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USD POLL : What is your favorite Joss Whedon TV show?

Jul 3, 2015

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by waterflame who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

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  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite show of all time, so that. But I love all of them but Dollhouse, which I haven't seen yet.

  2. Buffy all the way!

  3. The only one I haven't watched is Firefly. My favourite is definitely Dollhouse, it was such an amazing show and Buffy is my second favourite but the other ones are great as well.

  4. Angel, despite the things he did with the whole Connor/Cordelia storyline and having almost all the characters die. Dollhouse except the Epitaphs episode and killing off Ballard.

  5. Joss created it and served as EP. He wrote and directed several episodes too.

  6. BTVS. It is legend.

  7. AOS really isn't a Joss show, as much as I love it he has had minimal involvement - only directing and writing the pilot.

    Excluding AOS, I picked Buffy and Angel these 2 shows made me the TV addict I am today. Followed by Dollhouse and Firefly. I recently rewatched Dollhouse and decided I liked it more than Firefly.

  8. Jsos created Dollhouse and directed and wrote for it, Jed and Maurissa did get heavily involved especially in the future arc with the 2 excellent Epitaph sidesteps.

  9. I voted for Buffy, but I don't count AoS as a Joss show or it would be much harder to pick. I know some might consider comparing AoS to Buffy sacreligious, but honestly, other than Seasons 2-3 and a few classic episodes like The Body, Prophecy Girl, Hush, The Gift and Once More With Feeling, Buffy isn't all it's cracked up to be. Its whole was greater than the sum of its parts. When it was good, it was truly amazing, but it was bad pretty often.

  10. I'm actually not a big fan of the Epitaph episodes.

  11. RickyForeverDelenaJuly 3, 2015 at 11:53 AM

    Mmm, Buffy, duh. Awesome stand-alone episodes, awesome character development, awesome season arcs, just awesome.

  12. Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. for me. I loved Buffy and Angel back in the days, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy them that much now.

  13. This is like choosing my favorite child, how dare you.
    Went for Angel and Firefly in the end. Angel because it needs more votes and I've seen it more times than BTVS (Wesley is my fave Whedonverse character) and Firerfly because there is no better weekend than rewatching all the episodes.. with audio commentary.

  14. Buffy & Angel.
    Though I love Dollhouse it lived far too short to achieve the highs of Buffy & Angel.
    Shield is good, but it isn't really great (yet).
    And I haven't watched Firefly yet.

    So, it was easy to choose :)

  15. There is no other answer to this question that I can give that isn't Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  16. Agent of Shield is technically not a Joss Whedon Show. I guess Buffy had a number of good seasons before all went to hell.

  17. Exactly my thoughts, too. If I would consisder AoS a Joss Whedon Show, this would have been a harder pick

  18. Buffy, it will always be Buffy. And then Angel.
    I couldn't get into Dollhouse, anf I watched Firefly a couple of years ago, was ok, I guess I don't see what everyone else see in that show.

  19. Always Firefly, awesome series and a pox on Fox. Went with Buffy ONLY because of Spike, never liked SMG as Buffy.

  20. And the Buggy episodes which were good, were really, really good and changed TV forever, so there is that. (Even if it was sometimes for the worse, there aren't really a lot of shows which manage to pull of the musical episode).

  21. Firefly! Still sad about it :/

  22. So I'm guessing you voted for Angel then.

  23. Buffy and Angel for me.

  24. Agents of SHIELD

  25. I love these shows, but Buffy will always be one of my favourite shows of all time (only Supernatural comes close to it).

  26. Exactly, that's what I mean by saying the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. I think Lost is a lot like Buffy in that regard, although it held up better as the seasons wore on than Biffy did. But it still seems to me that Lost will be remembered for its innovative storytelling techniques and mindfvck plot twists more than as a Breaking Bad, The Sopranos or The Wire type masterpiece in its own right.

  27. Even though I loved Dollhouse and I love Agents of SHIELD
    My fav will always be Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  28. I voted Dollhouse because I had to show it some love. Seems to be the least loved of his series, and while it has some problems...I loved it. It's a close second to BTVS. Also, I've never been able to finish the first episode of Firefly.

  29. Firefly, Angel, Buffy, Dollhouse, AoS

  30. Buffy/Angel!! Firefly was good, Dollhouse ok. Does AoS count as a JW show?? I watch, but I've never been into it.
    I still watch old eps of Buffy on Netflix, and have them all on dvd. My #1 favorite show. 2 would be Smallville, which I also own.
    Absolute favorite episode is season 7 "Dirty Girls". Caleb (Nathan Fillion) was an awesome villain!

  31. Firefly is the only one that I like.

  32. Christopher DeBonoJuly 3, 2015 at 2:28 PM

    Buffy > Firefly > Agents Of Shield > Angel

    Loved Buffy and Firefly
    Agents Of Shield got a lot better after Winter Soldier hit (but not Buffy levels of good)
    Angel I tried but could never get into.
    Dollhouse I haven't tried yet.

  33. Buffy and Agents Of SHIELD all of the way.

  34. I love all five shows, but I went with Buffy and Firefly. However, AoS isn't done yet, so if it can keep up and build on the momentum of season 2, then I'd say it's a strong contender.

