Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Dark Matter - Episode 7 - Review: “The Redemption Of Three” *Best Scene Poll*

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Dark Matter - Episode 7 - Review: “The Redemption Of Three” *Best Scene Poll*

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After the mind trip Five went through last week she is still trying to process everything she saw and heard. She went in to try and find the key to the vault and unknowingly, at the time, she did accomplish her mission. The realization hits her during a dream which sends her running down the halls of the Raza like Paul Revere. Four seems rather unimpressed by Five’s revelation, but at least everyone else will appreciate what she did in the name of all their futures.

In Two’s room she apparently showers with her quarters door unlocked, because she’s Two and who in their right mind is going to mess with her anyway? Well, I do know one person that really wants to mess with her, and he is at her door. One enters to give a status report and is shocked to see Two covered in only a towel. As he starts to give her his report she unwraps the towel and starts to dry off her hair. Respectfully, and shyly, One turns his back to her as he updates her on the status of the ship and their rapidly draining resources. Two dresses while One continues his report and notes that The Android is trying to sure up their access to drinking water via the recycling system. One, and this reviewer, would rather die of dehydration then drink anyone else’s urine. On a side note, you have to give Two major props for taking this whole rapid healing secret to the extreme and sporting that bandage even while she’s alone in her room.

Once Two is clothed she gives One permission to turn around. When she inquires if he has anything else to say he replies, “Yeah, we have a damaged relationship”. While he isn’t wrong, they do have a damaged relationship, he meant to say that a relay switch was going bad. Two being Two won’t let this Freudian slip go by unnoticed. She presses him to reveal why he is really in her room. What he really came looking for was an update on where she and Three stand. When she reveals that is over he then assumes that her actions of the last several minutes was her version of flirting. To which she points out “…if I was flirting with you I would be taking my clothes off, not putting them on…” and he then, again he assumes, this means she’s into him and tries to kiss her. Two quickly shuts down his advances because things are complicated right now and they have an audience. Six is apparently part cheetah because he totally snuck up on both of them and is outside Two’s door smirking. He simply came to tell them about Five’s discovery, but is happy to let them continue their conversation.

Before I move on to the rest of the episode let me address the One and Two situation. I like this coupling and I think Melissa and Marc have great chemistry, but it is my personal belief that this is not the ideal time for a relationship story to be fit in to the overall story. Come Season 2, and there had better be one, I think the characters will be in a better place, in terms of understanding their lives, to embrace a relationship. Until then I do enjoy their awkward interactions and the way One gets all shy in regards to Two. I have this feeling we’ll see them hook up before the end of the season and I won’t object to that, but I’m holding out hope that they can keep their pants on until at least next season.

At the mysterious vault, Five gets the doors to open. Well by open I mean just enough for each person to squeeze through, but something is better than nothing. The room is packed full of cargo boxes, weapons, and a large supply of money. There problems aren’t completely solved, but they are looking considerably better. During their discoveries they find a stasis unit with a woman inside. She’s still alive and they are all very curious to find out what she may know about them. Three wants to thaw her out, but the group dismisses him. Two then makes the same suggestion and the group agrees to thaw her out and see what answers she may hold. Three should have learned by now that no one really listens to him, but props to him for his continued efforts.

Once in medical The Android starts to run a scan on the mystery woman. She is keeping her sedated while she evaluates the woman, but Three is growing more anxious by the minute. It’s as if he subconsciously knows he has a connection to this woman. When he finds out that she has a terminal illness, only being held in check by stasis, he tries to order the others to put her back in stasis. Two is adamant to let the woman be brought back to consciousness so they can find out what she knows. Three is overridden so he instead decides to stand watch over the woman.

In the vault the others are searching through the boxes and trying to open the locked containers. One comes across one box with a dismantled android inside. Six wonders if it could be The Android’s sister, but a reveal of sexy lace underwear quickly nixes that idea.

On the bridge, One and Two are going over the details of the Entertainment Android. As One points out all of her attributes Two actually seems a bit jealous. Two gets called away to return to medical for the mystery woman’s waking, but on her way out she gives One permission to bring the bot online. That is a decision she will certainly come to regret.

