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POLL : What did you think of Penny Dreadful - Little Scorpion?

15 Jun 2015

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  1. - Female Hysteria? Sir Malcolm, you're just are.
    - I don't think that lightning strike was on accident.
    - What do you want to bet that Caliban will blame Victor for the fact that Lily is running around with Dorian?
    - Lily, I think you did something bad.

  2. I loved it. Lily certainly got more interesting, as did Ethan and Vanessa. Some of the dialogue between Ethan and Vanessa was fantastic, there were several quotes I loved.

  3. Love it Lily got more interesting, Ethan and Vanessa was hot with that kiss their dialogue was good too

  4. They gotta make Vanessa and Ethan a couple. It was another good one very intense scenes at the cottage

  5. What? You really think they should? I just don't see it. It doesn't look like the show is doing that at all. :-P

  6. I liked the episode a lot.

    Just Ethan and Vanessa in the Little Cottage. Those homely nice moment were fun to watch, but the fun was over not to long after it started. I know I wanted Vanessa to use the book, and I still do, and now she pretty much became a Nightcomer eh. Ethan was angry because he wanted her to stay out of the night troubles. But hope they overcome this and go back to being buddies.

    Dorian just loves to mess with peoples lives. Idk if is doing it on purpose or not, but it sure feels like purpose. And if so I feel like there is something more going on with him besides just the sex demon part.

    I also like how the devils language story is coming together, with Ethan to be feared. I hope he soon wolfs out in front of people. no more shyness.

    Lily... back to her old ways with a twist, lets take revenge on them old folks? Its gonna be messed up for Victor if he finds out and John Clare is gonna go wary next episode after what he saw.

  7. This episode was all Eva Green and Billie Piper with great performances (as usual) from both actresses (No Spoilers). Would be great if these two had a episode or some scenes together. Vanessa and Victor have had the best scenes together this season IMO. Dorian is also becoming more interesting..............I look forward to his "origin" episode. You know a episode is great when it feels to short (about 30 minutes or so). Looking forward to next week's episode (as usual). 4 A PENNY FULL OF DREAD, I am Nobody!!!

  8. Maybe I'm just another one of those crazed shippers that wishes Vanessa and Ethan to be together but I'm glad they haven't fully gone there yet. This episode taught us that these are two souls that wish they could be like the others and not cursed. They don't have to show more than this right now. Vanessa using the book was pretty interesting. I'm glad she got her revenge but how will it leave her?

    I adore Sembene and Ethan's friendship. The opening was perfect and so warming.

    3 episodes to go! Let's hope Sir Malcolm comes to his senses soon.

    Also, Lily?! O_O

  9. Wow that was an amazing episode. So light in the beginning and so dark in the end and I loved every minute of it. Vanessa's dark move didn't surprise me but Lily's definitely did...and both were horrifying yet wonderful to watch. Eva and Billie played those moments fantastically. And Josh definitely gets a shoutout for this episode too, especially his first and last scenes of the episode.

    I couldn't stop smiling through all the light moments between Ethan and Vanessa especially when they were talking and laughing about their childhood fears (and how perfect is it that Vanessa is afraid of dolls...wonder if that's foreshadowing that she's going to end up in Evelyn's creepy doll room). I'm also not a bit surprised that Vanessa's naturally a perfect shot. Have a feeling she'll be using that skill in the future too. Oh and my favorite line of the episode, possibly of the series: Dancing: "it's the opposite of homicide." I love the clever writing in this show.

    I knew it would be Sir Geoffrey that would push Vanessa over the edge, especially after what he said to her. I had figured she was going to the moors for the book but I was wondering if he would be her first kill, because talk about unfinished business. I don't blame her (I wanted him dead too), though it is tragic as that was another major loss of innocence and one she'll never get back. Ethan's upset and disappointed, understandably, because he didn't want her to cross that line and give in to that darkness but he still loves her and he's certainly not going to stop protecting her. And they still need each other. And good grief is he ever going to tell her? She wanted to know, to be there for him, like he's been there for her and I get that he's struggling with it, but he has to tell her. For a guy who's been trying so hard to get her to open up, he's not taking his own advice.

    And don't even have words but I can't wait to see that's going. Wonder if that's going to be a pattern for her or if she was just "having an adventure."

    I can't wait to see where all this goes!

  10. I don't undestand how there's always someone voting "Awful" on every single episode. If they like the show and continue watching it, how can the episodes be awful? Personally I love every episode! If there's not a lot of progress with the plot, there's still important character interanctions and development.

  11. Vanessa and Ethan..I just want them to be together..and live a happy,peaceful life..will that be possible?

  12. finally beginning to come to a point but still a lot of oh go ahead throw that in storylines. Seriously, bring in the Devil already. This is dragging on too long and without much drama.

  13. i knew nothing's gonna be happy about this episode ... but damn it hurt :(

  14. trolls ... you'll get used to 'em :\

  15. CaliforniaGirl15 June 2015 at 16:22

    This episode kept me mesmerized the entire time.
    - I loved all the dialogue and cozy intimacy between Ethan and Vanessa in the cottage.
    - I loved Sembene's kind and philosophical response after witnessing Ethan's 'monster'.
    - I loved the Lily twist. Re-animation appears to not only change the body, but also the soul. I believe Dorian sensed this darkness within her, just as he did with Vanessa and Ethan, and he has been drawn to them because of it.
    - Is Sir Malcolm even still Sir Malcolm right now?
    - The sudden and violent storm seemed supernatural to me.
    - What are the consequences going to be for Vanessa using the book?
    - Eva Green has mastered the intense, questionably possessed by a demon, facial gestures and voice.

  16. So Vanessa still doesn't know that Ethan's a wolf. She said "we both have claws for a reason" and she encouraged him to be open, like she knows something, but he didn't tell her.

  17. What Lily WUT? She has the same Darkness John has.
    It was an amazing episode from beggining to end. Ethan and Vanessa scenes were perfect.

  18. Mukalya Mwangala16 June 2015 at 13:10

    Loved it. Ethan and Vanessa absolute magic. Lily, what can I say? She was created by a monster, what else to be but a monster.


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