Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon iZombie - Episode 1.13 - Blaine's World (Season Finale) - Sneak Peeks *Updated*

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iZombie - Episode 1.13 - Blaine's World (Season Finale) - Sneak Peeks *Updated*

Jun 9, 2015

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Update: 9th June Here is a short 3rd clip

Don't make Liv go full-on zombie on you! Watch the season finale of #iZombie TONIGHT at 9/8c!

Posted by iZombie on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Update: 9th June Here is a 2nd Sneak Peek.

Sneak Peek 1


  1. Someone please send Elsa of Arendelle to meet Liv and help her accept who she is. Thank U.

  2. I remember in Penny Dreadful, Vanessa wanted the demon out of her and ask a priest to exorcise her. Then he ask her "Do you really want to be normal?".

  3. Something she's gotta do on her own.

  4. The Hero Syndrome: Got powers, but want to be normal.... And that's why Bad guys rule!

  5. Liv you may feel like a monster now but what happens when you can't help someone with your powers and don't have them?

  6. I get her frustration, but there is something in her attitude that bothers me, and I don't know what it is...

    It's kinda the same feeling I have when she's being all "holier than though" about other zombies and how they get their brains...

  7. I can't stand it when she acts like she's above the rest. If she couldn't have gotten a job at the morgue, she'd be on the streets killing people.

  8. Well she seems to have a better moral compass than that, but I think I'll echo Ravi here, and say how nice to have the luxury of not having to find out.

    For example last week with Sebastian, and don't get me wrong, he was a hitman who tried to kill her. But the first time that was the job he was hired to do and the second time he was upset and was seeking her out for turning him. And he did seem genuinely torn up for resorting to killing his aunt who pretty much raised him. And all she has to say to that is "I would have never done that!" Eh... *shrugs*

  9. God i HATE that i hate to love Blaine, David Anders rocks in any role doesn't he LOL, Ha! Liv's so funny.


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