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Game of Thrones - Season 6 - Character Predictions

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Season 5 ended a few week's ago and I thought I'd share with you some basic predictions for Season 6. I wanted to get something out before the new casting is announced and before production starts. I will update my predictions once the news of who the characters are gets released and will go into more detail than I have now - include which storyline I think they'll be tied to and so on.

New Characters: Lord of a Noble Northern House & Lord of a Northern Stronghold

We know two Northern Lords are being cast and I wanted to give a quick overview on this. I think there's a real chance that one of them could be from House Umber. We've already seen the Greatjon Umber on the show; he was one of the few bannermen who wasn't present at the time of the Red Wedding. He escaped it, meaning his return to the show isn't unrealistic. They could be recasting the role or they could be casting his son, Smalljon Umber. I personally would love to see Greatjon Umber return as well as Clive Mantle who portrayed him. He was excellent in the role. The casting description for the Lord of a Northern house reads "A massive bear of a man with a beard and temper to match" - that would fit into the recent portrayal of Greatjon so he or his son seems the most likely character for the role.

Another possibility for one of the Northern Lords, is someone from House Glover or perhaps House Manderly . We've already seen Galbart Glover on the show - remember the "Renly is not right" line from him when Robb was declared King in the North - so it wouldn't be too much of stretch to bring him back into the show. I could also see us seeing White Harbor at one point so maybe someone from House Manderly could fit the Northern Lord role. Wyman Manderly seems the most likely Lord if they were to bring in the Manderlys. I'm sure though whichever Lords they bring in they'll be involved in either, Littlefinger, Brienne, Sansa or the Boltons story arc for season 6.

There is of course another option, and that is, Howland Reed. Howland is a close friend of the deceased Ned Stark for anyone wondering. The reason I think he's a possibility is because there has been speculation that we might be seeing a Tower of Joy flashback in the upcoming season. Currently, Howland Reed is the only one still alive who went to the Tower and who also witnessed Eddard's promise to Lyanna Stark (his sister). Many fans have speculated on what the promise was and many think it's this, but in the end the only point including him in the season would be if Jon returned. I'm not even sure who would meet with him but I think if they were to talk about the Tower of Joy maybe hearing it from someone who was there might be a good idea. Maybe when he's talking we see a flashback of it? It's just a thought.

As for the Lord of a Northern Stronghold, I think there is only one option for that. I think we will be seeing a Karstark. Lord Rickard Karstark was executed by Robb Stark for killing the two Lannister boys back in Season 3. His death caused the Karstarks to march home resulting in Robb having no choice but to ask the Freys for support - which ultimately resulted in Robb Starks death at the Twins. Now, both of Rickards sons are dead so the Karkstark we would be seeing would have to be Arnolf Karstark. He has a decent role in the books, but that's tied into Stannis's story arc. However, they could make Littlefinger or even Sansa come across Arnoff in the show. He could even be involved in the Boltons upcoming storyline for season 6. The writers like connecting storylines with different characters than the book so this might be one of them times. There is of course another option, where Stannis is still living, but I highly doubt he is.

Arnoff isn't the Lord of Karhold which is the only problem - as Alys (Rickards daughter) would become heiress of Karhold seeing as both her brothers and father are now dead. This Lord is the hardest to predict, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Brienne of Tarth

Two things can happen with Brienne I think. She'll either head back to her outpost and then see the candle lit in the window realizing she failed Catelyn Stark by choosing vengeance over loyalty - this could give Brienne some room for character development. She will then try to get inside Winterfell to help Sansa without actually knowing she's not there. This could lead to a standoff with Ramsey. I can hope, can't I?

The other possibility is she'll get back to her outpost and see nothing again and then she might head off back to King's Landing or to locate Jaime. Although, I doubt this will happen seeing as protecting Sansa is about the only thing she's got to do.

She might even cross paths with Sansa and Theon whilst heading back to the outpost, which is, of course, another possible outcome I see happening. If they do meet up perhaps Brienne will help Sansa locate her brothers? She might even take Sansa to the Riverlands where her great uncle could be.

