Thanks to Spindae2 for the heads up.
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Mama Smoak, was supposed to be a one off character, but fan demand brought her back.
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Stephen says there is an element to respecting comics canon, but what doing is best for the show is more important. #Arrow #HVFF
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Stephen says a lot of the grave theories feel like cop outs #HVFF
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Stephen says "Bottom line, Felicity's rich! She's bankrollin everybody." #Arrow #HVFF
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Stephen says it would be fun to have Oliver tell Felicity about the time he secretly saw her in Queen Consolidated! #HVFF #arrow
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Stephen says we will see a more finalized product of Oliver at the end of Season 4, balanced
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Mini Felicity Smoak serving Oliver some truth tea 😂😂😂 Part 2 #HVFF #Arrow
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Guy who dissed Felicity and Olicity got shut down hard. No one even entertained his question or Felicity diss.
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Caity said Laurels heart belongs with Sara not oliver
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
"Everyone says @Team_Barrowman is the funniest on set, but @EmilyBett gives him a run for his money!" @charlotteross
— Heroes & Villains (@heroesfanfest) March 12, 2016
Caity and Willa would love to do a Birds of Prey show... #HVFF #HVFFChicago
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Mama Smoak says hardest scene to film was the scene looking in Em's telling Emily people don't change 😭 #HVFF
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
KC says the hardest ep to film for her was Sara's death. Originally it was written that KC was to carry Sara's body down the alley in heels
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
Echo just surprised Caity Lotz with a birthday cake and we all sang! #HVFF
— Felicity's Arrow (@Felicitys_Arrow) March 12, 2016
"My dog is named Oliver, he's just like him!"
— Heroes & Villains (@heroesfanfest) March 12, 2016
"Oh god, he hasn't killed anyone has me? laughs @amellywood #HVFF