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Rizzoli and Isles - Bassholes - Review:'We're gonna need a bigger boat'

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Rizzoli and Isles Episode602-Bassholes
Written by Michael Sardo
Directed by Chad Lowe

After the emotional charged season 6 opener this episode takes a slower pace with an episode revolving around the world of competitive fishing. I did wonder what they were thinking, fishing hardly seems gripping content.
Did they get in touch with the SyFy channel and the fish were genetically mutated?
No it is Rizzoli and Isles after all and I was pleasantly surprised by how amusing and entertaining I found this episode.

We come in to a scene with a bunch of guys stood on boats fishing. One guy gets a fish, another guy who stands out, isn’t in a sponsor endorsed shirt but plain clothing, doesn’t look happy and moves to another spot.
Once in his spot we see him lean over and get a fish out the water. What don’t you need a pole to fish? It doesn’t last long before we are into the action as a crossbow bolt hits him in the back and he falls forward onto the accelerator pedal.

Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) comes bursting into Maura’s house (yes, Maura really should lock her doors as Jane has mentioned countless times). Jane is on a mission she is hungry and begins raiding Maura’s kitchens cupboard while Maura isles (Sasha Alexander) is sat eating her breakfast. We all know Maura wouldn’t have any food Jane would consider breakfast; she hopes Mama Rizzoli has stashed a Muffin somewhere. After her search she is told Angela Rizzoli is on a diet to which Angela (Lorraine Bracco) enters the kitchen. Angela proceeds to tell us about her white diet and how good she feels on it. (I believe this is nod to Lorraine Bracco and her new book but I agree she does look great.)
While Angela says how great she feels on her white diet to which Maura explains the science we are treated to some great lines
Jane: "You guys expect a lot out of your food, I just expect mine to get me from Breakfast to lunch".
Maura explains the ingredients in her bowl for breakfast ,to which Jane replies ‘What Colour is your yoghurt’.
The phones ring, they have a crime scene. Just as Jane and Maura are about to leave Jane requests a chocolate cake ‘What? It’s not white’ to which Maura rolls her eyes.

This takes us into the opening credits.

The Food debate continues when Detective Jane Rizzoli and Dr Maura Isles arriving at the crime scene, the fisherman ran aground and the body was discovered. Det Frankie Rizzoli (Jordan Bridges) and Sgt Det Vince Korsak (Bruce McGill) are in a discussion, Frankie losses the bet. We will see him suffer the consequences later.
While Maura examines the Body, We learn from Korsak that the victim was participating in a regional Bass fishing tournament. Maura says the body was here for hours and notices the blood pooling doesn't look right. We also learn the bolt was from a hand held crossbow. Frankie radios Jane he found the victim’s car and they go to check it out.

First thing that is noticed it doesn't look like a fisherman’s car, I guess they all have trucks? Frankie finds out he was a college professor who taught poetry, doesn't fit in to being a professional fisherman. Frankie goes to call his emergency contact which is his wife. Korsak calls Jane over and introduces her to Skeet Martin (Lochlyn Munro). Who was in the competition but knows nothing about the victim. What’s he does want is to ask Jane out via sky writer. I am with Jane on this one none of us have time for this!

Korsak goes into blood hound mood and sniffs the hood. Something smells fishy and a search of the garbage bag finds a note and you guessed it some fish. Note to victim was ‘say anything and you will sleep with these’.

Back at the precinct Frankie and Jane talk to the victim, Mark Harris’s, wife. Mark took up fishing after losing his job. When they separated he went out to a lake to write and found he had a knack for fishing and won several tournaments. Mark didn’t want a divorce and we learn this tournament was going to be his last. He wife mentions he knew a woman who made his lures and she is unsure of the nature of their relationship. The poet becomes fisherman story is not really grabbing me here.

Jane goes to see Maura in the morgue and it seems fish tanks have taken over the laboratory. Maura asks Jane if she wants to know the bad news or the bad news. Nothing outstanding about the note, no prints either and unfortunately same for the cross bow bolt. Yep we have nothing; after all it is only 10 minutes into the episode.

Jane asks about the fish tanks which seem to house some decent size bass, not content with Skeet as an admirer Jane thinks one of the fish likes her. Maura reasons it’s probably swimming towards its own reflection in the glass.
First scene for Kent Drake (Adam Sinclair) as he enters with his knowledge of fishing, hunting and it would seem skinning them all for his own belt, ok that was Jane’s suggestion but you never know with him. I like the sarcasm between these two.
He gives Maura the autopsy report results and leaves. Its obvious Jane doesn’t like Kent and Maura clearly doesn’t understand him, it’s not just you Maura. We learn from the results that the victim was on a blood thinner so any wound left untreated would have killed him and maybe the killer knew this. Maura gives us an estimate as to what distance the shot could have been fired from giving them a lot more suspects. (Did we have any at this point?).

Nina Holiday (Idara Victor) is working her magic in the Bric and has come up with a map showing where the other fishermen where in comparison to our victim using the boats GPS. She explains this all to Frankie and how using the bolts trajectory she can eliminate boats from the area mapped.
It’s here Frankie learns about his forfeit for losing the bet from Korsak. He has to carry around a large bag of flour like it’s a baby. Oh dear I can see disaster striking. Throughout the rest of the episode he leaves one in the car which gives him another day, one gets trapped in the elevator and the third well I will bring that up at the end . This storyline was filler but it proves to us Korsak is the Yoda of the precinct and you don’t mess with him.

