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Rizzoli and Isles - A Bad Seed Grows - Review: Couch Issues

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Rizzoli and Isles Episode607- A Bad Seed Grows
Written by Russell J. Grant
Directed by Christine Moore

This week’s episode went from cute to creepy very quickly with each scene.
Written by Russell J Grant (aka Russ Grant technical advisor and story editor on Rizzoli and isles since the start) this cracking episode gave us more questions at the end. However he did answer one burning question that has had fans asking and putting theories all over the internet since her disappearance off our screens. Where’s Jo Friday?

I always get a bit suspicious in TV Shows when I see a person in the woods walking a dog as they usually do they find a body and Rizzoli and Isles starting with this was no exception. The dog gets a scent for something runs off; we are as horrified as the lady when she catches up with her dog. The dog has discovered what appears to be a teenage girl dead in a cage.

Once again we are in Maura’s kitchen with Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander). I know like the rest of you keep thinking Jane should just live there after all most of the Rizzoli clan have at some point.
Jane has what appears to be some form of fluff on her shoulder; Maura tries to remove it and wields a lint brush at her like she is fencing. Jane is just being a big baby really and doesn't want her jacket lint free. (I really liked this playful scene).

In walks Angela Rizzoli (Lorraine Bracco) who breaks it up before it becomes pg rated and asks Jane to hand it over. With a growl she does leaving Maura to clean it but she discovers that the fluff is in fact stuffing from Jane's couch.
Jo Friday, remember him cute little terrier type dog disappeared off the scene, ate a hole in it. Seems Jo Friday was reunited with his owners about a year ago when Korsak tracked them down. So Jane has been using duct tape to fix it but it came off.
The phones rings saving Jane from the grilling on why she needs a new couch from Maura and her mother, you know Maura won’t let it lie and instructs Angela to get swatches as she leaves.

If you go into the woods today you’re surely find a grumpy Jane….. Jane is on her way to the crime scene with Maura and getting eaten by Mosquitoes. Maura wants to buy her a new couch as a gift as hers is a health risk, Jane is more worried about catching malaria to which Maura goes all goggle mouth and tells her it’s highly unlikely.

Jane: “Hasn't one of these mosquitos buzzed your head, you really aren't human are you”
Maura:” Some people have a genetic susceptibility to be bitten, I don’t “

(This is a nod to episode 101 when Jane asked Maura if she was a cyborg and also coincidentally
When Korsak gave her Jo Friday.)
The meet up with Korsak (Bruce McGill) who like the good father figure he is gives Jane some repellent to put on.
Maura examines the body, its creeping me out how she is staring, and we learn she has been there less than 5 hours as rigor has not set in. Jane notices hair and blood on the cage. She wants to find who did this so she can put them in a cage.

Frankie (Jordan Bridges) comes to see Nina (Idara Victor) in the BRIC; she has space ships on the screen in newspaper articles. She explains it is research for an astronomy course she is taking. They were discussing it the other night and seems recent documents have been released from the 40’s , while Nina is talking Frankie lets slip he saw a UFO then covers it up and asks about the case. Nothing on missing persons or runaways .Nina looks up girls who came up on a school truancy report, one looks like the girl found and they match her school picture to the crime scene picture. Shelia Macintyre 16 yrs. old, Frankie leaves to tell Korsak to inform the parents.

Jane is the morgue with Maura who has done the autopsy, Maura hands her a file what we assume are results. They are swatches for new couch colours. Maura is sneaky.
Jane wants to keep her old couch. Maura wants to buy her the new couch as her birthday is coming up (I know some gift). Get her something she really wants, but Jane really wants a cause of death so Maura tells her what she has found. Maura is staring an x ray it reveals the victim may have suffered at one time from anorexia; it’s not what killed her. She shows Jane a puncture wound in her shoulder near the neck. This is from a small gauge needle. That’s why she has no defensive wounds she was drugged, not assaulted and left to die in the cage. The hair on cage was from three different animals. Practise maybe before a bigger target.