Cersei and Robert Strong A.K.A The Mountain

Spoilers: Book readers were surprised that both Pycelle and Kevan weren't killed off in the finale and that the man behind these two deaths, Varys, was far from King's Landing. This was obviously intentional. There wasn't a need to bring Varys to King's Landing when he was so close to Danearys - also now he can join in with Tyrion's storyline. I do think both Pycelle and Kevan are dead men walking and I'm quite sure that Cersei will now be behind their deaths.

Cersei is broken after her walk of atonement and in season 6 she will return stronger than ever and I'm sure she'll get rid of all those who have wronged her and who she dislikes. This includes Pycelle and Kevan. Whilst she won't kill them herself, The Mountain will on her orders.

Cersei will also have her trial - remember the walk was just part of her punishment. Now The Mountain has been resurrected, I think she'll take a trial by combat where The Mountain will represent her. There is a theory that book readers would love to see called "cleganebowl" where the Hound returns and faces The Mountain. I know he's meant to be dead but we didn't see his death and he was still alive when we last saw him. Anything's possible. I won’t explain where the Hound possibly is but if you google either cleganebowl or gravedigger with Game of Thrones at the end you’ll find out.

Daenerys, Jorah and Daerio

Daenerys will once again find herself in no man's land and she will try to gain an alliance with the Dothraki. All she really has to do is show them her dragon, but it won't be that simple as it's Game of Thrones. She will probably have to marry one of them and you can count on her bringing up Khal Drogo at some point. The Dothraki will eventually join her and she'll head back to Meereen to gather her forces where she'll finally start heading towards King's Landing.

Daario I think might turn out to be behind the Sons of the Harpy. I've never trusted him and it sure would provide a shocking twist if it turns out to be true. I think he'll kill Jorah in the process. Jorah is a dead man walking currently and I could definitely see him dying by Daario's hands - in front of Daenerys of course. If he doesn't die at Daario's hands he will die another way. I can't see him making it through the season especially now after him getting greyscale. Expect a heartbreaking death if I were you. Both Jorah and Daario will, of course, catch up to Daenerys at some point during the season but it won't be until a few episodes into the season - expect some awkward conversations between them before hand.

Someone on reddit mentioned something interesting: In the pit, it was strange how the harpy's killed Hizdahr and no one else important. Daario wasn't a fan of him and might have been jealous that she was marrying Hizdahr and not him. Also, Daario wanted to gather all the masters in the pit - Daenerys declined, yet they did anyway with the fighting that was going on. This sounds like a good enough reason and surely the person behind the Sons of the Harpy is going to turn out to be someone we know and I’m putting my money on it being him.

Jon Snow

He'll be resurrected eventually, but I don't think it will be in Season 6. It might happen in the finale but not sooner. The reason I say this is because I can see the White Walkers somehow getting over the wall first. Now would be the time for them to strike as three of the people who knew how to kill them are gone/dead. It has to happen at some point after so much build up to it and there is no better time than now.

As for Jon, when Kit said he's dead he genuinely meant it. Jon Snow is dead. There is no question about it, but the question is how long he’ll remain dead. There has been speculation for years as to who would revive Jon and a lot point towards Mellisandre being the one to do it. She’s been proven as a false prophet and for some reason I have a hard time believing she’s capable of something as big as a resurrection. Then again, Thoros of Meyhr was at his lowest when he brought back Beric for the first time so since Mellisandre is at her lowest point – questioning everything – it might be possible. It would certainly redeem her for what she did to the Baratheons. I can't see us losing our POV at the wall but we might want to prepare ourselves in case he doesn't come back at all.


Littlefinger was last seen at King's Landing, but I think he's quickly left there and headed back to the Vale where he's received the news of Stannis's failed attempt at taking Winterfell. As the Boltons are supposed to be in an alliance with him if he should attack them it would be surprising and unexpected - they wouldn't see it coming. Rupert Vansittart is coming back for two episodes as Yohan Royce - a key member at the Vale – so that could indicate that Littlefinger will be gathering his forces and riding for Winterfell (obviously he wouldn't do any fighting.)

