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Quote of the Week - 20th October 2015

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A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the Spoiler TV team this past week. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off below the article.

Agents of SHIELD: "A Wanted (Inhu)man"
1) Daisy: "You are not cursed. You are not some horrible thing. I know, because you taught me that I wasn't. You convinced me that I had a purpose. That maybe my life wasn't over, but just getting somewhere. Please let me do the same for you."(Nirat)
Lincoln: "You're wasting your time caring about me."
Daisy: "I can't help it."(Nirat)
2) May: "How about I do you a favour and not tell anyone that a tiny little Asian woman kicked your ass?"
3) Simmons: "You kept the reservation." (Nirat)

American Horror Story: Hotel "Chutes and Ladders"
1) Liz: "Skinny jeans are out. Fringe is in. Ponchos are forever. Make a note of it." (Sharon)

Arrow  "The Candidate"
1) Felicity: "Let's get something straight. I’m the only one around here allowed to speak in sentence fragments." (Prpleight)
2) Thea: "I thought Thea could use some time out of town. A spa getaway. Clear her head." "As long as it's not near any hot tubs, because that's what got me in this situation." (Sharon)

Doctor Who "The Girl Who Died"
1) Doctor "Mother I hear thunder I hear shouting, you are my world, but I hear other worlds now. Beyond the folding of your smile.. is there other kindness? I'm afraid.. will they be kind. The sky is crying now. Fire in the in the water"(Sandi)
Clara "You just decided to stay"
2) Doctor "Yes, What is it Lofty?" Lofty "Sorry, my name's not actually Lofty, it's..." Doctor "No it's not, it's Lofty. I've got to much to think about without everybody having their own names, so it's Lofty. You're Lofty, you're Daphne, you're Noggin the Nog. ZZ Top. And you're, ahh, Heidi"(Sandi)
3) Doctor "Immortality isn't living forever, that's not what it feels like. Immortality is everyone else dying. She might meet someone she can't bear to lose. That happens, I believe" (Sandi)

Fargo "Waiting for Dutch"
1) Lou: Ordered this kit of recipe cards, saw it on the TV. So now every night we eat delicacies of the world.
Hank: Some men like that. Variety.
Lou: She put a souffle on the table last night. Perfectly good casserole -- then lit it on fire with a kitchen match.
Hank: Huh? (Darth Locke)
Lou: Which reminds me, you're invited for dinner tomorrow.
2) Rye: There's two ways this can go-- Judge: Is one of them the hard way? (Darth Locke)
3) Rye: Well, you know, maybe I needed it for me. For something I--
Dodd: No, you earn for the family, not for yourself.
Rye: Yeah but you're the oldest, and then there's Bear, and that's the throne. What am I ever gonna be except the kid you send out for milk? Dodd: You're a Gerhardt. Rye: That's like Jupiter telling Pluto, "Hey, you're a planet, too." (Darth Locke)

Grey's Anatomy "Old Time Rock and Roll"
1) Meredith: "When you walk into a room to tell someone that their loved one has died, it's more than just a list of bullet points you've memorized. Yours is the face they will remember for the rest of their life. They were fine before they met you. They picked up their children from school, they made dinner, and they got a call." (Nirat)
2) Meredith: "I'm happy, and I never thought I would be again. But I am, and that's all I need." (Nirat)

How To Get Away With Murder "Skanks Get Shanked"
1) Annalise: "I think about it a lot, killing myself. I have ever since I was a child. A lot of times I think the world would be a much better place without me in it. But I don't do it. You're a better woman than me and if I don't deserve to die, then you definitely don't." (Daniel, Nirat & Robert)
2) Connor: "Annalise strikes again. Nothing like burning babies when you want to sway the jury."
3) Connor: "Zoe would have killed again and I can not deal with anymore blood on my hands." (Daniel)
Annalise: "You know where else there's blood? My husband's to be specific. Your car." Connor: "Laurel said that Frank got rid of it." Annalise: "That's a lie. Make me out to be the villian if it helps you sleep at night, but don't you ever screw with my cases." (Daniel)

