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Scene Of The Week - January 10, 2016 + POLL

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A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great, memorable scenes that we've seen in past seven days on TV.

2 BROKE GIRLS, "And the Not Regular Down There", January 6, 2016, Actors: Kat Dennings, Beth Behrs and more, The Scenes: Max acknowledges that the dinner gang are part of her “package” & Max and her boyfriend scare Caroline
Aimee Hicks:
Max is a tough to crack character given that she hides her feelings behind sarcasm. While this scene was another great example of her sarcasm the bottom line is she allowed herself to accept and acknowledge that her friends are the most important people in her life. This was a very fitting declaration given that this was the 100th episode of the show and did a great job of incorporating all the regulars. Kat Dennings perfectly delivered the core parts of the scene with the exact right amount of sarcasm and sincerity that the scene needed to hit its mark. The whole cast worked together effortlessly to make this scene not only hilarious but very realistic. Bring on the next 100 episodes of hilarity and sincerity.
Diana Mack: Caroline is watching some movie\tv show on her laptop while eating some cream, then suddenly Max and her boyfriend arrive home and scare her to death. She jumps off the couch, where she was sitting, the cream goes eveywhere and her laptop falls. It's so hard to describe the scene because you need to see it, but it's a hilarious one, lol.

AMERICAN CRIME, "Season Two: Episode One", January 6, 2016, Actors: Connor Jessup, Lili Taylor, The Scene: Taylor tells his mom what happened at the party
I watched the pilot for American Crime last season and its glacial pace kept me from enjoying it, and on top of that the story didn't really compel me despite strong acting performances. This season, however, the show started out strong its new season with a story that was just as touching, with better pacing, the same strong performances and one of the most powerful moments I've seen in television. Rarely I've seen something so authentic as the moment in which Taylor tells his mom what happened at the party, implying that he was raped. The fear in his eyes and the shock in Anne's eyes as she is having the heartbreaking realization that her son has been abused is just something else. The whole episode was outstanding, even though it was just laying ground for this season's tale, but this moment in particular was just incredibly powerful and I hope it made its relatively small audience more aware of the reality of these crimes and how it is an issue that happens more often than we may think.

ANGEL FROM HELL, "Pilot", January 7, 2016, Actors: Jane Lynch, Maggie Lawson, The Scene: Amy and Allison have smores
Laura Markus:
Amy and Allison have smores, and Allison finds a picture of herself with Amy behind her. Such a charming pilot. This scene was so adorable and solidified my hopes that Jane Lynch and Maggie Lawson would work well together and have great chemistry. I was correct. Amy giving Allison that smore was so cute. And then, to have Allison go home and see the slideshow her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend made for her was also sweet. But the picture she decided to freeze on was a picture of her when she was younger. Low and behold, there's Amy, standing right in the background. All the while The Funeral by Band of Horses is playing to set the mood for the scene right. It made me tearful and gave me great hopes for the future of this show.

BROOKLYN NINE NINE, "Hostage Situation", January 5, 2016, Actors: Andy Samberg, Joe Lo Truglio, The Scene: Boyle tells Jake his father is a potential sperm donor
Please! Please Brooklyn Nine Nine! Make this into a storyline! Season 3 has been on fire lately, with strong episode after strong episode. I realize this may have been merely a punchline, but I hope this will translate on one of the greatest storylines of the series in which Boyle's son is also Jake's brother. I can just see the potential for fruitful and hilarious storylines here! The scene is perfection, Boyle's enthusiasm and Jake's honest shock and fear is just priceless and made for a great ending of a great episode. I can't speak good enough about how season 3 has been. It made this amazing leap of quality in comparison of the good (but not that great) season 2. Brooklyn Nine Nine is just firing punchlines like this and owning them all. Now if they turn this into a storyline, I'll love the show even more. 

