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New CBS Fall 2015 Shows - First Look Promos

14 May 2015

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Update: 12:35 Here is a BTS Featurette for Supergirl.


  1. Limitless - Incredibly impressed by this. The best trailer out of everything for me. The opening shots were excellent. Loving the cinematography, so good. Awesome to see Bradley Cooper again. Tuesdays at 10 with Quantico and Limitless is going to be awesome, hope they both can do well.

    Supergirl - Haha, shouldn’t we call her “Superwoman”. That wasn’t what I expected, the effects were really good. Loved seeing Chyler Leigh again, the costume looked really good on her. It had a fun, comedic, Flash type vibe. Loved the scene where she jumped off the rooftop. The show had a large scale, movie feeling to it. Lots of nice call backs to Superman. I loved the boss, she has such a great outlook, “whats wrong with girl?” :)

    Code Black: It felt very intense in the beginning and had a very realistic vibe. Loved the song choice near the end of the trailer :) It was quite a well made trailer. Theres going to be a lot of medical dramas this fall.

    Comedies: Pass on both. Life In Pieces - It didn’t click for me, seems to me that I’ll just stick with my comedies (ABC has the best imo). But I’ll give the pilot a shot, felt very CBS. Angel from Hell - Pass, felt quite bored watching it.

  2. I was just abour to go to bed and then I saw this! Perfect timing

  3. Life in Pieces: Pass
    Angel from Hell: Pass
    Code Black: Pass

  4. WoW !!!
    Supergirl looks amazing.

  5. WOW, i loved SuperGirl trailer much much more than i expected. November can't come soon enought

    Lexie from Grey's Anatomy is back Yaaay

  6. I wasn't a against who they chose for supergirl,but from the trailer she is fantastic here.

  7. I liked the Supergirl trailer but damn. That wasn't so much a trailer as it was a condensed version of the entire episode.

  8. Supergirl: LOVE it so much. I know a lot of people are still indifferent about Melissa as Kara but she's perfect IMO. Love her personality and her dynamic with her sister Alex and Winn. Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant! One of the best parts of the trailer.

  9. I WILL be watching supergirl. It will bring some freshness to CBS. Something that is long overdue

  10. Not really a fan of comics but I'm loving Supergirl. It has some drama element to it that is just awesome?!

  11. Victor Hugo G. Soares13 May 2015 at 22:44

    I`m fell in love with Supergirl

  12. Code Black and Supergirl promos are 6 minutes +, but Limitless is less than 3 minutes? Why?

  13. Supergirl actually looks really good, I do not expect that from CBS.

  14. Supergirl looks great and will be a hit. However, the visual effects look as bad as the ones on the flash and arrow

  15. Christopher DeBono13 May 2015 at 22:46

    Really liking Supergirl! The trailer didn't feel as strong as the first trailer for The Flash though, but that's fine. It's got a playful fun vibe which seems to work well for it. Just hoping it lasts.

    Also that music is on point!

  16. arrowshieldfan13 May 2015 at 22:46

    I love that supergirl is following the trend of Arrow and The flash with my name is..........

  17. Okay Supergirl looks damn cool.

  18. "Wham Bam" by Clooney in Supergirl promo too. How original ...

  19. Limitless was even better than I expected. Best trailer I've seen so far on any network.

  20. Can't wait to watch Grey's Anatomy+Heartbreaker+Code Black combo starting this fall

  21. arrowshieldfan13 May 2015 at 22:48

    so supergirl will fly already while clark take 10 year in smallville....maybe that was why that tweet was about

  22. I never thought I would say this, ever.. CBS pilots look the best of out all so far. (And the last time I saw a single CBS show was the first season of Survivor.)

  23. I think the visuals on Arrow and The Flash are great. Their CGI is miles above other shows.

  24. Madam Secretary is so good, you're missing out !

  25. I am halfway through Code Black trailer but it is huge 6 minutes, what gives??

  26. Code Black was so fast-paced, I could barely keep up!

  27. If it's anything like the excellent documentary, then it'll be amazing.

  28. I was iffy on her but she seems to be great at quirky, fun and serious. Calista and Chyler both are great. Love to see them back on TV.

  29. I honestly think it's better than Supergirl

  30. 7 actually.