Korsak and Frankie have finished talking with the parents, we learn they girl was a good kid in a group to help others. She had overcome her anorexia. She left friends and walked towards the school through the woods and that’s the last they saw of her. They are searching to see if any other crimes with similar mo.’s

Jane visits Maura in her office, Maura notes she looks exhausted; Jane won’t leave until she has something to help with the case. Maura has the preliminary toxic screen. Negative for cocaine, heroin marijuana but the full report should be ready tomorrow.
Maura is putting on a shawl

Maura: Don't you just love this colour
Jane: Yes, I love it; it looks fantastic on you … not a couch

Jane knows Maura so well

Nina has info regarding the company who made the cage; while she tries to explain to Frankie it’s used for wildlife and animals. Frankie seems still distracted by her UFO stuff. He asks her to send a list of people the cage is supplied to. She already had… Frankie get the UFOs of the brain I am shaking my head with Nina at the end of this scene. (Maybe it was a Frisbee Frankie ... seriously).

Despite telling Jane to go home, Maura is making coffee and still at work she gets an unexpected visitor, a Dr Foley (Andy Milder) a friend from med school. We learn he is a psychiatrist they talk about Maura being a medical examiner and his work in the field of psychiatry and narrative therapy, it’s clear she hasn't seen him in some time. He seems nervous agitated. He asks Maura about the investigation as he saw Maura in the papers. Maura explains she can't comment on a activate investigation. He notices the cage becomes a bit upset and leaves.

Jane is talking on the phone; Maura had called Jane and told her about the strange visit she received from her friend. Discussing with Korsak, maybe he knows something but patient confidentiality prohibits him disclosing that information. Or is it more sinister and he himself is the killer as Jane finds a picture of him working with Animals in cages.

Next day Jane speaks with Dr Foley, he guesses Dr Isles told her he visited and now has nothing to say. Even if he wanted to he can’t help them, Jane can tell something is on his conscious. She even asks if he killed the victim. He states of course he didn’t, Jane seems to believe him and guess’s he knows who did. She knows he wouldn't have gone to Maura if he didn't want to help. Jane feels this is only the beginning there will be others.

Back at BPD Jane learns Dr Foley told her the truth and it must be one of his patients but he can’t tell them. Korsak knows a judge won’t give them a warrant to go digging through patient records. Surveillance won’t help as a lot of other businesses in the building. Jane feels frustrated; she reads the toxic report, the victim died to the result of being administered a fatal dose of a drug used to euthanize animals by vets. Maybe this can help them narrow down who it can be. Frankie is on
It... (I haven't copied what was said as it made no sense as to why it would help but am sure somewhere it does). Jane says they need a new angle... I am with you there Jane.

Of course she would go and ask Maura, She wants Maura to do full profile but with little evidence to hand Maura says she can’t. She does however say he was male and immature killer meaning Shelia was probably his first kill. Maura goes on to say he was intelligent and organised. He obtained the cage, picking a hiding spot, acquiring the drugs need to carry out his plan and picked the victim.
Jane asked why the cage, Maura thinks it’s for the ritual, the drugs have a side effect when animals are injected with it, there eyes have to be tapped shut or they stay open. He caged her and watched her die. Seems we know why Foley was spooked. To lighten the mood Jane asks has she anything more to say, like about a couch or to pitch a colour etc. Maura just smiles

Angela calls for Jane with some cakes on the bar... Oh it seems swatches are the new napkins, no wonder Maura was smiling. Jane knows if Maura buys her a couch she will be fussy and a call to Maura proves her point. Dr Foley calls to asking to see Jane.

When Jane and Korsak arrive Dr Foley is in with a patient, he hasn't put Janes name on the list. The red light on indicates he is still in with the patient, Jane and Korsak become concerned. They enter guns drawn to see blood on the walls and Dr Foley with some sort of knife sticking out of his chest.
Jane hears a noise and opens a cupboard to see a teenage boy saying please don’t hurt me covered in blood.

All Korsak gets out of him his name age and request to call his parents. Crime techs are all over the office. Jane realises Foley wanted them to see Daniel, Jane thinks he told Daniel they were coming and wanted him to turn himself in. Dr Foley never had chance to reach for the panic button. Maura comes in with a bag of bloody clothes. The blood spatter on Daniels clothes places him directly in front of Dr Foley when he was stabbed. Jane asks if Daniel killed him which she replies ‘I can't say that’

Jane: “You ever play clue, two people in a room one person is dead the other covered in blood, who’s the murder?”