ELEMENTARY, "Miss Taken", January 7, 2016, Actors: Jonny Lee Miller, Ally Ioannides, John Heard and more, The Scenes: Sherlock visits "Cassie" in prison & Joan's father is revealed to be writing a book about Sherlock and Joan's adventures
Justyna K:
Such a wonderfully done and memorable episode. I haven't caught up with the show yet but I was able to watch this hour and I'm really glad I did. The guest characters, the cases of the week don't often make a lasting impression on me. Especially as so many of the criminal investigations tend to be repeated in quite a few shows I know. This one, however, is quite an exception. It was an emotional story with a couple of great reveals, happy ending (with a second chance for the parents and their lost daughter) and impressive suspect/Sherlock's new nemesis. The actress did a great work with the character, her scenes with the brilliant Jonny Lee Miller truly stole the hour for me. Especially the last meeting between Sherlock and "Cassie" when he visits her after her arrest. "Cassie" knows she's a talented liar, the one who never gets caught as she lies her way out of trouble. And she makes sure Holmes realize her jail time won't last long... During the hour she challenges Sherlock like almost no other (Moriarty!) and I would very much like to see these two interact in the future episodes again. Kudos to cast & crew for the brilliant hour!
Milo MJ: The delightfully meta moment when Joan's father is revealed to be writing a book about Sherlock and Joan's adventures and the revelation that Sherlock has known for some while, and is used to having his success as a Detective inspiring other fictional characters. It's a nice scene that really works, especially when you consider just how many detectives across all mediums, including this incarnation of Sherlock, have been inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle's creation.

GALAVANT, "A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear", January 3, 2016, Actors: Joshua Sasse, Timothy Omundson and more, The Scenes: The opening song & Richard and Galavant visit the gay bar
A Dahne:
The opening song called A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear. No matter how many times I hear this song, it makes me laugh. I adore the snarky cancellation humor in it, especially when they talk about hell freezing over if they get good ratings and the jab about being snubbed by the Emmys. It's not often that shows can make this much fun of themselves. It's even rarer when it is so funny.
Diana Mack: Richard and Galavant visit the gay bar called The Enchanted Forest.

HEROES REBORN, "Send in the Clones", January 7, 2016, Actors: Zachary Levi, Henry Zebrowski, The Scene: Luke and Quentin have an exchange in a cornfield
Laura Markus:
What a fantastic episode; quite possibly the best the show has ever seen. Luke was a standout, and all of his scenes were noteworthy. But when Malina and Luke are cornered by Phoebe, Quentin, and a Harris clone, Luke has no choice but to pull out his gun and take control of the situation. By knocking Phoebe out with his gun and shooting fire to the clone, Luke once again shows us his badass side, while being on the good side for a change. Quentin asks many questions, like why Luke's the one taking charge and where Noah is. Luke informs him that Noah has disappeared. Malina puts the shunt in Phoebe and they leave to go get more questions answered. What brilliant acting by Zachary Levi and co.

LIMITLESS, "The Assassination of Eddie Morra", January 5, 2016, Actors: Jake McDorman, Georgina Haig and more, The Scenes: Brian is visited by his new and old hallucinations & Brian pushes Piper in front of a subway train & Sands drinks with Brian after his 'first kill'
Laura Markus:
Brian gets visited by his usual clones, however, some new faces show up. This scene was the much needed comic relief of a very dark and serious episode. Brian normally sees one or two clones of himself while on NZT to help him think through certain situations. This time, good, normal Brian, wearing one of his favourite sweaters stood on one side of him, while Badass Brian, decked out in leather, stood on the other. As well, more and more people started showing up. Rebecca went to the good side, and Sands joined the badass side. Ike showed up, not really knowing where to go because leather sticks to his skin and the sweater makes him itchy. That was hilarious! And then last but not least, we had Dennis, a neutral party. He ultimately gave him what he needed to make the decision. A comical scene with cute acting by all. Also picked by Kollin Lore
Darth Locke: Brian pushes Piper in front of a subway train, - all a part of an elaborate plan to stage her death.
Bradley Adams: Sands drinks with Brian after his 'first kill'.

