Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Whispers - Episode 1.03 - Collision - Sneak Peeks *Updated*

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The Whispers - Episode 1.03 - Collision - Sneak Peeks *Updated*

13 Jun 2015

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Update: 13th June Thanks to Darkness for the heads up on this new sneak peek.

Update 8:47: Here's a new sneak peek

"Minx's therapy session"

"Do you love him?"

"Stop it, Drill"


  1. Uh-oh Drill's losing his lieutenant, that can't end well.

  2. So we're getting some flashbacks again... neat!

    Lets see how this plays out.

  3. Are you referring to Minx? I've seen other comments where people think Minx some kind of status with Drill. I don't get it. Can you explain the logic to me?

  4. Of all the kids that Drill's talking to, Minx is the oldest and seems to be the one recruiting kids for Drill: the tube boy that was "turned", her friend Tanya, and now it seems she's recruiting Claire's son. She's being called the Cell Leader of his plan, and Drill says that Minx will never "turn, she's the only kid that Drill talks to the most.

  5. Okay, I can understand the logic, but we're only two episodes in. Drill selects kids because of how their parents are placed with regard to his (Its?) plan. It seems like that could change the moment Drill needs something from a different parent. So it seemed a little early to declare her a lieutenant or cell leader. Two shows in it seems like they have room to make a different child a main guest character for each episode as Drill needs to accomplish a different task.

    Though, given that her father was at the African site, it would seem that she'll be around for a while. So your theory could be spot on.

  6. Actually the actress that plays Minx is the only one of the kids that's a regular.

  7. The red headed kid isn't a regular? I really like him. I actually like his performance better than the little girl playing Minx. She's not bad, I don't mean to imply that, but his performance feels more natural to me.

    Makes since that she's a regular given, as I mentioned, her father's job.

  8. Oh yeah Claire's son is also a regular


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