Back to the case Korsak and Jane go back to the pond to interview the Lure lady, Linda Hendrickson (Abby Brammell) The smell almost drives Korsak and Jane away but she is baking lures. We learn her and the Victim, Mark had a relationship which she broke off. If asked if anyone wanted to harm him Linda gives them a letter that accused him of cheating. She goes onto to explain that Mark did not know enough to cheat unlike the rest of them. They escape before she bakes another smelly batch of lures. Outside, Jane does not escape Skeet, (Mr Shiny Jacket), who once again tries’ to ask her on a date with a tiny bottle of fizzy stuff.

Maura has summoned Jane to the morgue and we see a filleted fish on the table. Jane is horrified she states Maura was jealous the fish liked her. Maura gives her a look and proceeds to tell her the fish was ill. She explains it was not a fish from that particular pond due to plants it fed on. He was bigger than the bass found there. Was Mark cheating or had he found the cheater?

When Jane asks that the fish gets a proper burial Maura offers her fish tacos. Maura how could you!

Nina shows Jane a Korsak a list of suspects based on whose boat was near and the trajectory of the bolt. Three appeared to have been close enough to have taken the shot but only two we know the whereabouts of at this time.

The two brought in for questioning have been caught cheating in the past and later after the interview Frankie describes them as Bassholes.

Nina is looking over the boat projections when Skeet Martin walks in with a garbage bag. I am with Nina here he needs to be told to move and why has he got free reign to walk about the police department after events in the past.
Lucky for them he isn't a threat but brings Jane a hideous lamp (I swear Jan Nash is making her prop department work hard to find ugly things). Nina and Jane look at the evidence photo’s it is a puzzle. Nina has learned Mark Harris made a $50,000 dollar deposit before the tournament; he was hired to be a spokesman by a sporting goods company. Mark withdrew the cash the day he was killed and they note the day the third fisherman they are looking for disappeared.

Jane and Maura in a boat what we assume is the pond the victim was murdered on, Jane is rowing we find out this is because Maura doesn't want to scare the fish with a boat motor. She seems to have a camera on the end of a rod in the water. While Jane is rowing they discuss Skeet and his jacket, like Jane we all really don’t want to look at that jacket any more either. Maura notices something in the water quieting Jane, I was a bit concerned Maura may fall in (I have heard from Jan Nash that no one went in accidentally). Maura pulls up what appears to be chains with hooks on which the duo assume held big bass.

The missing third fisherman has been found and despite losing out to Mark Harris, the victim. He claims Mark did cheat as he wasn’t any fisherman they should talk to his girlfriend Linda the lure lady again.

Maura is back on the pond this time with Kent in a motorised boat (don’t tell Jane). Maura wants to see the location they believe he was murdered at. Once there she discovers the bolt could have been fired from the land.

Angela tries to get everyone to eat some healthy cakes; the less said about these the better as greenery in cakes are a no. However she does find a large bag of white flour (remember Frankie’s flour babes).

Korsak and Jane interview Mark’s wife again and what she failed to mention earlier was that Mark really didn't like fish or handling them (this storyline is making less sense) and he had given her the $50,000 check and was going to give up the tournaments.

Jane yes someone is lying, something stinks and it isn’t the fish or the lures.

Once again Jane is accosted by Skeet asking him the question we all have been wondering how does he get in the precinct, charm, really Skeet your about as charming as the Bass. Unfortunately Skeet still isn't getting the hint so Jane leaves and goes to see Maura.

Maura is giving Jane equations which she quickly breaks down to the fact the bolt was fired from the rise on the land , they discuss the women in Marks life and feel Linda(The Lure lady) may still have had feelings for Mark.

Jane brings Linda in for questioning and seems she knew about the blood thinner as she paid for it Jane keeps on at her and soon finds out she cheated for Mark but he found out and he was going to leave her. They can trace the chains Maura found back to her…. case closed.

Like a bad penny Skeet pops up again and Jane reluctantly agrees to see a sunset on his boat. He has renamed ‘the Janester ‘which is on the back of his truck outside the BPD. Let’s hope he drives off into that sunset. (Nothing against Lochlyn Munro but the character was annoying, like the guys you meet in pubs/bars who won’t take no for answer and bug you all night).

At the dirty robber our girls talk about the laws of attraction, how not to attract I think in Skeet’s case. However Jane finds the drinks Korsak is bringing over very attractive and Yoda Korsak, as we all know being married three times, asks if they would like his opinion. Frankie joins them having lost his last flour baby when Angela arrives with some proper cakes made with a bag of flour she found early. Say no more and hand over the cakes.

The episode, though a little weak with the fishing storyline, worked to entertain due to the dynamics and scenes between the lead actresses. One of the most talked about being a very cute scene of Maura and Jane in a tiny boat.

About the Author - Zandarl
Zandarl a Writer and avid TV and film buff ,once described as a wilful hedonist, has travelled all over and lived in the states for a short time. Now based in the UK she attends cons when able and meets stars from her favourite shows .Her first start in fandom was Xena and since then has admired tv shows that portray strong women. Her current favorites being Rizzoli and Isles and Once Upon a Time as well as anything comic book related. A regular movie goer she watches most genres but never ask her to watch a horror movie.
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