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Shadowhunters - Blood Calls to Blood - Review

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This week on Shadowhunters, Izzy’s trial started. While Lydia eventually dropped the charges, the Inquisitor still wanted to prosecute Izzy. Jace and Clary took ‘Michael’ to Luke and after Jace was all healed up, they started their search for Jocelyn. When they found her ‘Michael’ revealed that he was actually Valentine and Jace’s father while trying to trick them into giving him the Mortal Cup. He failed to get the cup which Clary later gave to Lydia to save Izzy. 

Favorite relationship: Do I even have to say it anymore? If you’ve read my previous reviews than you undoubtedly know that I love the Lightwood siblings. Alec would have done anything to save Izzy from being banished. I hadn’t even considered how much danger she would’ve been in without her weapons and runes. Of course demons would come after her. Alec even went to Magnus for help, knowing full well that seeing him would be painful for both of them. I’m once again having trouble with Jace’s reaction to hearing what (almost) happened to Izzy. His actions once again put someone else at risk but he barely seems to care. Yes, he showed some emotion but still not what I expect to see from someone who’s as close to the Lightwoods as he is. I don’t think he’ll be getting much support in the ‘Valentine is my dad’ situation from them after this. 

I knew it! Remember that moment in Friends when Rachel and Ross got into a big fight and she mentioned that he had had some problems in the bedroom, then Chandler came from behind the door and yelled “I KNEW IT!”. Well that’s how I felt when Valentine revealed himself. Last week I was a bit worried that they had made huge changes by bringing Michael back but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there was no way Michael was actually alive. By the time the new episode aired I was 100% sure that it was Valentine. Mainly because Michael being dead is crucial to the storyline. I’m sure that the next few episodes will delve deeper into Jace’s backstory, even more so when Jocelyn wakes up. I am a bit surprised that this was revealed already, I expected the writers to save the reveal until the finale. I think this may be a sign that they’re really trying to speed up the books’ timelines. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a lot of book 3 next season. 

The big reveal: I guess I can’t not talk about it. Of course the book fans knew that this was coming but I’m actually pretty curious how the non-book fans experienced the reveal. I think it’s safe to say (and perhaps somewhat of an understatement) that this will cause some problems for Jace and Clary. While I’m sure that Jace was still focusing on the ‘I was raised my a madman’ rather than the ‘I’ve been kissing my sister’ part, I’m sure we’ll be getting a lot of awkwardness next week. Simon, on the other hand, was happier than he’d been in weeks. 

Least favorite character: I didn’t like Imogen Herondale in the books and I certainly don’t like her on the show. But I never expected to like her since I have a strong dislike for any Clave members. Frankly I don’t care that she has a tragic backstory. I hate when that gets used as an excuse for a character’s behavior. Just because she lost her son to Valentine (and indirectly her husband) doesn’t give her the right to take out her frustrations on Izzy. It actually made slightly more sense in the books. Then she went after Jace instead of Izzy, because he’s Valentine’s son. But Izzy’s only relation to Valentine is through her parents. While I’m all for Izzy centric storylines, I’m not sure I like the change that the writers made. It makes Jace and Clary come off worse than they did in the books. Because now, rather than getting themselves into trouble, their actions are getting other people in trouble. I expect that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the Inquisitor, though perhaps it will be for the remainder of the season. She’ll undoubtedly pop up again when the writers start to delve into the Stephen Herondale storyline. 
Favorite scene: Aside from what I just said about the changes in the storyline, I did very much enjoy the trail. I loved how both Izzy and Lydia spoke out against the Law. It was pretty brave considering how strict the Clave is. While I don’t think Izzy will be as against Lydia as she used to be, I still don’t see her supporting the marriage. I actually think Izzy and Magnus are pretty much on the same page. Neither of them deserves to be married to someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Which is why I’m almost 100% sure that they won’t end up getting married. 

Best quotes: Imogen: “You’re out of order.” Magnus: “This whole thing is out of order.” 
Alec: “Everything you do is for a higher principle. You took the cup and you nearly handed it over to Valentine.” Jace: “That was not our intention, you know that.” Alec: “Our intention? Was it your intention to risk Izzy’s life or hers? This isn’t about Clary. This is about you. Now I’m going to tell my sister that she still has a future.” 
Simon: “Okay, wait so Clary and Jace are brother and sister. That means they can’t … What do you know.” 

That’s it for this week. Check in again next week for an all new review and let me know in the comments what you thought of this week’s episode.
About the Author - Belle333Black
Jamie Coudeville (Belle333Black) writes reviews for The Originals and Shadowhunters. She's 21, lives in Belgium and her favorite shows are The Originals, Vampire Diaries, Orphan Black, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ...
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