Last Week's Final Adjusted Ratings
Early HH Ratings from Marc Berman (programminginsider)
The analysis below is based on the early household numbers and are NOT the same as the numbers that will be posted in the above table later. (See the About section below)
NOTE: The opinions expressed here are NOT those of SpoilerTV but of the Author of this Article, Marc Berman.
8:00 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC Beyond the Tank 3.1/5
CBS Big Bang Theory 10.7/17
NBC Heroes Reborn 2.6/4
Fox American Idol 6.2/10
CW The Vampire Diaries (r) 0.6/1
8:30 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC Beyond the Tank 3.1/5
CBS Life in Pieces 6.1/10
NBC Heroes Reborn 2.4/4
Fox American Idol 7.0/11
CW The Vampire Diaries (r) 0.4/1
9:00 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC My Diet is Better Than Yours (p) 2.0/3
CBS Mom 5.6/9
NBC The Blacklist 5.1/8
Fox American Idol 7.0/11
CW The Originals (r) 0.4/1
9:30 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC My Diet is Better Than Yours (p) 1.8/3
CBS Angel From Hell (p) 5.3/8
NBC The Blacklist 5.4/8
Fox American Idol 7.1/11
CW The Originals (r) 0.4/1
10:00 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC My Diet is Better Than Yours (p) 1.8/3
CBS Elementary 4.5/7
NBC Shades of Blue (p) 6.1/10
10:30 PROGRAM HH Rtg/ Share
ABC My Diet is Better Than Yours (p) 1.7/3
CBS Elementary 4.3/8
NBC Shades of Blue (p) 5.9/11
About the Daily Ratings
Each day (except Sunday) during the main TV Season we post the TV Ratings for the previous nights primetime shows for the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, CW, FOX, NBC). Cable Network ratings will be added to the Ratings Database.
The first item that gets posted (normally around 2pm GMT) is the early overnight analysis based on the early household numbers (these are not the same as the Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers that are posted later).
Next, if available, we will post the Top 25 Market 18-49 Ratings to give you a rough idea of the ratings to following.
Later on (normally between 4pm-5pm GMT) we post the official early overnight Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers in the table above (We also where possible now post the 18-34 and 25-54 Demo Numbers).
Finally, later in the evening (10pm-11pm GMT) or the following day, the final adjusted ratings numbers are released, these are then posted in the Ratings Database. The Final Adjusted numbers are what we use for all our Renew/Cancellation Tables, Full Season Tables, Ratings Scorecards etc (see below). Friday's Final Adjusted Ratings are normally available on the following Monday.
If you are new to ratings or still confused, we recommend you read this excellent
Ratings FAQ.
Don't forget to follow our Ratings Only Twitter Account for the latest Ratings News
NOTE: We will open up the ratings post early so that people can chat/disqus whilst we wait for the HH, T25 Numbers and then the Early Overnight numbers as usual.