Back in the vault One, Six, and Five have reassembled the bot, whose name is Wendy (Ruby Rose), and bring her online. Wendy wakes and immediately offers to demonstrate her skills for her new owners. Five is caught off guard by Wendy’s accent, and I’m glad the show addressed Ruby’s accent instead of just brushing over it.

One: “The factory default is set to something called Aussie.”

Wendy is trying to win over the others as she offers to entertain them by signing. When that is shut down she then offers to cook for them. With limited rations they doubt she can do much for them, but she insists. You would think that by now they would have learned to not underestimate what an android is capable of.

In medical The Android awakens the mystery woman. Upon waking the woman is first met by The Android then Two as they explain that they found her in a stasis pod and that she is safe with them. Is anyone on the Raza actually safe? She introduces herself as Sarah (Natalie Brown) and before the other women can respond Three enters the picture. The look of recognition on her face is instant and she wastes no time calling him by his old name, Marcus, and embracing him in a loving hug. Three doesn’t push her away, but he looks thoroughly confused. Given Three’s reputation both The Android and Two look equally as confused that someone had such a tender reaction towards him. I think they have just become used to people trying to kill him. Three eventually pulls away from Sarah and tries to explain that he doesn’t remember her. Unable to find the words he turns to Two who explains their situation. She tells Sarah that there was an accident with their pods and they all lost their memories. Therefore Sarah was actually the lucky one for not being stored with them. Also lucky for Sarah is that she was stored lying down. The others were stuck in stasis, for who knows how long, in a standing position. Personally I think the crew needs to upgrade the Raza’s stasis units for more comfortable use in the future. Sarah is confused and wants to know why they woke her up in the first place if Three doesn’t remember her. Two explains that they were hoping she knew something about them. Unfortunately for Two and the others the only person she knows is Three. He put her in a stasis pod back on her home planet and that’s the last thing she remembers.

In the mess hall Wendy has prepared a decadent meal that One, Five, and Six are immensely enjoying. The Android shows up to provide a status report of her repairs and immediately becomes jealous of how much attention Wendy is getting. As The Android lists off her accomplishments everything is kind of just brushed over, but when Wendy mentions more food the group is very attentive to her. It is a sad moment for The Android as she realizes she is replaceable within the group. The truth, however, is that absolutely no one, or android, will ever be able to replace her. I hope in time The Android will realize just how much the crew cares for her and that she is a critical part of the team.

Back in medical Two is chatting with Sarah and trying to learn about Marcus. Two delicately asks if Sarah knows who Marcus really is, and she does. The surprising thing is that it really doesn’t seem to faze her that he is an outlaw. Sarah goes into the story of how she met him. On her home planet anyone who goes against the corporations is an outlaw, so Marcus’ background is no big deal to her. During the uprising, which occurred after the people on her planet realized people were getting sick from the mining, her husband was killed. Sarah met Marcus on a cold winter morning with a bullet wound in his side and bleeding out on her land. She nursed him back to health and learned that the people he was working with had left him behind after he failed to make it to a rendezvous point due to his injury. Two presses Sarah to find out who Marcus was working with, but she doesn’t know. All that really matters is that she saved Marcus and Marcus saved her. I must commend Natalie for the emotion she let flow from her voice as she told the story of Marcus and Sarah’s early days together. The scene was well written, but Natalie brought it to life.

Four is in the training room, as usual, and is interrupted by One wanting to introduce Wendy to him. He isn’t really all that interested in what she can do and is hesitant to let her touch him to massage his shoulders. According to Wendy he has one shoulder that is shorter than the other causing him some pain when he trains. He seems to enjoy the massage, even if he tries to deny it. Someone not enjoying it is The Android who is watching from the hallway. Even Four has found a use for Wendy and that is not sitting well with her.

Three is walking the halls when he encounters Two and tries to make a rapid exit from her path. By now he should also know that you can’t avoid Two when she is on a mission. Sarah is in medical all alone and Two feels that Three should be with her. For reasons that not even Two can understand Sarah actually loves Marcus and she believes Three needs to be there for her. We get to see a vulnerable side to Three as he confesses that he doesn’t remember her and that he doesn’t know what to do for her. Two is persistent and keeps urging him to go see her.

