be the end of the show. I feel sad when I think about that, but there's no denying how iconic this season is.

Winner of the Charmed One of Season Three Award: It was actually extremely close with this season, as there was just 1 between them. Phoebe is in at third-place with 7 wins. Piper comes in as the runner-up with 8 wins - the best she's done so far in a season. This leaves Prue, in her final season, the winner with 9 wins.

1. All Hell Breaks Loose
Season 3, Episode 22
2. All Halliwell's Eve
Season 3, Episode 4
3. Bride and Gloom
Season 3, Episode 13
4. Just Harried
Season 3, Episode 15
5. Look Who's Barking
Season 3, Episode 21

All Hell Breaks Loose is definitely my top episode of all-time, and one of my favourite season finales of any show. Of course, the Halloween episode is right up there too, which only makes me want more of them. I couldn't forget about the marriage of Piper and Leo, or the first episode I ever saw, Look Who's Barking. Among the forgettable episodes is one of my all-time least favourite episodes, The Demon Who Came In From the Cold. Ugh. But the quality of this season was so much stronger than previous seasons, as I felt there were less episodes I'd consider really bad, and more episodes to be considered very good.

1. Eames Vanquishing Spell ('Blinded by the Whitelighter')
Season 3, Episode 11
2. To Track a Banshee ('Look Who's Barking')
Season 3, Episode 21
3. Shax Vanquishing Spell ('All Hell Breaks Loose')
Season 3, Episode 22
4. The Seekers Vanquishing Spell ('Death Takes a Halliwell')
Season 3, Episode 16
5. To See the Unseen ('Once Upon a Time')
Season 3, Episode 3

"I'm rejectin' your deflection!" Had to be said again. Loved a lot of the vanquishing spells the girls chanted this season, but looking through the episodes, I found there to be less spell-casting than the previous two seasons. But the Shax Vanquishing Spell is also an iconic one, but I do absolutely love the Track a Banshee spell too, which turned Prue into a dog.

1. Belthazor
Season 3
2. Shax
Season 3, Episode 22
3. Banshee
Season 3, Episode 21
4. Evil Piper / Evil Phoebe
Season 3, Episode 13
5. Demonic Children
Season 3, Episode 10

Belthazor just had to go right up there. He was the first main recurring villain to grace the show (besides Rex and Hannah, and they have nothing on Belthazor) and because of that, it makes him one of the best. Shax, also, has to be part of this list due to the fact that he managed to do what others could not - kill a Charmed One, and keep her dead. Even though it's a bit of a cheat, I also included evil Piper and Phoebe from Bride and Gloom - I just loved their evilness.


You don't have to answer these questions, but they'd be a good starting point in discussing the third season of the show. Tell me what you thought of season three!

1. What was your favourite episode(s) of the season?
2. Did you have a least favourite episode of the season?
3. When I say "season 3", what's the first thing that comes to your head?
4. Who was your favourite Charmed One this season?
5. Have a favourite villain?
6. What was your favourite moment(s) of the season?

Big Question - Is there anything you'd like to see in these season reviews? Any features you'd like me to incorporate? Any comments of improvement would be greatly appreciated, as I want each and every season review to be as charmed as they can.

Remember to return to SpoilerTV next Saturday, April 23rd, for Charmed's next anniversary article, where I will be discussing the show's fourth season. But what did you guys think of the third season of our favourite show, the last to feature the original Charmed Ones? What were your favourite (and not-so-favourite) episodes? Release your inner Charmed geek and let me know all your thoughts and feelings of season three of Charmed in the comments!

About the Author - Gavin Hetherington
Award-winning author of the 'Abyssal Sanctuary' series. Gavin joined SpoilerTV in August 2014 and reviews 2 Broke Girls, Devious Maids, Mistresses, Pretty Little Liars, Salem, Scream Queens and Sleepy Hollow. Gavin will write previews for Empire and Shadowhunters, and backs-up Once Upon a Time, Reign, Scandal and Supergirl. Gavin also writes special anniversary articles, most recently for Charmed. You can contact him at
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