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Doctor Who - The Girl Who Died - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

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© BBC Pictures

After cutting his teeth on last season’s highly successful Flatline and Mummy on the Orient Express I expect many have been looking forward to seeing this year’s offering from Jamie Mathieson. The scares and chills maybe toned down in The Girl Who Died compared to his previous offerings – indeed, after the last two stories a more upbeat tale is well placed – yet Mathieson still manages to stamp his unique mark on what’s traditionally known as the light-hearted romp.

In essence, the events that transpire in the episode are a series of mistakes or miscalculations that the characters make along the way. Right from the start where we see one character floating alone in space, to the closing shot of another looking jaded and perturbed, all the insignificant decisions which are made along the way when added together have the potential to turn minor ripples into tidal waves. Of course this is something that the Doctor is careful to avoid generally, and sounds rather too complex a plot for what is essentially a feel good historical adventure where a town of Vikings overcome an evil band of space warriors, called the Mire.

It’s these consequences that partially make the story as compelling as it is, but along the way there are other little touches in both the script and performances which make this instalment work for me. A talent that we have seen a past Doctor possess is back, for example, allowing Peter scope to deliver some raw emotional lines as he and Clara decide if they should interfere and help the town.

That’s not to say that there is a slight wobble along the way, I do have one minor grumble; a certain promised scene is perhaps rushed to some extent after the build-up that we’ve had in our minds as fans ever since Peter was cast. The main problem is probably down more to expectations rather than execution however; therefore it remains more a petty niggle opposed to being a major complaint.

The mystery who Maisie Williams was going to be one that has caused no end of discussion since the first trailer hit at Comic Con back in July. Was she playing a different version of River, Susan, the Master…the Rani?! Well, in truth she’s a pretty ordinary young girl called Ashildr who lives with her father in a small Viking town. She’s a bit of a loner and maybe over thinks certain situations, so why would the Doctor be distracted by her presence when one of the deadliest warrior races in the entire galaxy are about to strike?

The Girl Who Died airs on Saturday 17th October at 8.20pm on BBC 1 and BBC 1 HD in the UK, and at 9pm on BBC America. Below are a few dialogue teasers to see you through until then, if you want to have any guesses on who said what I will fill in any correct answers before the episode airs. Don't forget to come back to vote in our poll after the episode and let us know what you thought.

“My name’s not actually Lofty, it’s…”

“Clara, Clara! I’m not a hugger”

“It’s official, silence is even worse than a Scottish accent”

“We’ll be cut down like corn, by this time tomorrow every single one of us will be dead”

“Think the word open. Say it with your mind”

“She thinks she brings us bad luck”

“Umm, he speaks baby”

“You’re a thief caught in the act”

“Just someone, not the whole town”

“I’m very, very cross with you. I’m very disappointed! I have taken human form to walk among you”

Trailer Teaser

“Come on sidekick, watch and learn”

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Poldark, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Reign, Orphan Black, Game of Thrones and The Flash.
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