Another possibility is - which can be connected with the one above - is that he'll uncover the news of Sansa escaping from the Boltons and use that knowledge to his advantage. Whilst I think it will be Sansa who meets some of the Northern Lords, I also think there's a chance he could. Littlefinger, with his army from the Vale, could inform the Northern Lords of her escape which would then break their allegiance to the Boltons - remember they're only serving them whilst a Stark is there. He could manipulate them into joining him so he can take Winterfell. He's going to make a power play somehow this season and I just think it will involve Winterfell.

I think there's also a good chance that he'll be on the receiving end of some manipulation from Sansa. She'll use him to gain Winterfell and then push him out after having secretly arranged a deal with some of the Northern Lords.

Ramsey & Roose Bolton

It's gotten to the stage where I don't care who kills them I just want the Boltons dead and out of power. They're a traitorous house and I had hoped Stannis would be the one to kill them, but since he failed, I hope someone else does in Season 6. I'd like to think that either Littlefinger has something planned or the country somehow rallies behind Sansa.

Realistically though, Ramsay will leave Winterfell to hunt down both Theon and Sansa. They're his possessions and after Theon killed Myranda he'll want vengeance. If he doesn't locate Sansa, the Boltons will be in trouble as the minute any Northern houses learn of Sansa leaving, they won't follow them. The houses are only following the Boltons because a Stark is by their side. They might even obtain a girl and pose her as Sansa while they try to find her; I could see them doing that. Also, Ramsay, I think will kill his father and his stepmother, Walda. With a son on the way, Ramsay will lose everything he wants and I can't see him letting that happen.

Whatever happens with the Boltons, I'm pretty certain they wont be in possession of Winterfell come the end of the season or even still alive.

Sam and Gilly

They'll head to Oldtown. Sam will go to the citadel as planned, but first they will stop off at his hometown, Horn Hill. This is where we'll meet his family. It’s not confirmed but going by the new casting information it sounds a lot like they're casting his mother, brother and father. Also, they might be casting one of his sisters as well. Should Sam and Gilly go there I could see her staying with his family while he goes to pursue being a maester. It would be safe for her and he can rest easy knowing she's in good company.

I also think at one point news of Jon's death will reach Sam which will crush him, but I think he'll still continue with becoming a maester. Now that both Stannis and Jon have fallen, Sam is the only one left who knows how to kill the White Walkers. Sam will play a vital role in what’s to come, I think.

Theon and Sansa

Firstly, they obviously survive the jump. Their pairing is an unusual one, but I think they will stick with each other for a while at least; they might even cross paths with Brienne and Podrick. Sansa will want to look for her brothers so they could go to some of the remaining Northern house, after what she's been through, I'm not sure she'll trust anyone. On the other hand, Theon might take her to Pike as speculation is arising that a certain Greyjoy is being cast. He might even part ways with her and head back to his homeland alone, though I'm not sure what he'd do there if he did.

What I would like to see is for the Tullys to be reintroduced into the story. I'd love to see Sansa find her great uncle, Blackfish Tully; one of the few men alive she could trust and who escaped the brutal Red Wedding. He could help her gain a following in the North - remember, once the Northerners learn of Sansa's escape from Winterfell the country would rally to her side as just about every Northerner despises the Boltons for betraying the Starks. Two Northern Lords have been cast so it's not entirely out of the question.

Another possibility (similar to the one above) is that Sansa and Theon, or perhaps just Sansa, will reconnect with Littlefinger and his army from the Vale - I imagine he'll be making his move on Winterfell in Season 6. The Boltons have to be pushed out at some point and I could see his army taking Winterfell, killing the Boltons in the process. Littlefinger and Sansa could also get the Northern Lords on their side and then once they've taken it, Sansa could betray Littlefinger - this would be similar to him betraying Ned by having a prearranged deal with the Northern Lords who we know are being cast. This means once they take Winterfell, the Northern Lords and their men will push out the Vale army from within, giving Sansa back her home and full control of it.