  35. Firefly. Sorry Buffy but Firefly is my first love, and I prefer it's characters. And setting.

  36. Go watch those. Now.

  37. I feel like Shield really doesn't count much given how little involved Whedom is compared to every other show, and how little creatively it's a child of his compared to the others whose universes he created.

  38. Watch Firefly. It's excellent.

  39. As much as I love all of his shows, Firefly is still the one for me <3

  40. 'Angel'.
    Where my fellow Vamps at?

  41. It was a loosely adapted premise from an old novel.

  42. Buffy! DUH!! lol no contest. And Angel right behind it.

  43. Firefly. I didn't like Buffy and AOS is OK at best. I haven't watched the others.

  44. Angel is still my favorite show ever :D Buffy is close though. Firefly was fun, but I don't think it deserves quite all the praise people heap on it. Also I loved the first season of Dollhouse a lot, but the 2nd season ruined it. And ofc SHIELD is great but it's not really a Whedon show.

  45. Jean Paul (Alexi)July 3, 2015 at 3:59 PM

    I think I'd choose Buffy, but wow were the first lines of the pilot cheesy.
    Fortunately it became great.

    Willow and Giles have been instant favorites for me :) and of course i had a crush on Buffy *-*

  46. This should be easy for most people Buffy The Vampire Slayer is prob one of the best shows of all time

  47. Buffy and Angel by far, although I've never seen Dollhouse so I should probably get going on that.

  48. lost will above all known as the Show which built up a mystery with no idea how to solve it and therefore ended up disappointing the audience in one of the most infamous of show finales...I am to this day happy that I never bought into the lost hype while I might give those other shows a shot one day.

  49. I need 30 hours a day to watch them TBH.So,maybe a year later down the line.

  50. Buffy/Angel

    why the f...k is Agents of Skye so high on the list?!

  51. Though I consider Buffy to be a good show, Angel and Firefly are my favorites.

  52. Buffy is one of my favourite ones ever. I would say also Angel and Firefly!

  53. I voted for Firefly & Angel. Tough call though.

  54. Roseanne should've been on here too.

  55. The OGs - Buffy and Angel

  56. That's impossible.

  57. I simply have no time.I watch too many shows as it is.

  58. Your lack of Firefly is disturbing.

  59. He didn't create it. That doesn't count.

  60. No. Shield can't even touch Firefly. Hell Firefly itself can almost stand against Buffy and Angel as equal.

  61. No love for Firefly?

  62. Obviously Dollhouse.

  63. Without Buffy other show would not be possible or influence......I believe supernatural is inspired by buffy

  64. lol. Yeah I don't get the Agents of Skye love...

  65. In most people's opinions who've watch Whedon's work.

  66. Which still makes it an opinion so claiming my opinion is wrong seems silly since it is ALL opinion.

  67. LOVE Whedon...seen everything but Firefly. Couldn't bring myself to pay full attention to the pilot...three different times.

  68. When did I claim it was wrong objectively? Oh wait I didn't. Merely pointed out that if you ask around most will disagree with it.

  69. That's how I feel about Shield. Can't even form any sort of connection to anyone or thing.

  70. "No. Shield can't even touch Firefly."

    When I gave my opinion and you said No.

  71. Sorry you had to try 3 different times. I think for me it was all the hype it got. I went into it with super high expectations and was disappointed. I didn't find it to be anything special. Since then I've tried not to get too excited about a show I've never seen.

  72. Yes because that's my opinion. Just like yours is your own. Which is fine, and while I think you're wrong (as would many others). I never said objectively you were. Did you say objectively Shield is better? No of course not. And while you're entitled to it, so I'm I to say to myself and (probably most from what I've seen and read) disagree with it. I never once said it was factually or reality wrong. Since that's not how opinions work.

  73. Technically Supernatural is inspired by Kolchak and On the Road but you can definitely see Buffy and The X-Files influence in places. I think that is true for almost every supernatural show that followed them.

  74. Buffy obviously <3

  75. WATCH BUFFY NOW!!!! It's incredible. Sarah Michelle Gellar is phenomenal as Buffy

  76. it's always gonna be BUFFY for me

  77. Angel, Buffy would be second for me. I still wish Angel had never been canceled.

  78. I thought the same thing which is why I didn't watch it until just last year and I watched Serenity first, after that I was hooked.

  79. I did think Serenity was better than the show so maybe I should have watched it first unstead of after.

  80. Firefly is his masterpiece! So that goes at the top of my list, hands down.

    Now while I acknowledge that Buffy is objectively better, I personally prefer Angel... so my second vote went there.

  81. *gasps*

    NO! You need to at least watch Firefly...

  82. Fractal RecursionJuly 3, 2015 at 8:50 PM

    Buffy! Angel... I'm still mourning. AoS got better in Season 2 imo. But Whedon's involvement on the show is very little, so I didn't count it as one.

