SHERLOCK, "The Abominable Bride", January 1, 2016, Actors: Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Andrew Scott, The Scene: Holmes and Watson face Moriarty together
Justyna K: Sherlock's back! Yes, for one special episode only, but with this show it's like a third of the season, so I'll take it. It's always so great to see Holmes and Watson back. Sure, the episode might seem all over the place, yet I can't say I'm surpised by that. And I absolutely enjoy the final result. As for the scene, not easy to pick just one, there are so many great performances, lines and moments I could go with. But in the end, I like the meaning behind the final confrontation with Moriarty, when Sherlock and John face him together. Because if Moriarty is the virus in Holmes' mind, then Watson is exactly what Sherlock needs to fight it. There really always is the two of them. Partners in solving crimes, former roomates, best friends. With all the great writing, directing, the wonderful actors, music and story, the friendship between these two is really the heart of the show for me, so seeing Sherlock realizing that was a great scene for sure. Kudos! As always, miss the show already.
THE EXPANSE, "CQB", December 29, 2015, Actors: Steven Strait and more, The Scene: Holden and his crewmates escape the Donnager
Kollin Lore: Holden and his fellow surviving crewmates escape the Donnager. This was the most exciting point of the series so far. Alex going bananas with the rail gun to shoot the enemies and to create an escape hole was absolutely enthralling. The cinematography was gorgeous and since this was only the second time we really see the four of them clicking together, the sequence resonated emotionally too. I actually found myself laughing along with Alex as he joyfully remarked, "I did it!" as he flew the corvette out of harms way. This was also a mark out moment for fans of the book as this is the first time we see the corvette known as the Rocinante, which becomes a character in itself throughout the entire series.
THE LIBRARIANS, "And the Final Curtain", December 27, 2015, Actors: Noah Wyle, Christian Kane and more, The Scene: The final confrontation with Prospero in the past and present
Justyna K: Another great finale for the show. I was really glad to see everyone working together to stop Prospero and bring Shakespeare back. First, in the past, Flynn is reunited with Excalibur (!!), thanks to Eve and Lady of the Lake. And with his friend Cal back, he's able to break Prospero's staff. Then, in the present, the other Librarians (and Jenkins) perform an exorcism and end Prospero's plan. Wonderfully done sequence! Smart and meaningful with everyone finding the right words for themselves - for Cassandra it's death with no power over her, for Jake - accepting who he is and embracing it and for Ezekiel - about being a hero. It looks like after these two seasons they all have their place and heart in the Library and are ready to take on anything. Plus, Cal's back. I always loved Flynn with Excalibur! For a while now, I'm mostly avoiding all the Arthurian legends references, but the Librarians is the only show where I'm really enjoying them. Beautifully done altogether. Kudos! Already excited about the next season.