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Girls - Japan & Old Loves - Double Review

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    Girls continued its amazing 5th season last night with "Old Loves" and the week before with "Japan". And as I’ve decided to write double review for this season, I'll review those two episodes :

   So, let’s start with "Japan", which was the best episode of the season yet IMO. Sosh was the heroine of the episode for once and it was delightful. Sosh can be sometimes so annoying but over the seasons, her character has grown on me and I like now her little habits. Sosh has changed so much. It was particularly clear in "Japan", there was a new Soshanna ! She was so different than from NY, she had friends, and even a guy was interested in her, she felt confident, she was at her place at work. Sosh was finally happy, open, smiling and feeling her true self for once.
   Japan is the perfect place for her, far from home, she could finally become her own self. I really appreciate all of her scenes, it was such a change. Different location, different character ! But of course, her happiness couldn’t last. Otherwise it would have been boring. Everything was perfect in her life, her new job changed everything but soon, she wouldn’t have a job anymore. It was tough for Sosh to get fired, for once she was doing good and feeling good. Her boyfriend (I kinda forgot about him) was happy and ready to welcome her back but as she talked with her new Japaneses friends, Sosh apparently decided she should stay there, and not come back home (yet) ! Exciting ! I can’t wait to see what’s next for Sosh !

   Other parts of "Japan"focused on Hannah and her relationship with Fran. She discovered he kept sexy pictures of his ex girlfriends to masturbate, because he didn’t caution the porn industry. I could understand his point of view, still it was a bit creepy to keep those pictures on his phone. Of course Hannah didn’t react well to that, and as expected she went a bit too far. As she couldn't accept those picture son her bf phone, and after making some naked pictures herself (one of my favorite scene with Ray and Elijah), she deleted all of the pictures from Fran’s phone. I get Hannah being pissed and jealous but first, looking into your boyfriend’s phone is always a call for problems, I think you should let the other one some privacy and well relationship is about trust after all.
   So, as I’ve written before, I don’t think nice Fran is going to stay and accept Hannah’s craziness for long. Too bad…

   And finally "Japan" focused on Jessa and Adam as they were still struggling with their attraction and friendship. Everything was going fine when they were watching Adam’s gig on TV with Lucy Liu ! The whole cop show within the show was super fun. Anyways, Jessa was a bit close to Adam, hugging him, complimenting me and he misunderstood her clearly as he kissed her when Ray went to sleep. Jessa rejected him, refusing to ruin their friendship, and her friendship with Hannah. But they’re clearly attracted to each other and something is bound to happen.

   And it happened last night in "Old Loves". Jessa and Adam did it. Marnie and her husband did it. Elijah and his bf did it, but Hannah and Fran certainly didn’t do it ! Since the start of the season, Hannah has been quite terrible with Fran. He might be too nice, too different from Adam and not enough crazy for her, but clearly she has some kind of resentment over him. Last week it was his nude pictures on his phone and this week they disagreed on teaching methods.
   As Hannah’s assignment was all about creativity, she didn’t correct her student’s grammatical mistakes, which upsets Fran a lot. Once again, they both showed to have a complete different point of view and worst of all, they have showed one of their biggest problem : communication. They don’t listen to each other. Fran went a bit too far correcting Hannah’s work, it wasn’t his place but what Hannah did the next day at school was even worse. It was actually very funny to watch how serious and angry Hannah was, using the poor girl as an excuse to attack her boyfriend, who was super awkward and embarrassed by the whole scene. Poor Fran, he had no idea how much drama Hannah was !
   Despite Marnie’s advice to stay with him, I don’t think Hannah is going to stay in their relationship for long. Fran is a good guy, he’s great but he’s not the one for her. And she isn’t the one for him either. And Marnie telling her to work harder on her relationship was something I strongly disagree with. IMO, if you have to work hard in a relationship, it can’t last, cause you can’t work everyday, all day.

   Marnie was also having problems of her own in her weird marriage. I’m still not convinced about those two, and I’m pretty sure they won’t end the season together but we’ll see. This week, they disagreed because he decided to change Marnie’s apartment without asking her first, so of course she got angry. And then, she had a revelation, after Hannah’s comment on how Fran judges her when she doesn’t meet with his expectations. I do think it’s okay to have expectations about people you care about and you can get disappoint and share it with them. And Fran never really judged her. Anyways, Marnie and her husband were okay at the end… Marnie from "Japan" was more interesting ! I really like her character at first but now, she's the one I'm the least interested in.

 And finally, "Old Loves" focused on the last couple of the show : Jessa and Adam. She was still trying to avoid him, focusing on her study. It’s nice to see Jessa has put her life back in order, with her study at least. Because, avoiding Adam couldn’t last and wasn’t a solution. It became even more clear after she met with Hannah. Hannah was particularly annoying (well she didn’t annoy me), so it got on Jessa's nerves and she was a bit cold, Hannah felt something was off with Jessa. She was mean, passive aggressive because Hannah was the only person stopping her from kissing and having sex with Adam, she was the one in the way of what she truly desired. But it wasn't even her fault. Hannah had no idea, so she got more upset and she was pretty harsh with Jessa. Seriously, biggest bitch and cunt ?
   So Jessa finally let her guard down, because not doing something you really want just because of what a friend would say, especially a friend who wouldn’t think twice at your place, as Adam cleverly pointed out, is not something anyone can do for long. I must say I was very satisfied with Jessa’s decision, it was the best move. Now, Hannah can freak out again ! And Jessa and Adam can be a great couple. They'll probably destroy themselves but they want to be together.

   "Old Loves" was another great episode, still not as great as "Japan" but it was fun. This season is absolutely delightful, funny and emotional. I can’t wait for the rest of the season. I just wish Sosh was there. It was fun to spend some time with Ray and Elijah,especially the latter, but still, it’s called Girls for a reason right ?
   What did you think of "Japan" and "Old Loves" ? Which was your favorite episode ? Which is your favorite couple ? Hit the comments !

About the Author - Romain Ossust
I'm a 29 TV addict. Here is a non exhaustive list of my favorite shows : 12 Monkeys, Ab Fab, 24, Alias, American Horror Story, Banhsee, Bates Motel, Black Sails, Carnivale, Daredevil, Daria, Dead Like Me, Desperate Housewives, Dexter, ER, Fargo, Fringe, Game of Thrones, Girls, Grey’s, Hannibal, Homeland, HIMYM, HTGAWM, Looking, Lost, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Medium, OUAT, OUAT Wonderland, Orange is the New Black, Orphan Black, Pan Am, Penny Dreadful, Person of Interest, Power, Pushing Daisies, Raising Hope, Rectify, Reign, Scandal, Sex & The City, Six Feet Under, Sleepy Hollow, Spartacus, The 100, The Affair, The Americans, The Big C, The Fall, The Killing, The Leftovers, The Missing, The Strain, The Tudors, The Walking Dead, Transparent, True Blood, True Detective, Tyrant, Ugly Betty, United States of Tara, Utopia, V, Veronica Mars, Weeds.
For SpoilerTV, I'm reviewing The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Banshee, American Horror Story, Bates Motel, Transparent, Girls, & Orphan Black
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