Limitless "Page 44"
1) Brian: "If my dad was gone and I learned there was something out there that he had made, I don’t think I could ignore it." (Ben, Darth Locke, Laura)
2) Rebecca: "Brian, you're on NZT. Are you seriously telling me you can't get out of an office building?" (Ben)
3) Rebecca: "Brian, when I said I would have your back, I didn't mean breaking and entering. Next time, don't set off the alarm." (Ben, Darth Locke)

NCIS "Double Trouble"
1) Gibbs to Vance: "What are you waiting for, probie?" (Sharon)
2) Vance: "You're the boss, boss. Although when I asked to tag along I thought this was going to be more like, you know, Butch and Sundance. You're the quick-draw, I'm the brains. Kind of co-equals."
Gibbs: "Yeah, we're not." Vance: "So what, I'm Robin to your Batman?"(Daniel)
3) Vance: "I made a mistake. I forgot to trust my agents to do their job. And in the process I forget what my job was. It won't happen again, Madam. I gave up being an agent so I could lead and protect this agency. That's where I can make a difference. It's where I still can."(Daniel)
4) Vance: "Yes, I'm still in charge. Now get back to work. You're stuck with me." Gibbs: "Change is hard. (Daniel)

Once Upon a Time "Siege Perilous"
1) Hook "What's that, then?"
Robin "It's a picture from up inside Zelena."
Hook "Whoa, mate!" (Sandi)
2) Emma "He was born a coward. He didn't find true love until he was the Dark One. You told me how the man he was grovelled and cried on the deck of this ship. He changed for the better, too."
Hook "You're wrong. I was the villain in that little drama, Swan. He was a good man trying to keep his family together. I took this cutlass and put it to his head and taunted him. I was the only one there who's changed for the better. He became an evil, manipulative killer."(Sandi)
3) Gold "What do you want from me? You are the Dark One now, not me."
Emma "That's right. You are not dark. You are also not light. You are nothing, your heart is a blank slate. And that, little man, makes you useful because now I can make you into the last thing you ever thought you would be. A hero. And not just any hero. The purest who's ever lived. And then, and then I have a job for you."(Sandi)
4) David "My father, he drank his life away. My brother accomplished nothing but evil. There was a time I thought I'd be different. Change the world. But I just I don't want to only be remembered as the man who kissed a sleeping princess awake 30 years ago."(Sandi)

Quantico "Cover"
1) Alex: "I thought I knew you." Simon: "No one knows anyone else, ever." (Daniel)
2) Alex: "All this time and I still don't know who the real Simon Asher is." Simon: "Nobody is ever just one thing."
3) Shelby: "You reach a river in the forest. Do you cross it or go around?" Nimah: "I would have checked the map first." (Daniel)
4) Caleb: "Profile me all you want. I'm an open book." Shelby: "Yeah, I've heard of it. American Psycho."(Dahne)
5) Raina: "I'm not mad at them, Nimah. The things they were saying…they were talking about you. Your aggression, your bad performance that I have to match. You are average. That's why I'm mad. I didn't even want to be here in the first place and now that I'm here, I'm not allowed to do my best. I'm stuck doing your best."(Dahne)
6) Alex: "Are you going to vote?" Shelby: "I may not like what anyone said about me but I like myself and if I voted, I wouldn't." (Dahne)

Rosewood "Vandals and Vitamins"
1) Rosewood: "Dr. Foster, thanks for making the time to see me." Foster: "I didn't. I was hoping you'd leave." Rosewood: "Oh okay." Foster: "This seems to be the only way to make sure that happens." (Dahne)
Rosewood: "Well when you want to see the best, what's 90 minutes you know?" Foster: "Not long enough to get you to leave."
2) Rosewood: "I want you to come work for me, part-time as much as you want to. I don't even know what your role's gonna be but what I do know is how the police are annoyed with me. They are frightened to death of you so that's gotta be useful." Donna: "Are you sure about this? We will not always get along, you know." Rosewood: "But we are always going to be family, the only family that I'll ever have, so I would love having you closer."(Dahne)
3) Pippy: "Yo bro, she has no job, nothing to do. Let her sink her teeth into this so she doesn't sink them into us. I'm just saying."(Dahne)

