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Chasing Life - Life Of Brenna - Review: “Revelations”

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The day starts off early for Brenna and she starts her day off with an email from Greer. We get to listen in as Brenna replies to Greer with a laundry list of things going wrong in her life right now. It’s great that even though Greer has moved away she is still a big part of Brenna’s life. I look forward to the day she returns and this couple has a chance to reconnect. Even broken up and separated by distance they still care about one another. It really is only a matter of time before she returns and I’m anxiously waiting for that day.

After last week’s bad news we learn that this is one of Brenna’s last days at Charton. Understandably she is angry at her mom for pulling her out just as soon as she was enjoying school. She’s found a group of friends and found her place within the film club. When you consider how far she’s come since the beginning of last season, you can’t help but feel bad for her. Haley Ramm has done a phenomenal job portraying Brenna’s evolution into a responsible young adult. It has been a diverse and inspiring journey to watch.

In the kitchen Brenna is upset regarding the school change, and not making any secret of it, but her mom tries to point out the good points, such as not having to wear a uniform anymore. As a psychologist Sara should have known that this was not going to work with Brenna. Seeing the hole Sara is digging, Emma tries to stop her daughter from making things even worse. Realizing her part in all this, April tries to smooth things over by asking Brenna to be her maid of honor. Brenna graciously accepts, but frustration and hesitation is still etched on her face. As if Brenna doesn’t have enough going on she now has to take on all of the duties of the maid of honor. At this very opportune time Leo shows up and tries to make a joke, but it falls short with the overly stressed Carver women. When he finds out Brenna is April’s maid of honor he apologizes to her and earns himself a firm slap across the back of his head. In Leo’s defense, he did have the best of intentions.

Brenna is hanging out with her friends and they are not making things easier for her as they tell her how bad public school is. They do not paint a very pleasant picture of public school which only serves to freak her out even more. Just then Margo shows up and learns about Brenna’s impending exit from Charton. She seems genuinely let down that Brenna is leaving and upon seeing Brenna’s frustration of not being able to finish her film, Margo steps in and volunteers to help Brenna figure out how to finish the film on time and get it submitted while she’s still considered a student. Margo is going out of her way to help Brenna and everyone, especially Ford, seems to notice the connection between these two. They have amazing chemistry, so I look forward to watching the evolution of their romance.

For her first task on wedding duty Brenna has to go and pick up April’s invitations. Ford tags along with her and provides some much needed comedic backup. The printer is taking forever to get them and when they do April’s last name is spelled wrong. Brenna is already anxious because she is missing her last day of film club. She snaps at the guy behind the counter and gets the invitations to be reprinted, but she’ll have to return to pick them up later.

April is hanging out with Dominic and they are discussing her medical trial and his book being published. It is a sweet and friendly encounter, but the promos have spoiled the fact that this won’t last. Dominic is on an interesting journey to discover his hearts desire this season and it’s doing a world of good to add this extra depth to him. While catching up April mentions his breakup with Natalie and he is obviously not into that conversation. He quickly changes the topic and tells April that his mom (Illeana Douglas) called him and just got her real estate license. She also wants to go out to lunch with her son, but he is hesitant, so April volunteers to join them to provide some friendly moral support. While it is completely innocent for both of them I’m not quite sure how Leo will handle these two hanging out so much. Leo is a smart man and it’s obvious he’s already picked up on Dominic’s desires to be back with April.

At Charton, Brenna and Ford rush in only to find film club already over for the day and a note from Margo. Brenna looks gut punched when she finds the note and finds out that Margo had been waiting for her.

After a stressful day Brenna shows up at Natalie’s to try and commiserate with her half-sister. They are bonding in a way that Brenna is having trouble doing with April right now. I really like this relationship, but I hope that the show will allow Brenna and April to heal the problems standing between them. Brenna has become a much different person then when we first met her, but to a degree I think April still treats her like that same troubled girl that she has to look after. I have a younger brother, and there is a good sized age difference between us, so I can understand where April is coming from in just wanting to protect her little sister. Personally, my relationship with my brother only grew stronger as we got older and became more of equals. Sibling relationships are complicated, but at the core of every fight or disagreement is unwavering love, so I have a feeling these two will find a way to reconnect and stand on more equal ground.

