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POLL : What did you think of Mr. Robot - Eps1.3dam0ns.mp4?

16 Jul 2015

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  1. Such a strange, yet fascinating, episode. Loved the image of the dinner at the cubicles.

    a review:

  2. Good episode. Loved the little details like the ketchup spilling on the guys shirt while Elliot was tripping in the van.

  3. Wtf is going on? This show is getting stranger by the episode. The beta fish though, I laughed for a good minute at that last line lol.

  4. lol watching this episode made me question, wtf was I on? shit had be going for a second. The Beta fish lol, that was good, but for real put him by the window.

    Dark Army seems like a big hacking origination vs fsociety with 5-6 members probably all have personal vendettas.

  5. Strange episode, but good one.

  6. M y favourite episode so far, I loved it.

  7. Goddamn this show is freakin' amazing :)

  8. It seems that there will be war on two fronts. fsociety vs Evil Corp and fsociety vs Dark Army.

    But why is Dark Army ( a notorious hacking group) interested in infecting AllSafe's servers?

  9. Either they don't know the Key Info that Elliot knows that EC is going to split their mountain and they are running at normal speeds without that info or they are after other Corps that AllSafe manages security accounts for.
    For now I see them as the Big Enemy that Elliot will have to deal with by the end of the season if Allsafe is made aware of the corruption.

  10. But AllSafe's biggest client is Evil Corp. Gideon even told Elliot in a previous episode that if Evil Corp drops AllSafe then they (AllSafe)are over . From this you can imagine that the other clients are not so big and do not matter. Why would the Dark Army go after small fish?

  11. That's true, and my first guess was DA and FS have different goal, after Darlene's ex said something about a personal vendetta against EC. Right now I'm just trying to recover from yesterday nights hallucinations. maybe after 1 or 2 episode I think I will get a good grip on their goals. Once I figure out that the CD installed on All Safe Servers.

  12. All this theorizing, speculating,curiosity and eagerness to see what's ahead is nice, isn't it? Means the show has captured our attention and is now making us fully invested in it. I like it.

  13. Yup/ I like shows that allow this to happen. Basically these shows are well built.

  14. Zachary Rarick17 July 2015 at 13:08

    Watching this high was a trip! so excited to see more, incredible stuff.


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