NEW GIRL, "Big Mama P", January 5, 2016, Actors: Max Greenfield, Jake Johnson and more, The Scene: Schmidt and Nick perform a Bollywood routine
Justyna K:
I really loved it and re-watched this dance scene quite a few times. It's a great example of the show at its best. A wonderfully done mix of love, heart, music and humor. It's lovely to see a happy TV couple for once. Schmidt performing a Bollywood routine is romantic, crazy and so very much like him, and already makes the moment great. But I also enjoyed to see Nick's support there, he doesn't have the best record for taking responsibility but really wanted to let his friend know he's got his back and cares about being his Best Man. Also, I have a soft spot for Bollywood music and its bright and lively tone. A perfect scene to take a break from all the emotional and heavy drama on TV. Kudos!

SAVING HOPE, "All Down the Line", January 7, 2016, Actors: Julia Taylor Ross, Stacey Farber, The Scene: Sydney and Maggie have a heart-to-heart before Sydney leaves again
Aimee Hicks
: Over the last two seasons the show has done a beautiful job crafting a complicated, complex, and loving bond between Sydney and Maggie. They took a controversial topic of acceptance of sexuality within religion and turned it into a beautiful story of being your true self and finding peace at the end of the journey. I do believe that under different circumstances the story would have received more development but the scheduling didn’t work out in regards to Stacey. The show still managed to craft a beautiful story and give some much needed closure to this storyline. This scene, and almost every one of their interactions throughout this episode, made it abundantly obvious that the feelings between these two characters are still very real and should the show be able to get Stacey back next season I think the storyline is ripe for further development. Julia and Stacey work extraordinarily well together and it is because of their natural chemistry that the writers were free to craft this storyline and each actress delivered on every aspect of this story. With Maggie kissing Sydney this scene brought their storyline full circle back to the first time Sydney unexpectedly kissed Maggie. Each character made her lingering feelings known and gave the story a way to potentially continue while also bringing it closure. Now we can only hope for a reunion of some sort next season. If this turns out to be the end of this storyline then this scene brought it to a fitting end.

SCORPION, "White Out", January 4, 2016, Actors: Jadyn Wong, Jamie McShane, The Scene: Happy and her dad watch a video of her mom
A Dahne:
Happy and her dad watch a video of her mom when she's pregnant with Happy. I wasn't a big fan of this episode of Scorpion but I loved two scenes. The snowball fight on the roof was the most fun but in the end, I chose the heartwarming moment. Happy calls her dad to ask about a song that got stuck in her head when she almost died. It turns out to be the song playing in a video of her mom that her dad played for infant Happy after her mom died. Watching her dad and mom being so happy inspires her to make new priorities more than even sure death did.

SUPERGIRL, "Blood Bonds", January 4, 2016, Actors: Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, The Scene: Supergirl shields Alex during the explosion
Aimee Hicks:
In an episode full of powerful heart wrenching and extraordinary moments this one stood out. This scene goes to show just how much can be portrayed through actions even when a scene is void of dialogue. Kara knew she only had time to get one of her companions to safety when the bomb exploded. She had a firm grip on both Alex and the solider and in a very calculated decision she threw the solider to safety while leaving the life of the most important person in her life still in peril. Kara knew Alex would stay calm and trust her which she did. As the blast reached them Kara pushed Alex to the ground and Alex pressed close to her little sister as Kara took the brunt of the blast to ensure Alex survived. Kara is a nearly indestructible alien but using your body as a shield to protect a family member is a very human action. Yes, she knew she wouldn’t get hurt, but that doesn’t diminish the symbolism of the moment. The graphics, effects, and score greatly aided the powerful performances Chyler and Melissa both delivered. A stunning episode from beginning to end but for me this was the standout moment. Kara and Alex may not be bonded by blood but their bond couldn’t be any stronger even if they shared blood.

