Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The SpoilerTV Favourite TV Series Competition 2015 - Day 4 - LOST vs. Hannibal and Alias vs. White Collar

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The SpoilerTV Favourite TV Series Competition 2015 - Day 4 - LOST vs. Hannibal and Alias vs. White Collar

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Hey all,

Another huge battle starts us off today. The show that caused this site to exist, LOST, takes on the show frequently regarded as the best currently on network television - soon-to-be-ended Hannibal. To this day, LOST remains one of the more-talked about shows while Hannibal seems to have gained even more popularity amid news of its cancellation by NBC. I'd still place my bets on LOST here, but this could just as easily swing Hannibal's way. Our second poll today sees another J.J. Abrams show - Alias - take on the recently ended White Collar.

A reminder of the rules:

1) Two shows will go into battle in a poll, where after exactly 24 hours, the leading show will win the battle and will progress into the next round.
2) Vote for your favourite, spread the word with your friends & fans.
3) To vote, login with either your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ profile. If you don't want to use any of those, you can go direct to Opinion Stage and get an account to vote.
4) Comment on what you voted for on in the comments below.
5) Have fun. This is a friendly & competitive competition. Please do not start attacking other fans or fangroups in the comments, because this really isn't what this competition is about.

Click here to see the draw in a new window

Don't forget to Facebook, Tweet, and share the poll with your friends! The more people that you get to vote, the better chance your favourites will win!

Remember to check back tomorrow for Person of Interest vs. Pretty Little Liars and Veronica Mars vs. The Blacklist!

About the Author - Bradley Adams
16 year old based in England, currently Senior Staff at SpoilerTV. Most of his posts are news/spoiler based, though he is currently the reviewer of Person of Interest, as well as being in charge of the yearly 'Favourite Episode Competition'. A big TV fan, his range of shows are almost exclusively dramas, with some of his all-time favourite shows including 24, LOST, Breaking Bad and Friends. Some of his current favourites include Person of Interest, Arrow and The Walking Dead. He also runs an Arrow blog, ArrowFansUK, and aside from TV, is a keen cricketer. Get in touch with him via the links below or via email
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