Two: “Look, against all imaginable odds, it turns out that somebody in this galaxy doesn’t think you’re a total jerk.”

Somehow Two managed to get through Three’s thick skull and he goes to see Sarah. After some hesitation at the door he makes up his mind to check in on her. Sarah seems genuinely happy to see him whenever he shows up. He admits to being weirded out by everything and she agrees with him. In a genuinely good hearted moment Three asks her to take a walk with him. Given the illness ravaging her body he has to help her up, but he stands firm to aid her.

While Three makes us all start to love him, who knew that was even possible, One is just getting back to his room. He shuts the door behind him, but not before Wendy sneaks in behind him. If One intends to survive he has got to become more observant of the things around him. Wendy has taken a liking to him and offers him her services. She has touch receptors that allow her to feel pleasure, so she will get as much enjoyment out of this encounter as One. She suggests some various erotic techniques she can perform on him. A person can only wonder how the writers came up with those techniques, but they were hilarious and Ruby Rose did a great job of delivering those lines with a straight face. It takes some persuasion, but she does get One into the idea of being with her. One is such an awkward character, but that is what makes him fun to watch.

On her way down the hallway Two passes by One’s room and sees him exiting it after his encounter with Wendy. It was a fun uncomplicated encounter for him and he seems to enjoy turning that excuse on Two as he walks away with a little extra pep in his step. For her part, Two is not impressed, but chooses to leave things for later and keeps on to her prior destination.

Once alone something happens to Wendy and she seems to become possessed by some rogue programming. She grabs a gun from One’s holster and with an evil smirk we're all left to worry about what she is up to.

In the hallway One runs into The Android who has lowered the zipper on her suit and changed her voice. She’s trying different accents to see which one better pleases the crew. One isn’t impressed and seems a little weirded out, so he makes a quick exit. The Android pulls her zipper up and walks off disappointed. Zoie effortlessly jumped from one accent to another with such ease that one can’t help but watch this scene in awe. On a side note Joseph revealed that this scene was added when the episode was running short. I think we can all agree that he deserves a big massive thank you for creating this scene. It is easily my favorite scene of the series and how Zoie, and especially Marc, were able to keep straight faces long enough to get usable footage is beyond me.

The Android: "Don't worry about it man, you don't have to decide right this second, there's over two dozen."

During their walk Three takes Sarah back to his room. He’s acting like a teenage boy on his first date as he scrambles to clean up his room for her. He apologizes to her and she just shrugs it off, she knows the world Marcus lives in and it doesn’t bother her. If anything it seems to inspire her. She tells him that when they were together he was a different man, but Three has a hard time believing it. They seemed to have had quite a beautifully domestic life when they were back at her cabin. As she tells the story we learn that after a night together he tried to leave her. Marcus believed he couldn’t change enough to be the right guy for her. Sarah didn’t believe their meeting and subsequent romance was a mistake. She gets up to try and stop him from leaving, but collapses. Marcus runs to her side out of concern.

Three thinks Marcus stayed out of guilt, but Sarah knows better. Guilt may have kept Marcus with her for a few days, but he stayed by her side for months. Even more than that, he found a way to get her off the planet and try to extend her life in stasis. That sounds like a good guy that found true love. Three is fighting against this revelation, but Sarah wants him to know that he is a good man. Despite all of his bravado and tough guy act he is a good man and that is something that is hard for Three to realize and accept. I’m getting the impression that Marcus lived a much different life then Three expected of him.

Five finds The Android in Medical trying to find a way to help Sarah. Upon noticing Five has changed her hair, thanks to Wendy’s help, The Android points out that she thought Five’s hair was fine the other way. This alerts Five to The Android’s jealousy issues, so she tries to help her friend process this unfamiliar feeling. As humans the crew needs to be able to have fun and let loose from time to time. Just because they are welcoming Wendy into their crazy little family doesn’t mean their value of The Android has changed. Five lets her know that they need her and this seems to reassure The Android as Five leaves her to her thoughts. I really enjoy watching scenes with these two. They are the most innocent characters of the group and they balance each other so perfectly. Five and The Android probably have the truest friendship of all.