  83. No, Agents of SHIELD. It's like you don't get me at all.

  84. Very true. And I don't know if you've watched X-Files lately, but the crossover between people who starred/guested on X-Files who eventually starred/guested on Supernatural is kind of insane. I counted while doing a watch-through a while back, and I think it was something like seven starring/recurring Supernatural characters had been on the X-Files, and something like half had been starring/recurring on X-Files, too. There's always some crossover with big serial shows, but after a while I was like, I think that being in the X-Files might be the best thing on actor's resume in the Supernatural casting department.

  85. Ha! They do share a lot of actors. In fact most of the shows I watch have a recurring or guest character who was on Supernatural at some point. 11 years of casting will do that I guess.

    A large part of the Supernatural crew, including its most prominent early producer/director - Kim Manners, were involved with The X-Files first. I think in the beginning almost half of them had worked on The X-Files in some capacity. Part of that comes from the fact that The X-Files was shot in Vancouver too for most of its run so they were the experienced crew in the area. I find a lot of shows filmed in Vancouver have a lot of transfer in both actors and behind the scenes crew.

    By the way, Supernatural Wiki has a list of actors who have appeared on both shows. You can find it here:

  86. dollhouse, cancelled way too soon.
    But have to go with Buffy.

  87. admin i wanna know why my cpomment detected as spam in ur other post ? :/

  88. I voted Dollhouse and Firefly -- picking a I feel better about ranking my favorites.

    Dollhouse - it wasn't a perfect show but it did something rare. It tried to do something really new. My respect for Whedon and his work stepped up a notch with this show.

  89. Buffy which I love always and Angel.

  90. The Buffster and "Angel".

    In fairness, FF and DH didn't last long enough to go head to head with the Buffyverse. MAOS is part of a universe not of Whedon's creation, so based on that (and the fact that it's not as good as BtVS and "Angel"), I can't go with it.

  91. I do not consider AoS a Joss Whedon show, from what I gather he barely has any input whatsoever. (I do adore the show, though.)

    I'd rank them:


    Dollhouse was absolutely amazing, I miss it dearly. Angel is ranked just a little above Buffy because I like that it's more adult and so much darker than Buffy, although, truthfully they're probably tied. I am in the middle of my gazillionth rewatch of Buffy ATM, boy does that show get better with age, like wine.

    Firefly is good but overrated, it doesn't even begin to compare to the other three.

  92. Never got the chance to watch Buffy. So Angel for me, AoS second.

  93. Had to vote for the Buffster for sure as that's started the whole Whedonverse for me, and then a tough one for second, but decided on FF

  94. Did you see me write Firefly?? didn't see it in my comment? Well guess that answers that question. ; )

  95. I can smell the sarcasm. But the show is terrific.

  96. Angel! That show is awesome.

  97. I agree. It's OK to watch a couple of episodes of Buffy, but it's nothing compared to Angel :-)

  98. As is my sarcasm. Hahaha. Take a bigggg whiff. Lol

  99. I think Angel was my first spin-off, i don't know, i feel bad for not loving Buffy for some reason and i don't know why. Angel just had MORE you know, it was definitely heartbreaking but still.

  100. Not bashing Firefly because i don't bash something i don't see but how can you guys love Firefly when it was aired out of order?

  101. A) I didn't watch Firefly when it first aired (it was 2001-2002, it'd be 8 at most) so not a problem. B) I imagine that considering the show's excellent writing and actors that people were annoyed but still formed a strong attachment. I mean the show does have a huge cult following to this day, and many still curse FOX. You should try it you could like it. It's a cool mash up of sci-fi and western. Has great characters. An interesting universe, and you'd probably like Simon/Kaylee knowing your ship preferences.

  102. (sniffs) Smells.. like lemon, whisky and nostalgia.

  103. Hahahaha you got the whiskey and nostalgia part right. Lol...btw Happy 4th. It's officially 1:13am. = )

  104. Lol my country' birthday was three days ago. But happy being free from the British.

  105. You were 8 in '01-'02? Man you really are young LOL, no i don't like seeing shows out of order. Almost Human was almost out of order until the last few episodes so it wasn't that bad, Intelligence as well.

  106. Ivan the episodes are in order. And on Netflix. There's no viewing problem.

  107. Oh cool, you sure it deserves this love? That it's an awesome show? Not too dark or campy?

  108. It's neither. It's actually quite funny and heartwarming at times.

  109. Buffy

  110. ALL of them but voted 4 BUFFY

  111. Buffy of course. Not only the best show ever on television, also my favourite tv hour!

  112. Aside the Epitaphs, Dollhouse isn't that good. :/

  113. (southern belle voice) Thank you kindly.

  114. lol no worries, I didn't leave it out because I don't love it just because the poll only allowed to votes.

    Firefly is the only heavy sci-fi show I ever enjoyed as a whole (others just got way too campy) but if I had to pick Buffy or Firefly I'll always go with my Buffy/Angel love

  115. For me Firefly. But I get why you'd pick Buffy or Angel.

  116. antonio dueƱasJuly 5, 2015 at 1:17 AM

    Buffy,by far.

  117. I think Angel is a more "adult" show than Buffy. I always felt it was darker and more serious. And at the same time, it had a lot of humour. As you say, it had more :-) Probably why we like it better :-D


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