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Doctor Who - The Zygon Inversion - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

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© BBC Pictures

The Zygon Inversion appears to mark the end of the more traditional two-parters that we have been getting this year, although I suspect that the finale will undoubtedly be told over the last two/three instalments in some way or other. With the unusual single-hander episode coming up, and Clara’s ‘incredibly sad’ departure to factor in before we reach the end of this season, it’s difficult to predict for sure how things will play out still.

I was pleased to find this second half of the Zygon adventure less clumsy than last week’s opener; the inept UNIT soldiers, impossible time scale considerations, occasional clunky dialogue and acting left me a tad underwhelmed. The locations are scaled back in Inversion, which instantaneously takes care of one problem, while bringing the drama back down to how it affects individuals also helps draw the audience into what the subject matter means on a more personal level.

We pick up the story more or less where last week’s cliffhanger left us, with a short introduction beforehand to give us someone else’s take on the situation before seeing Bonnie shoot down the Presidential plane. Unsurprisingly, Clara’s Zygon double doesn’t hang about afterwards, she has a war to start after all, and so after hotfooting it back to London in super quick time she introduces chaos and dissent upon the streets before hunting down her ultimate prize, the Osgood box.

As we’ve seen in the sneak peek, Jenna will be facing off against herself as both Clara and Bonnie attempt to show each other who is in control during an interrogation scene. Of course, it’s not as simple as either of them think it will be, but Jenna plays the parts wonderfully with the contrast between the two characters very distinctly portrayed. It’s very Orphan Black, and almost makes up for missing her during The Woman Who Lived.

Yet it’s Peter who steals the limelight in this story, although some credit must go to Jenna for her part in his big scene too I feel. He’s given some incredibly potent lines this week that he delivers on point in spectacular fashion - if you’re not moved by this then surely you have a heart of stone! The Doctor also has something of great interest to say to anyone who is thinking of the bigger picture too, perhaps one of the fan theories about this year's arc could be right after all?

The Zygon Inversion airs on Saturday 7th November at 8pm on BBC 1 and BBC 1 HD in the UK, and at 9pm on BBC America. Below are a few dialogue teasers to see you through until then, if you want to have any guesses on who said what I will fill in any correct answers before the episode airs. Don't forget to come back to vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.

“You’re a credit to your species ********** Osgood” The Doctor

“I’m not on anyone’s side. This is my home”

“Humans cannot accept the way we really are. If we cannot hide, we must fight” Bonnie

“Don’t tell her where the Osgood box is, and above all, don’t tell her what it is” The Doctor

“Oh Clara, for a moment I thought you were clever” Bonnie

“Why does peace keeping always involve killing” The Doctor

“Are you lying, are you lying to me Doctor?”

“If you are watching this then I have been captured and interrogated”

“You set this up. Why?”

“Doctor, we can help him can’t we?”

Trailer Teaser

“You must not watch this, you can never unsee it”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Poldark, and other UK shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Vikings, Orphan Black, Game of Thrones and The Flash.
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