April is getting ready to go out for dinner with Dominic and his mom, but Sara tries to stop her out of concern for April only just starting to adjust to her new meds. Leo shows up and agrees with Sara, but he promises to take care of her. To try and make the whole marriage thing less awkward Leo asks Sara to teach him how to dance. April saw how good her mom is at dance, so she encourages the two of them to work together. I support this because I think Leo and Sara could both benefit from spending some time together.

At Dominic’s dinner with his mom April shows up to support him and they are so at ease with each other that it seems like they are still together. The way Dominic looks at April and talks about her work as a writer is a telltale sign that he is most certainly not over her. Even his mom picks up on the vibes and seems disappointed to find out that April has to leave to go wedding shop dressing.

At the store, April is trying on some dresses but is self conscious about her port scars and wants to find a dress that covers them better. While April is kind of chill about all the wedding preparations, Sara is pushing Brenna hard to get the invitations and everything in order. April is quick to stand in as a buffer and tell Brenna that it is okay if they have to wait for the reprints. It’s time to find everyone else dresses and while Brenna, Beth, and Natalie try on one bad bridesmaid dress after another, Emma and Sara go off to try on legacy collection dresses. The girl helping them is scared off by April’s scars, but Brenna looks out for her sister and tracks down the wayward, and blatantly discriminatory, sales rep.

While looking for the sales rep Brenna freezes and a look of terror flashes across her face. I was confused about what happened until she reveals to Natalie that the guy standing behind her is Jake (Tyler Case), the guy who got her pregnant, and Natalie immediately launches into protector mode. She embarrasses Jake in front of this fiancée and then storms back to Brenna. By this time Emma, who was cheering Natalie on, and Sara have come to check out what is going on. When April arrives it’s too much for Brenna and she makes excuses to make a rapid exit. This is a defining moment for Natalie and shows just how far she has come since we first met her. She has gone from someone who wanted nothing to do with her sisters to someone willing to throw drown to protect them.

After everyone has dispersed April gets a chance to talk to Natalie about what happened. By accident Natalie spills Brenna’s secret about the abortion. It was not intentional, since she thought April knew, but it serves to hurt April and it will certainly cause Brenna to feel betrayed. This was a huge secret and April simply can’t understand why Brenna never came to her. Given how this shopping trip has gone and with the Brenna reveal fresh in her mind, April is not in the mood for crappy customer service. She calls out the discriminatory sales rep and declares she is marrying Leo, who promised her any dress she wanted, and then storms out to take her business elsewhere. It was an empowering moment and both Beth and Natalie look like they are about to burst from pride as they follow her out of the store.

After picking up the revised invitations Brenna gets a text from Margo to meet her at Charton. She really wants to finish her film, so she goes without hesitation. It’s not just about the film though, by now it’s blaringly obvious that Brenna has a serious crush on Margo.

April talks to Beth about learning Brenna’s secret. Leave it up to Beth, the most awesome best friend ever, to tell April the hard truth and reveal that the problem is that she mothers Brenna even more than Sara sometimes. That mothering is serving to hurt their sisterly bond and it seems like April was actually listening, because the revelation seems to be sinking in as the scene cuts away.

At Charton, Margo helps Brenna finish up her film project in hopes of being able to submit it before Brenna official leaves private school. This scene serves to give us some basic background information on Margo and we learn about Margo’s ex, who is an alcoholic. They’ve been broke up for several months, but are still friends. The moment gets awkward when Brenna makes a move on Margo. Trying to be noble Margo shuts down the advance, but it’s obvious she is into Brenna too. Despite her best efforts to diffuse the situation, Brenna grabs her stuff and takes off. In the process she leaves April’s invitations behind. It is nice to see Brenna being the aggressor this time instead of waiting for someone to come to her she’s actively looking and pursing her interests.

In Dominc’s apartment he is having a lovely conversation with his mom. He seems to be really trying to give her a chance this time around. She gives him her sales pitch and he seems quite proud of her. I think they just need to give Dominic reasons to keep smiling to highlight his dimples. Come on, I know I’m not the only one who gets drawn to those dimples every time they show up! Anyway, less about dimples and more about this interaction, his mom is now trying to push him to buy a house soon. They get into a conversation about Dominic’s love life and he confesses to his mom about the Natalie breakup. He tells her that Natalie broke up with him because she felt he was still in love with April. To be honest, he still is and his mom kind of agrees. Dominic is most certainly not over April.