1) Happy: "In case we don't make it out of here, I'd just want to say I'm not really a robot." Walter: "Thank you for clarifying. I did know you weren't made of circuitry." Happy: "We both play a good game of denial. It might be the one thing where I can beat you but….right now my dad is up there trying to save me, the man I've been looking for over 25 years. I just never expected to want to live as badly as I do right now." Walter: "I saved 9 sailors lives instead of us. I supported that act with calculations, but perhaps there was some sentimentality attached." Happy: "And you let that certifiable lunatic stay in our garage." Walter: "Maybe we're changing. Maybe…maybe I'm not a robot either." Hall: "You're not normal people, are you?" (Dahne)
2) Sylvester: "See I don't like the mojo of playing Battleship with an actual battleship."(Dahne)
3) Paige: "Toby, you've got to narrow it down." Toby: "We're working with a half-eaten hoagie and a piece of chalk. It's not like we're mind readers."(Dahne)

The Flash "Flash of Two Worlds"
1) Jay: "I hear they call you the Scarlet Speedster." (Ben)
2) Barry: "Yeah, what about you?"(Ben)
3) Jay: "Crimson Comet. What is it about alliteration and nicknames?"(Ben)
4) Cisco: "Something's happening to me. I'm starting to perceive things. Horrible things. It started after Wells killed me in the other timeline. It came back when Atom-Smasher attacked on Flash Day and then again when Sand Demon showed up. I get a vibe, and then a vision of something that's already happened, and then it's gone."(Nirat, Robert & Sandi)
5) Iris: "Not everyone is Harrison Wells. Besides, you defeated him because you trusted in people, beause you believed in then. This team that you have here? They will follow your lead. They will do what you say. But if they think that you don't believe in them, it won't be long before they don't believe in you."(Nirat)
6) Jay Garrick: "Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash." (Nirat)
7) Tour Guide "Founded in 1991, S.T.A.R. Labs is leading the world in exciting new technological discoveries that, as our motto suggests, are truly bringing us tomorrow's world today. Specializing in artificial intelligence, genetics, and meta-human stu.... Oh, are we in for an unexpected treat. It is my absolute honour to introduce you to the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs, the saviour of Central City, Dr. Harrison Wells." Wells "Hello, kids." (Sandi)

The Good Wife "Innocents"
1) Peter: You're being used. Alicia: I know. Who isn't?(Darth Locke)
2) Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches? Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins. (Darth Locke)
3) David Lee: Did he just issue the easiest ultimatum in history?(Darth Locke)

The Muppets "Pig Out"
1) Kermit: "Piggy, be rational." Piggy: "Kermit, That doesn’t sound like me at all."(Prpleight)
2) Kermit: "Bunson? Beaker? Why are you wearing each other’s clothes?" Munson: "If it happens outside of work we don’t owe an explanation."(Prpleight)

The Walking Dead "First Time Again"
1) Rick: "I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world. We have to come for them before they come for us. It's that simple." (Ben)
2) Morgan: "Did you take one of my protein bars?" (Ben)
3) Heath: "This was supposed to be a dress rehearsal." Glenn: "I was supposed to be delivering pizzas, man." (DarkUFO)

Honorable Mentions

Blindspot "Bone May Rot"
1) Suri: "All these diseases that we're trying so desperately to find a cure for are actually the last ditch effort of a dying planet trying to wipe out the thing that is actually destroying it - us."(Dahne)
2) Weller: "Is she Taylor Shaw or not?" Patterson: "Both tests are conclusive but both can't be true. I don't know who she is."(Dahne)
3) Reade: "Oh come on. Your usual type's a mix between gladiator and Viking." Zapata: "I do not have a type." Reade: "I catch bad guys for a living, alright. The last 2 dudes you dated scared me." Zapata: "Then you scare easily because they were a loan officer and soccer coach."(Dahne)