TEEN WOLF, "The Last Chimera", January 5, 2016, Actors: Dylan O'Brien, Tyler Posey, Linden Ashby, The Scenes: Sheriff wakes up & Scott refuses to move
Justyna K:
There are a few scenes I wanted to choose, but since the other main one is already in the article I wanted to include the heartwarming moment with Stiles and his dad at the end. First of all, I'm very much relieved to see Sheriff getting better, losing him would be a huge damage for the show and could completely break Stiles, especially with the way things are going for him lately. At least he finally spent more time with Scott this week, who appears to be determined to fix their friendship. Fingers crossed! For the entire hour, Stiles kept worrying about his dad and remembered how he was there for him when his mom died - "You still have me." It's a beautiful moment when Sheriff finally wakes up and tells his son, sitting right next to his bed, once again, that he still has him. And it means the world for Stiles. Always loved the dynamics and scenes between these two. The family bond and parent-child relationships on the show are done so well and this moment (and episode) once again prove it. Great start for season 5b. Kudos!
A Dahne: I struggled with whether to choose this scene or the one where Sheriff wakes up and comforts Stiles. However Scott not moving gets the nod because it does what i needed 5B to do, which is start healing the pack. Scott has several great leadership moments where he shows that he is deadset on fixing the pack after Theo's betrayal. The best of which is when he refuses to let Stiles track down the chimera on his own. It was a bold step toward building the bromance back up and simply having Scott and Stiles on my screen working toward a common goal was a step in the right direction.

THE BLACKLIST, "The Director", January 7, 2016, Actors: Amir Arison, Ryan Eggold, Diego Klattenhoff and more, The Scenes: Aram threatens The Director at gun point & The attack on the cabin in the woods
Kollin Lore:
Aram threatens The Director at gun point to save his dear friend Liz after being pushed to his limits. We have never seen Aram this involved, he is usually the comic relief or the guy doing tech stuff on the sidelines. Thus, it was a very emotionally resonate scene. We are reminded just how much he cares for everyone on the team, especially Liz, and just how important he can be to the team. The sequence after where Red expresses his deepest gratitude in front of the empty grave gives this scene and his brave actions so much more weight. Just a fabulous character moment for Aram and Arison's acting was top notch. Also picked by Bradley Adams
Milo MJ: The attack on the cabin in the woods where Ressler and Tom are under attack from 20 men with assault rifles led by Mr. Solomon, who was fantastic here. It was a great, action packed moment that really worked especially with the great choice of the haunting song "The Lamb" from Little Scream. Because there's something about fight scenes scored with classical-esque music that really just makes them feel a whole lot more epic.

THE EXPANSE, "Back to the Butcher", January 5, 2016, Actors: Steven Strait, Wes Chatham and more, The Scene: Holden, Amos, Naomi and Alex rename the Tachi to Rocinante
Kollin Lore:
This was an adorable scene, it was like watching a family naming their new pet. It was also pivotal because every space opera has to have a memorable ship, and now it's official - Holden and crew have found their new home. This is especially a mark out moment for readers of the book as we all well know just how important the Rocinante is to this series.

THE MIDDLE, "The Rush", January 6, 2016, Actors: Eden Sher, Daniela Bobadilla, The Scene: Sue comforts Lexie
The characters are one of The Middle's biggest strengths, and seeing Sue comforting her new friend Lexi is just wonderful and tells us a lot about how a wonderful person Sue has grown to be over the years. While she always keeps her uplifting personality lately she has been more grounded and she is able to realize that the things she sees as big may not be that big after all. No moment speaks more truth to that as Sue willingly turning down the chance to be in a sorority (even though she didn't get in) in order to help Lexie, because that's way more important than some "sisterhood"; the true sisterhood is being there for your friends, and as such being in a sorority isn't as big of a deal as Sue made it out to be. It's a beautiful moment of bonding between the two girls, which is even better as Sue teaches her all about rejection, claiming to be the master of it. Moments like this is why The Middle is one of the best comedies in television.

Justyna JJ Kubica
23. SpoilerTV Writer. Loves Movies (especially Marvel Cinematic Universe), TV Shows (The 100, Agents Of SHIELD, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Person Of Interest, Supernatural (especially 1-5), The Musketeers, Agent Carter, The Flash, Doctor Who, Fringe, Psych and many more) and Books (Harry Potter!). Fantasy & SciFi geek! Scene Of The Week articles author. Writes reviews for Doctor Who, Sherlock & The Musketeers. Member of SpoilerTV team since 27th November 2011.
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