Five: “I don’t think we could get by without you.”

Two returns to One’s quarters only to find Wendy rifling through his computer. When Two starts to question her Wendy tactfully changes the topic to focus on One. Even the newcomer has seen the chemistry between them and Wendy thinks Two can benefit from knowing One’s favorite sexual activities. Two tries to deny that she needs this information, but Wendy uses data to show that to the contrary the opposite is true. Whenever Two is around One she has a uncontrollable biological reaction to him. Two is ready to end this conversation so she asks where One is and heads off to the mess hall to find him. Yeah, forget what I said earlier, these two will most certainly hook up before this episode ends.

Back in medical Three rushes in with an unconscious Sarah and tries to get Five to help her. They need The Android, but she has already left to go to the bridge, so Three frantically searches for his comm to call her.

The Android responds to Three's call for help and is on her way back to medical when she encounters Wendy in full on killer mode. She tries to bury the hatchet between them and welcome Wendy on board, but instead she takes several shots to the chest. Wendy just lost any chance of being liked by the fans. Hurting The Android is like hurting a puppy or kitten and no forgiveness can ever be given for that atrocious act. After taking The Android out of commission Wendy proceeds to take control of the ship.

In the mess hall One, Four, and Six are enjoying Wendy’s soup when Two enters. They are bragging on the food when the doors slide shut and lock them inside. Two tries to enter her security code to free them, but to no avail. Wendy has locked them inside. In medical Three and Five are separated from them with Sarah. They both notice when they drop out of FTL and Three protectively stands over Sarah and tries to make her comfortable.

Over the comms we hear the voice of Cyrus King, a man that none of the crew remember, saying this is his revenge for them killing his team. They burned his entire unit alive, so he arranged for them to get Wendy knowing that the moment they activated her he would be able to get his revenge on them. As this diatribe is going on Three believes that Cyrus’ team probably deserved it. Cyrus has instructed Wendy to program the Raza to fly into the nearest star. Yeah, I’d say Cyrus is quite pissed at the Raza crew. They should probably find out who this guy is and give him a present of their own. I recommend an introduction to the wrong side of Three’s guns or a one on one encounter with the pissed off version of The Android.

At this revelation the crew stranded in the mess hall tries to pry open the doors. In medical Three swoops Sarah back into his arms and orders Five to come with him. Considering last week we learned Marcus stuck Das in an airlock this is a very big moment for him as a character. Three of previous episodes would have ditched them both in the name of saving his own butt. Sarah is a very good influence on Three.

Back in the vault Three slips Sarah back into her stasis pod just as Two is able to make contact with them. Since Two isn’t an idiot she knows Wendy is listening to their comms. Upon confirming that Five is with him Two gives Three a bogus order that confuses Five. There is no way Three can do what Two ordered, and she knows that, but Three understood the meaning of the message. He is the bait to draw Wendy away from the bridge while Five uses the air shafts to make her way there. Now not only is Three sacrificing himself as bait, but he’s telling Five that he trusts her. Three has changed a lot during this episode, and all for the better.

Three: “Find a way to work around whatever it is she’s done. I’ll distract her.”

Wendy buys into the bait and switch and leaves the bridge unguarded. She locks the door, but that isn’t much good against the resourceful Five.

While everyone is getting in place Three still can’t bring himself to leave Sarah. When she wakes up she isn’t happy to be back in her stasis unit. He assures her that he is going to do everything in his power to find a way to cure her, and she believes him. Three has become her Marcus again and she knows that man will do anything for her. When she is better she promises that they will make new memories together. Natalie Brown and Anthony Lemke have such a natural chemistry that it makes a viewer root for Three and Sarah to find a way to be together. As Three closes the stasis unit he promises they’ll be together soon.

When Five makes entry into the bridge the first thing she sees is The Android incapacitated on the floor. Worry floods over her face as she runs over to her friend. There is a split second when Five is torn between helping The Android and getting to work on saving the others. She makes the heartbreaking choice and leaves The Android’s side to try and save the others. It’s what The Android would have wanted, but that doesn’t make it any easier for Five.