Tyrion and Varys

Having Tyrion and Varys back together is a smart move by the writers. They have an odd connection but it contains a fun banter which makes it highly enjoyable for a viewer to see. I'm not sure what they’ll be doing during the season but I'd like to think they will discover who's behind the Harpy attack. We don't know as of yet but if anyone's capable of finding it out it's those two. Also, as Tyrion is in charge he might, make a few changes to Meereen and bring it back to its former glory - Tyrion does have his way with words and he might actually get the city back to being civilized.

Something also worthy of noting is that a priestess is being cast and it's looking likely that she might be involved with Tyrion's storyline in the upcoming season thanks to a leaked audition video. I'm not sure what she'd do, but perhaps she'll be similar to Mellisandre, declare Daenarys the chosen one and start spreading that belief around Meereen. Apart from that, I can’t see what else they’ll be doing this season.

Everyone Else

I think Cersei's only living child, Tommen, will meet his end this season. It was prophesied and while the show's not entirely followed what Maggy the Frog said it's close enough to it if Tommen dies. Also, with us getting closer to the show's end I'm certain the Lannisters will be pushed out of King's Landing at some point and now would be a good time to have Cersei as the last (Known) Lannister at King's Landing.

Margaery and Loras will be freed eventually and once that happens, I'd like to think they would make a secret alliance with another house to remove the Lannisters from power. Cersei made it personal and, Olenna especially won't, let that stand. She'll do something, I'm sure of it. I'm just not sure what. On a different subject, I would absolutely love to see Highgarden at one point - It's the only major place that's been mentioned that we haven't seen yet but I doubt it will be included in Season 6. Maybe Season 7.

Arya will continue her training with the Faceless Men, accepting her punishment for breaking the rules. I'm not too sure what she'll be doing, but I highly doubt if, come the end of Season 6, she'll still be in Braavos and remain blind.

As for Bran Stark, he was absent for Season 5 so will likely be featured quite a lot during Season 6. We will probably hear more about the three-eyed raven and he will learn of what else he can do. Bran's storyline for me, personally, has been the least interesting so I haven't been paying much attention to it but he's going to have a vision of something big happening in the future at some point in the season.

Lastly, we have Bronn and Jaime. This is the hardest one to predict as Season 5's storyline for Jaime and Bronn was solely to get Myrcella, but since that failed, they could do anything. They do have a hostage of sorts but I doubt they would do anything to Trystane. They could either head back to King's Landing or they could head to Mereen. It's a long shot but fans have provided excellent theories on why they'd go there. Realistically, they will head back to King's Landing where Jaime will await the wrath of Cersei who will possibly even declare war on Dorne - but that's a huge jump. I think Bronn will be done if they get back to King's Landing. He won't stick around and with Jerome Flynn starring in Ripper Street - which just got a two season renewal - he won't have much time to do two shows. Cersei might send Jaime to the Riverlands where he went in books but at this point there’s not much point.

A lot of characters are unpredictable and it has become increasingly difficult to predict anything now that the show has caught up to the books. A lot of character's storylines don’t seem to be heading anywhere whilst others could be heading for a key part in season 6.

As always, thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments some things you'd like to see happen and things that you think will happen.

About the Author - Robert Fruin
Robert is a sixth form student from the United Kingdom, currently studying Business Studies, IT and Media. Robert is a huge fan of the ended ABC series LOST; he has seen it many times over and has even visited some of the filming locations for it. Robert mainly watches drama series such as Game of Thrones and Person of Interest, but has a soft spot for the comedy The Middle. Some other interests include Cycling, Kayaking and Photography. Robert joined SpoilerTV in 2014 and currently reviews Colony, Game of Silence, Outlander, The Bastard Executioner and Z Nation. He also previews Ash vs Evil Dead, Black Sails, Blunt Talk and Counterpark. You can contact him at or feel free to connect with him on any of these social media sites.
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