Maura: “I think it’s the person who left the fingerprints on the murder weapon”
I think Maura won that one Jane.

Nina and Frankie are talking UFO’s, it’s very sweet, Jane asks for something and Nina covers for Frankie. I like these two together. Jane wants information on Daniel. He has been homeschooled since the fifth grade but has a high IQ. He started seeing Dr Foley about 6 months ago. Jane gets a message the prints on the letter opener are in fact Daniels.

Jane goes in to interview Daniel (this kid has I am growing up into a psycho killer written all over him). Daniel (Justin Castor). He comes up with a story that Dr Foley was abusing him and it was self-defence. The DA who is watching isn’t going forward with it a he says all the Jury will see is a kid defending himself against a sexual predator. Jane is angry she knows he killed Shelia as well as the Doctor. She has no proof and the only proof she had he killed. They can get Dr Foley’s notes as he opened the door claiming abuse. Jane stares through the glass; we know she will get him. The scene where they are staring at each other through the glass is amazing, he knows Jane is there and knows he has got away with it.

Dr Foley notes don’t reveal much so Jane calls Maura for help.
We learn the notes are only session notes, Dr Foley practiced Narrative therapy those notes are missing. The client writes or talks about his life as he wishes it would be. They guess Daniel took them not having them on him he must have stashed them in other patient files. Korsak goes to talk to the secretary.

The secretary is reluctant at first but Korsak shows her a picture of Shelia who the secretary says seems familiar, she agrees to look through other files for any misplaced notes.

Frankie stands behind Nina and makes her jump that was mean Frankie; she has brought him a gift a telescope. I see something blossoming here……….

Jane is in the parking garage and we hear a bicycle bell, its Daniel being really creepy, Jane found out he worked at an animal’s shelter and went to visit. He isn't happy. We know now where he got the cage and the drugs. He plays the innocent card but we can tell like Jane can he isn’t.

Korsak brings Maura the complete patient files for Daniel, One talks about fire (interesting to remember) Maura finds what had Dr Foley spooked it describes how he killed Shelia.

They do not have enough to charge him; Jane knows that but clearly has an idea.

Jane goes to see Daniels Mum who is clearly frightened, she asks her to come to the station to sign papers to get Daniel committed. She agrees after Jane slips her a note saying she won’t let him hurt her. We can tell Daniel is upstairs listening.

We see Jane in the parking garage telling Daniel’s Mum to lock the door; she needs to go back upstairs she forgot the papers. Daniel arrives at the garage but it isn’t his Mum but a detective who resembles her. The all arrive and arrest Daniel with the needle in his hand. Jane got him

Jane and Korsak learn Daniel met Shelia as she was seeing someone in the same building. Korsak believes Daniel has been gift wrapped now for the D. A. Maura tells Jane she has got her a new couch (she could let it go could she) it’s being delivered tonight. Jane get s phone call seems her apartment building is on fire.

The rest of the gang arrive outside Jane’s apartment as the fire crews are packing up looking for Jane. Seems they couldn't salvage anything. Just then some delivery men arrive carrying……. you guessed it Jane’s new couch. She looks at Maura who sheepishly says your welcome. They all start to laugh. And we are left to wonder, accidental or deliberate?????? We all have our theories on the fire.

So what did you think of this week’s episode, for me it was a nice balance between light and dark moments. My question at the end and I'm sure many others are wondering, did Daniel start the fire?? Post your thoughts and comments below.

About the Author - Zandarl
Zandarl a Writer and avid TV and film buff ,once described as a wilful hedonist, has travelled all over and lived in the states for a short time. Now based in the UK she attends cons when able and meets stars from her favourite shows .Her first start in fandom was Xena and since then has admired tv shows that portray strong women. Her current favorites being Rizzoli and Isles and Once Upon a Time as well as anything comic book related. A regular movie goer she watches most genres but never ask her to watch a horror movie.
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