Three pulls out Bubba and heads after Wendy. With a fierce blast he sends her flying, but she jumps back up like nothing happened. With Bubba low on power, Three really needs to start carrying around some spare charges, he has to turn to his side arms to keep her engaged while Two launches her plan. Since Five is her go to person in these situations she makes contact with the young tech guru and orders her to change the internal locks to manual so they can pry the doors open. Everything rested on Five having made it to the bridge, which she did, and Three engaging Wendy, which he did, so I think it’s safe to say Two knows her crew well enough now to know how to position them in times of crisis. Once free of the mess hall Two sends Four and Six to back up Three while she and One head for Five and the bridge.

Three is getting his butt kicked, but he does at least get to land a few good punches. He tries to reason with her, since she is made for entertainment killing should be counter to her programming, but she doesn’t like his views on female androids and tosses him into the air by his balls. At that moment I imagine every male viewer cringed and covered themselves, because even as a woman I felt bad for Three and his boys. Just as she was about to finish him off Four shows up and impales her on his sword before beheading her. After checking on Three, Six reports that they have taken care of Wendy.

Unfortunately, Two doesn’t have good news. They can’t change the course Wendy programmed and they are about to get toasted in a star. In a moment of brilliance Two orders Wendy’s head brought to her, which Four does, and for the others to eject her body. Once Two has the head she plugs into it and starts frantically looking for the code to get control back of the ship. All of this is too much of a burden on the ship and power is failing, which means Sarah’s stasis pod has been shut down.

Three and Six are trying to eject Wendy’s body when she comes back online. Three mistakenly thinks she is harmless without a head, but he is very wrong. Six ends up with Wendy’s hand around his throat while Three recovers from being tossed across the room. To save them One knows they need to pull the link to Wendy’s head, but Two won’t let him until they have the code. She works fast and gets the code in time for One to pull the cord and save the others. She is able to regain control of the ship and steer them away from the star.

After the chaos has subsided the crew evaluates the damage sustained. The Android is in bad shape and Two and Five stand vigil over her. Two is confident The Android will regenerate, but is unsure of how long it will take. I like that even with everything on Two’s plate she knew that Five needed her. Two sliding her hand to rest on Five’s shoulder in a reassuring way shows how far these two have come. Despite everything between them they always come to stand in support of the other. I have this feeling Two has a younger sister or daughter in her past and the way she acts towards Five is some sort of manifestation of those instincts. Two cares for Five and will always stand with her no matter the circumstance. It’s these things that make this relationship, no matter if you see it as maternal or sisterly, work so well.

Five: "How long do you think it'll take for her to fully regenerate?"
Two: “Depends on how extensive the damage is. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Three makes his way back to the vault only to find Sarah’s stasis pod malfunctioned and she has passed away. Anthony delivered such a stunningly powerful performance that Three’s pain radiated off the screen. When One shows up and tries to apologize for the part he played in all this Three won’t accept the apology. Not because he’s angry, on the contrary, he doesn’t hold One at fault. I do think Cyrus King is dead meat when Three finds him, but the short time he had with Sarah changed him and he won’t hold anyone else responsible.

As the episode draws to a close we get a montage of the crew dealing with everything. Three is wringing his hands as he tries to deal with his newly unlocked emotions and Four is training despite his hurting shoulder. The most important shot is that of Five as she finds her way to Sarah’s pod. She never really interacted with the woman, at least not while she was conscious, but the way she looks at her says that Sarah’s story may not be over just yet. I hope that is true, because Natalie Brown owned this role and it would be an atrocity if the show never brings her back again. Forget One and Two, I want to see Three and Sarah get a chance to be happy together. Five, do us all a favor, and work some of your magic to give her life again.

It was a long day for everyone and One is just finishing up a shower when it’s Two’s turn to interrupt his getting dressed. She gives him a status update and starts to fish for information on his desires to have another Entertainment Android on board. He declines the suggest seeing as things with him and Wendy were actually very complicated. He goes to grab a shirt off his couch and Two stops him. She’s ready for complicated and we end the episode with her shutting the door and One coming towards her. I’m okay with this, really I am, but I do wish the show had waited just a little longer to bring them together. It will be interesting to watch how awkward One reacts around Two now that they are hooking up. Will this become an actual relationship or will he just provide some stress relief for Two like Three was doing? Only time will tell, but I do look forward to watching where this relationship goes from here.

