Stitches served up a good episode this week. It was a play on Hitchcock’s “Rear Window.” I like the twist regarding the victim and the sequence that led to the capture of the killer packed a bit of a punch.
Cameron is having nightmares of Marta’s last mission. My first thought when watching this sequence was that I hope they’ve improved on their emergency bounce procedures. Cameron, IMHO, wasted a lot of time yelling at Marta, who was in the middle of a seizure, to bounce herself out of the Stitch. You guys need to work on that part of the process. After spending the episode trying to keep Kirsten from taking any chances at all, he finally fills in Kirsten on exactly what happened to Marta. It’s about freaking time.
And the Stitch is on. (Sorry. Couldn’t help that one.)
I laughed out loud when Maggie asked Cameron if anyone outside of the program knew what it did. I kept flashing on Kirsten spilling the beans with no apparent thought to security.
Anyway, Kirsten Stitches into Robbie’s memory. Cameron is kind of going off the deep end. He has Kirsten’s vital statistics taken multiple times, he doesn’t Stitch Kirsten in right at the time of death, he drops her in early so she can “ease” into it. He’s so bad that Maggie asks if he’s okay.
Kirsten discovers that Robbie was a voyeur, but unfortunately he didn’t see his killer. They decide this is their only lead to the killer, so they set up shop in Cameron’s condo. They see a couple fighting. When the guy pulls out a knife, Fischer rushes over to rescue the woman or arrest a killer. He returns to report that the guy is a painter and the couple was fighting about money. They learn that the painter’s girlfriend was about to leave him, until Robbie bought one of is paintings. They discover that Robbie may have been a Good Samaritan.
Another person Robbie was watching, a young woman referred to by the gang as ‘Tank Top’ open her refrigerator now full refrigerator. (It was empty in the Stitch.) ‘Tank Top’ grabs a couple of beers from the fridge and gestures for her voyeur to come over and join her. The argues over whether Cameron should go over there and pump the woman for information.
‘Tank Top’ solves this problem for the gang by showing up at his door. She realized Robbie (though she believes Cameron to be Robbie) had groceries delivered to her because he saw that the refrigerator was empty. This confirms that he was a good guy. They now have no suspects.
Kirsten wants to stitch back in. She has something up her sleeve, but she doesn’t want to tell Cameron to keep him from freaking out. Kirsten fast forwards through two months of Robbie’s memories. She notices that in two months one apartment window’s curtains have never been open.
Just as Kirsten sees the killer down the street give Robbie the ‘I’m watching you’ sign, Robbie’s memory dangerously degrades. Kirsten stays in as long as she can. She needs clues about this guy. She manages to see a man in a storefront, on the first floor of the building Robbie was watching, adjust a mannequin’s arm as a signal for the killer to arrive in a white van. Kristen bounces out at the last moment and they head off to catch the bad guy.
They discover that the door to the closed curtain apartment has been drywalled over. Kristen taps on the wall, like so many of us did when we were kids, listening for the dull sound. She finds it and bashes the wall in with a fire extinguisher. Pure Kristen problem solving.
They find lots of passports, sleeping bags and come to the conclusion that human trafficking is involved. Camille gives them the heads up that the owner of the first floor store has given the mannequin signal to the killer in the white van. He’s coming. Kirsten and Cameron should run.
They make it downstairs and into the alley. Kirsten and Cameron are in the path of the speeding van Kirsten gives the killer the same “I’m watching you” signal that he gave to Robbie. If Cameron hadn’t knocked her out of the way I would have bet money on Kirsten to win that game of chicken.
Another case solved. The gang, minus Cameron, who is in the shower, celebrates with wine. Kirsten decides that Cameron should be there for the toast. She discovers that Cameron has a scar on his chest similar to a heart surgery.
As the episode closes, we discover that someone has been watching them. Is it Marta?
I enjoyed the episode. I liked that Robbie wasn’t what he appeared to be on the surface. My favorite moment was Kirsten playing chicken.
Someone hacked into Stitchers Central and shut off the security cameras…Marta’s first move? Hmmm…
My only problem with this episode was the pumped up romance angle. Linus is upset because Camille hasn’t called him. He nags her through the episode despite being gently told, several times, to back off. At one point he tells her they’re “good together.” If they’d actually been on a DATE I might buy it. But the show rushed them together with no build up and no attraction between the actors. It simply doesn’t work for me. Maybe it works just fine for ABCFamily’s target demographic, but I wanted to shake him and make him sit in a corner until he learned to take no for an answer.
A couple of notable bits:
They’ve named what happened when Kirsten touched the girlfriend during Kirsten’s first stitch. They’re calling it a “Memory Hotspot.”
I had to chuckle over ‘Tank Top’ in 6B. She can’t afford groceries but she bought bottled water? Something she could get from the tap for free. Maybe her water was turned off, you say? She had the electricity to run the refrigerator. LOL. I think the show is set in LA. In which case I suppose I can believe a model would buy water instead of food. LOL
So, what did you guys think? Anyone have any theories about the unit’s stalker other than it’s Marta? Part of me thinks they're just letting us *think* its her. Let me know what you think.