Leo’s dancing lessons are not going well, so April steps in as his dancing partner while Sara guides them. In the midst of all this Brenna comes home upset and is obviously distressed. Instead of wondering why Brenna is upset Sara’s first concern is for the invitations. This is the last straw for Brenna and she breaks down as she reveals that she left the invitations at Charton. After a brilliantly delivered breakdown, gracefully played by Haley, Brenna runs off to Natalie’s place. Taking on the role of go to sister, Natalie tells Brenna she can stay as long as she needs too.

It doesn’t take long for April to show up and Brenna is afraid she’s about to be fired as maid of honor. As has been obvious all episode, it is Sara pushing the pressure on Brenna, and April doesn’t want Brenna worrying about it. April says it’s no big deal and she can just get the invitations on Monday when she says goodbye to her friends. After the Margo incident Brenna’s kind of hesitant to go back and tries to find another way to get the invitations. Trying to reclaim her title of cool sister April suggest a little sisterly bonding while performing some breaking and entering at Charton. They invite Natalie along and let the Carver family criminal activity begin!

Leo and Sara have a nice bonding moment in the wake of Brenna’s breakdown. He proves to Sara that he is a good man by promising to look after April. No matter the circumstances that brought them together her really does love April. I think Sara is beginning to see that the more time she spends with him.

At Charton the Carver sisters are trying to gain entry into the school. Natalie is busy checking out the janitors butt, so April and Brenna have to get her focused. When a door is opened she runs ahead to keep it from shutting so they can get in. If nothing else works out for them they all have a future as criminals. Granted, not very good ones, but it’s always good to have a backup plan.

Dominic’s mom’s house didn’t sell, but they do have a nice moment of reconnect. She wants him to find the right girl to marry and for him to look at her like he does April. Even his mom can see how stuck he is on April. I predict a lot of drama coming in the not so distant future.

The girls gained entrance to the school and are trying to make their way to the film room. Somehow, even given all the noise they are making, they get to the film room undetected. Happy moments don’t last too long in dramas and the moment of sisterly union is cut short when Natalie and Brenna brag on each other’s breaking and entering abilities and share a hug. It makes April feel out of the loop and she reveals that she asked Natalie to look after Brenna. Finding this out annoys and angers Brenna as she feels like both of her sisters are now treating her like someone they have to protect. I hate to break it to Brenna, but that’s just an older sibling thing that will never stop. Any respectable older sibling will always be looking out for their younger sibling. Both Natalie and Brenna tell April that everything is always all about her and their annoyance is palpable. In the midst of secret revealing Brenna finds out that April knows about the abortion thanks to Natalie. She snaps at both her sisters and they all decide it's best if they end this drama and go home, but before they can leave the security alarm is set and they are all trapped in the room. This might actually do them all some good.

They are trapped in Charton with no cell service and April without her meds. When the tensions start to raise Brenna snaps at April and claims that she tries to help all the time, but she just would just really like to have someone she can talk to without consequences or lectures. While the sisters are laying out all the secrets Natalie reveals the secret about their dad’s book. I’m glad the show didn’t drag that particular secret along to long and now the sisters can address it together. Brenna confesses about the kiss with Margo, which is why she didn’t want to come back to Charton while school was in session. Both April and Natalie have similar stories which helps to cut the tension as they commiserate with Brenna. April makes a Breakfast Club joke that falls short on her younger sisters. This was a much needed sequence to bond the sisters back together after circumstances have conspired to keep them apart. I just wish the episode had gotten to this part sooner and spent more time with them in the room. Am I the only one that wants a Carver sister road trip episode? Maybe a bad storm episode where the three of them are trapped along together in one of their houses? Just something that throws them together for an entire episode without outside influences. I think it would be fun to watch how they cope stuck together for a much longer time frame then just over night.

The next morning Brenna wakes up first and gets her sisters moving. She tries to make an escape but is met by Margo as soon as she opens the door. Some of the things Natalie and April told her about their encounters seem to have stuck because Brenna chooses to stay and deal with the awkwardness with Margo to finish her film.

April finally gets home, much to the relief of Sara, and enlists her mom to help prepare the invitations. Based off of how excited Sara is by this prospect I am betting this was part of the reason she was so hard on Brenna. Sara may still be struggling with the idea of this marriage, but she certainly does want to be more involved. Being able to help April with the invitations is a way of her feeling like she is still involved in April's life.