This was an outstanding episode with amazing standout performances by Anthony Lemke and Natalie Brown. The whole cast really delivered, but those two stole the episode. I really hope they bring Natalie back again and in a longer lasting part because she so effortlessly fit in with the others. Three’s story does make me wonder about the timeline though. After last week I was under the impression that Five’s memory happened just before they went into stasis, but if that is the case why was Marcus so cold and hateful towards Das? The man we witnessed with Sarah did not seem inclined to airlock a teenager, but then again we haven’t seen how that airlock sequence plays out so who knows. It does make me kind of question the timeline though. What happened first? Marcus trying to airlock Das or Marcus meeting Sarah? Was he with the Raza during that failed mission that led him to Sarah or was he running with a different crew then? So many questions, and I look forward to learning the answers to these new questions. All I know for sure is that my opinion of Three is much different now than it was when this episode started. Had he gotten beaten up by an android last week I would have been cheering for the android, but this week I just wanted someone to help save him. That is a testament to great writing and extraordinary acting by Anthony.

In an episode full of amazing performances, Zoie Palmer was extraordinary, as usual, and let me just say that while Ruby Rose does a good job she also reaffirms that no one can play an android on Dark Matter better than Zoie Palmer. If they are going to ever bring on another android I hope they recruit Lexa Doig because, besides Zoie, she has delivered my favorite portrayal of an android when she played Rommie on Andromeda. I was disappointed we didn’t get an android showdown, so hopefully the show will make up for that in the future and give fans this much wanted scene.

This episode shed a lot of light on Three and left fans with a lot of things to ponder. Who is Cyrus King? Can One and Two work together despite this hookup? Will Three make it his personal mission to avenge Sarah’s death? Will The Android be the same after she recovers from this attack? Will Five figure out how to revive Sarah or give her new life somehow? Only time will tell, but I suggest buckling in because things are only going to keep escalating as the second half of the season gears up to FTL speed. Hit the comments and let me know what you think the future holds for the crew.

Next week Six takes the forefront as we learn more about his past and he seeks revenge for the things he witnessed last week. Can the crew get to him in time? Will they go after him when he leaves them? Does Six want to be saved? Tune in to SyFy at 10/9C next Friday night to find out. After the episode watch SpoilerTV for Lindsey’s review of the episode.

I'm going to try something new with my review this week and add a Best Scene poll. Let me know if this is something you want me to continue when I do my reviews every other week. Leave your thoughts in the comments and if enough people are interested I'll keep incorporating them into my reviews. You can pick up to 5 scenes, so pick wisely then head to the comments to discuss your vote.

About the Author - Aimee Hicks
Aimee works for a local newspaper and has a BA in Broadcasting and Cinema. She has been a TV lover since before she really understood what TV was. She has a long list of shows that she loves to watch and can be found on twitter (@ahicks83) live tweeting about each new episode whenever she can. A list of her favorite shows includes (but is not limited to) the following: 12 Monkeys, Orphan Black, Outlander, Chasing Life, Scorpion, The 100, The Night Shift, Bitten, Black Sails, 2 Broke Girls, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Continuum, Lost Girl, Faking It, Falling Skies, Finding Carter, Once Upon A Time, Orange Is The New Black, Switched At Birth, The Fosters, The Flash, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Under The Dome, & Z Nation. The upcoming shows she is most excited about are: Supergirl, Dark Matter, UnReal, Blindspot, Lucifer, Legends of Tomorrow, Stitchers, Recovery Road, Shadowhunters, Quantico, Code Black, Heartbreaker, and Chicago Med. She has a large and passionate dislike of ""reality"" TV, espeically ""reality"" dating shows, but has a weakness for Americas Got Talent and So You Think You Can Dance. But those two don't really count as ""reality"" shows, at least that's how she justifies those guilty pleasures. She was the original creator and co-founder of LOST Video Island ( which is still operting under the management of the very capable and skilled group she turned it over to.
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