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The Frankenstein Chronicles - The Frankenstein Murders - Advance Preview, Dialogue Teasers + Photos

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The fifth episode of period crime drama, The Frankenstein Chronicles, continues on ITV Encore at 10pm on 9th December. Bow Street copper John Marlott is no closer to uncovering who is behind the child killings, so this week sees him returning to Greenwich, back where it all began. Could the visions of his drowned wife be a sign of something more than his diseased mind haunting him, is there a vital clue missing from where the first body found its way into the Thames?

Mary Shelley is following her own lines of enquiry too. That old laboratory we saw last week holds a grisly past, which we will see unfolding during flashbacks as she conducts her investigation into Sir William Chester’s current practices. She may have taken on more than she can manage alone however as the surgeon has no qualms when it comes to being a tad chauvinistic in his attitude towards women at times - which appears to be a trait runs in the family because his cousin is a bit of a sleaze ball too.

The front page exclusive that Boz has penned, The Frankenstein Murders, which angers Sir Robert sufficiently enough to pull Marlott from the case, does at least bring Shelley knocking on his door. Although he is no longer officially working for the government, her dark secrets do compel him to dig deeper into the mystery in his own time and start to unravel some of the leads. This simply isn’t an incident that he can leave unsolved.

Sean Bean hasn’t had much in the romance stakes so far in this series, fond daydreams of his dearly departed wife aside, but there’s a cheeky liaison this week that gets his heart a pumping a mite faster. Not that he can allow this flirtation to proceed too far as yet, that syphilitic sore on his hand is hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles. Plus I can't say that trust this particular person myself, it wouldn’t surprise me if there were ulterior motives at play behind her mask of concern and enthusiasm in helping with the case. Then again, with the twists and turns some characters make throughout this episode it’s difficult to decide what anyone’s true game is yet…

Here are a few teasers, and the promotional photos from The Frankenstein Murders:

“I had known more, I might have said more. Now we have both been defamed”

“I suggest you take a copy to Sir Robert immediately. Unless you want me to take the other to our friend at the Morning Chronicle”

“You should know, my lady, Sir Robert wants nothing more to do with me. I have been removed from the case”

“This madness is no longer my concern”

“Mocking my achievements in your wretched novel. Dragging my past endlessly into the limelight”

“Your masters will let you hang to protect themselves. Does that please you?”

“All life is precious Flora, yours too. If you’ve been brought back, well, then there’s a reason for it”

“An emergency vote to declare the Anatomy Act dead. What better way to celebrate our engagement?”

“The case is closed, he was guilty. What are you looking for?”

“We’re about to take a step that will alter the course of natural philosophy forever. What words could possible suffice”

“Is there a law against giving a girl a present?”

“Then I will wait. And pray for your success, in bringing them to justice”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Poldark, and other UK shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Vikings, Orphan Black, Game of Thrones and The Flash.
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