Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Reminder about The Daily Newsreel - Your news may be there!

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Reminder about The Daily Newsreel - Your news may be there!

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Hey all,

Recently we've noticed that some people are submitting information to us using the Scoop Submission form and then resubmitting or posting elsewhere on the site because it hasn't been posted.

Well, 95% of the time, that'd be wrong.

With over 200 shows being covered at SpoilerTV, if we were to dedicate a post to every small piece of news that came in then the site would get very congested very quickly. This was the case a couple of years ago where we would end up with over 100 articles being posted on busy days. This is something that is simply not feasible as we don't want to overload people with that many posts.

So back in October 2014 we introduced the Daily Roundup which was a collection of minor news that was posted every day. However that was not sustainable for us behind the scenes as it meant an awful lot of condensed work for DarkUFO. Because of this, back in March, we introduced the SpoilerTV Daily Newsreel which served the exact same purpose as the Roundup - we can add minor news to give it a place on the site - but it also allowed us to update constantly throughout the day.

That was not only beneficial for us from a workload point of view but also useful for readers as it allows us to post information more quickly after we get it.

Now, a lot of the information that we are sent on a daily basis is this minor news, and we very much appreciate each and every submission as often the news are things that we have missed.

With the new season coming in just a couple of weeks we are beginning to get flooded with news and so the site will will be even more full of information between now and the end of the season.

Because of this, a LOT of this minor news will end up in the Newsreel this season.

The point of all this is that we are trying to stress that people need to use the Newsreel. It will be chock full of information and so there is a strong likelihood that there will be something in there of interest to you.

Additionally, if you have submitted a piece of news and don't see it on the site, check the Newsreel because 95% of the time we will have posted it there. This is not true of every piece of news and some information doesn't make it into the Newsreel. This is at the SpoilerTV staff's discretion so please don't be disheartened if we don't post your news.

Also, if you have submitted news, please be patient and don't resubmit as it will only clog up our work queue. We will have received the submission the first time and will process it when we can.

So please, if you don't use the Daily Newsreel then from today, take a look and hopefully it will be useful to you.

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