Finally Brenna confesses things to Margo and she shows her true strength which leads to Margo’s turn to kiss Brenna. Just like that we have a new relationship for Brenna. I like Margo, but this budding relationship just makes me miss Greer that much more. It’s going to take someone truly extraordinary for me to want anyone else with Brenna other then Greer. But, until Greer’s return, I’ll settle for Brenna just being happy for now. Margo seems to make Brenna happy, so for now she gets my seal of approval.

At home, Brenna is trying to finish her email to Greer when April comes in with a copy of their dad’s manuscript. Once they have both read it they’ll decide if they should tell their mom about it. What else is hidden within the depths of this book? I have a feeling we’re destined to find out very soon and it’s got all the hallmarks of a great dramatic story.

After April leaves Brenna changes her email to Greer to exclude all the ranting stuff about April. It was nice to see this episode come full circle from the start of the hour. Brenna has been consistently maturing as the series has evolved, and in this episode alone she matured a whole lot, as is evident by her email edit. She’s no sooner finished with that then she gets an email from Margo saying that she misses Brenna. First Greer and now Margo, Brenna is apparently just an easy person to miss. Brenna smiles then starts to reply to her new love interest. I don’t want to call them girlfriends just yet, but I have a feeling in next week’s review I won’t have any choice.

At Charton we see what the girls got up to during the night. They defaced anything relating to Jake and it was a brilliant show of sisterly solidarity. Ford instantly knows who was behind it, mainly because Brenna tagged it with her initials, but also because she’s a good friend and stood with Brenna through that horrible time. I look forward to seeing if Jake reappears in the future, and if he does, how Brenna will handle him now. I don’t think she’ll run away next time.

I just want to take a moment and comment on Jessica Meraz. She was introduced as a secondary character and through her charismatic performances she has taken the stories written for Natalie and enriched them with so much personality and heart. Incorporating her into a more permanent place within the Carver family and giving her a prominent storyline was a great choice by the show. The show has a gem in Jessica and I hope they keep giving her bigger storylines because she has proven she can handle whatever the show can throw at her.

Haley Ramm was a true standout this week and I am enjoying watching her evolve Brenna. Chasing Life is to be commended for continuing to tackle social topics in the most respectful way possible. Brenna’s story of finding herself and tackling new love is an important one to tell. If the show keeps showing its fearless side in tackling social topics I predict Brenna has a lot more drama in her future.

This was another outstanding episode of Chasing Life. The episode addressed several storylines that were set up in the premiere and those storylines have now been broken open for further evolution. Will Dominic start his fight for April? What will the Carver sisters do with their dad’s book? Was the book really a recount of his own life? Then there is the most important question of all, can Leo learn to dance well enough to not embarrass himself or April?

Tune into ABC Family every Monday night at 9/8C to continue following the journey of April and her friends and her family. Then be sure to return to SpoilerTV for my review of the episode.

About the Author - Aimee Hicks
Aimee works for a local newspaper and has a BA in Broadcasting and Cinema. She has been a TV lover since before she really understood what TV was. She has a long list of shows that she loves to watch and can be found on twitter (@ahicks83) live tweeting about each new episode whenever she can. A list of her favorite shows includes (but is not limited to) the following: 12 Monkeys, Orphan Black, Outlander, Chasing Life, Scorpion, The 100, The Night Shift, Bitten, Black Sails, 2 Broke Girls, Arrow, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Continuum, Lost Girl, Faking It, Falling Skies, Finding Carter, Once Upon A Time, Orange Is The New Black, Switched At Birth, The Fosters, The Flash, The Originals, Teen Wolf, Under The Dome, & Z Nation. The upcoming shows she is most excited about are: Supergirl, Dark Matter, UnReal, Blindspot, Lucifer, Legends of Tomorrow, Stitchers, Recovery Road, Shadowhunters, Quantico, Code Black, Heartbreaker, and Chicago Med. She has a large and passionate dislike of ""reality"" TV, espeically ""reality"" dating shows, but has a weakness for Americas Got Talent and So You Think You Can Dance. But those two don't really count as ""reality"" shows, at least that's how she justifies those guilty pleasures. She was the original creator and co-founder of LOST Video Island ( which is still operting under the management of the very capable and skilled group she turned it over to.
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