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend "Josh Happens to Live Here"
1) Rebecca: "I'm actually here because I'm meeting a friend but I don't…I don't see him." Greg: "Great. Maybe I know him. Is he eight-years-old or an alcoholic 'cause that's what we've got here?"(Dahne)
2) Darryl: "I hope you don't mind but I handed out copies of your résumé. I mean we are just so honored and well, confused frankly to have an attorney of your caliber here."(Dahne)
3) Rebecca: "I mean the motto is live, work, play." Greg: "We have a motto?" Rebecca: "Yes, on the website." Greg: "We have a website?" Rebecca: "It takes a few minutes to load but it's very informative." Greg: "This is where I live. Yea for me."(Dahne)

How To Get Away With Murder "Skanks Get Shanked"
1) Lauren: "Just because they're smiling doesn't mean they don't want to kill each other."(Dahne)
2) Annalise: "Make me out to be the villain if that helps you sleep at night, but don't you ever screw with my cases."
3) Laurel: "Go for it. Look at all the fun we got out of Wes dating Rebecca."(Dahne)

Limitless "Page 44"
1) Brian2: "Have you gone maybe a little nuts? Naz is leaving her office right now as we speak. The clock is running. You do not have enough room on your to-do list to help Arthur Maciel." Brian1: "There's still 2 days left and besides, Rebecca just…you know, confided in me. I can't steal files from her boss' office right now." Brian2: "So it will be easier to betray her later then?"(Dahne)
2) Harris: "And Brian, when I said I had your back I didn't mean breaking and entering. Next time, don't set off the alarm."(Dahne)
3) Boyle: "Please don't spill coffee on the top-secret file."(Dahne)

The Flash "Flash of Two Worlds"
1) Joe: "I'm gonna be honest here. I don't understand what the hell any of you are talking about." Cisco: "So Jay is saying he's from like a mirror world or a parallel universe that's very, very similar to ours." Stein: "Multiverse would be a more apt description." Joe: "Nope, not helping." Cisco: "Bless your heart."(Dahne)
2) Joe: "Are you aware of what happened to my previous partner?" Patty: "Detective Thawne, yes. I know that he died and the one before him, Fred Shire, died too. But the one before that's not dead, just transferred. I'm sure it had nothing to do with you."(Dahne)
3) Cisco: "Did you just say War of the Americas?" Barry: "I wish you would have just told us you lost your helmet. It would have saved us all a headache." (Dahne)

Truth be Told "Pilot"
1) Mitch: "You've got to say something." Russell: "I'm not wasting my breath, Mitch. It's a valet stand, not Selma." Mitch: "Then I'm saying something." Russell: "No, no." Mitch: "I'm your best man. That did not end at your wedding. I'm your best man everywhere we go." Russell: "I should have made my brother my best man."(Dahne)
2) Russell: "Wait. So who's wife we hiding from?" Mitch: "All of them. All of the wives."(Dahne)
3) Angie: "Well if you see something, say something but if you just think it's something, shut the hell up. My girl T needs this night out."(Dahne)

As always, thank you for reading. Let me know in the comments what some of your favorite quotes this past week have been!

About the Author - Robert Fruin
Robert is a sixth form student from the United Kingdom, currently studying Business Studies, IT and Media. Robert is a huge fan of the ended ABC series LOST; he has seen it many times over and has even visited some of the filming locations for it. Robert mainly watches drama series such as Game of Thrones and Person of Interest, but has a soft spot for the comedy The Middle. Some other interests include Cycling, Kayaking and Photography. Robert joined SpoilerTV in 2014 and currently reviews Colony, Game of Silence, Outlander, The Bastard Executioner and Z Nation. He also previews Ash vs Evil Dead, Black Sails, Blunt Talk and Counterpark. You can contact him at or feel free to connect with him on any of these social media sites.
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