  31. Limitless is one of a few trailers that disappointed me this year

  32. Limitless - I'm not sold on the choice for the lead actor in this and if Jennifer Carpenter gets to work in law enforcement on a TV show she should be allowed to swear as much as possible. Probably a pass for me.
    Code Black - First off, what is it with someone always laying down the law in medical trailers? Anyway, the Code Black hospital looks more like an actual hospital than what I see on most medical dramas but damn was this boring.
    Angel from Hell - I honestly don't know what to make of this. I don't think it'll last though.
    Life in Pieces - A great cast in a show I have absolutely no interest in.

  33. arrowshieldfan13 May 2015 at 22:54

    so I assuming Jimmy Oslen know that kent is superman? I assuming this is metropolis? or ??

  34. I'm passing on everything here but Supergirl. I'll try it but if I have to choose between live viewing Limitless or Quantico, Q wins. I'll DVR Limitless.

  35. I wish Limitless trailer was longer.

  36. Limitless - Didn't wow me as much as I thought it would, I'll likely just check out the pilot and then decide to keep watching or not.

    Code Black - Didn't like it, pass.

    Supergirl - Don't like most of the cast including the lead, could get really boring after a while too. Also pass.

  37. Limitless: Oh hell yes. That looks great.
    Supergirl: As a trailer, that was too much. But the show does look surprinsgly good and refreshingly un-CBS.
    Angel From Hell: I'll watch the pilot at least.

  38. Maybe they believed that's how long it takes to convince people to give it a shot. It didn't not work in my case.

  39. Personal choice... I think both Quantico and Limitless will sample well... but Quantico looks to have longer legs to sustain an audience if they layer the mystery aspect. Looking at Limitless, this really should have gone behind Scorpion.

  40. Crazy about TV13 May 2015 at 22:57

    Supergirl was amazing! Limitless was cool, think I'm still going to Live View Quantico and DVR Limitless... Code Black had a nice realness feel to it... But I still Love my Grey's. But I'll definitely give CB a try or two.

  41. That was 7 minutes of being bored for me.

  42. So SNL pretty much nailed Supergirl with its Black Widow chick flick sketch. She's even going to be an assistant fetching coffee. Having said that, I'll still watch it.

  43. The 100 has the best CGI by far on The CW imo.

  44. I'm in for SuperGirl, Code Black was weird I will give it a try. Angel from Hell seems fun (love Jane Lynch) & Life in Pieces seems OK, will try it.
    Somehow I don't feel like these shows can work for CBS

  45. Watched the first 3 trailers...and now...we'll see.
    P.S. Jane Lynch will you please stop by for a CM guest appearance? :)

  46. I've missed Chyler so much since she left Grey's. I tried to watch that show Taxi Brooklyn on NBC just for her but it didn't do it for me whatsoever. She's so great in this though.

  47. I think it would have been great paired with Scorpion too.

  48. Limitless & Supergirl were solid. Limitless is the winner out of all the trailers but it's probably because Jake McDorman is so good looking. Supergirl started off okay but ended very strong. I will try to watch it live while DVR Limitless due to Quantico.

    Life in Pieces should've been an hour and Angel From Hell was unwatchable.

    Will watch Code Black later on.

  49. Me three. NCIS: LA is aging and should've been put on Tuesdays.

  50. Limitless : looks pretty good!!
    Supergirl : doesn't look that good!
    Life in Pieces & Angel from hell : Looks pretty bad!

    A bit disappointed with CBS this FALL

  51. not bad CBS, I like Supergirl and the comedies look decent.
    But I don't if they shows can survive on CBS given its auidence

  52. Supergirl looks VERY good. Another winner from Berlanti & Co.

  53. So everybody will know Supergirl's identity. She won't try to hide it at all?

  54. Well *pauses half way through* kinda ironic seeing "Alex" on a plane seeing how a certain plain crush keeps me from continuing watching Grey's Anatomy :p (which I've seen-ish for a bit and then came season 8 final and I couldn't [wouldn't] watch it lol)..anyways yay Lexi! xd and idk idk.. let me watch the rest :o

  55. So Excited to Supergirl, Angel from Hell and Life and Pieces

  56. Supergirl looks as if it was fan made. I have seen better cgi on YouTube. I hope that the special effects can be re-done before this airs in autumn. I like the idea of the sisters being close, I hope that there is still room for conflict on different issues.

  57. Oh My God tomorrow will be the cw's upfront i'm so nervous about Reign :(

  58. At least that'll be 1 cliche we won't have to deal with for another superhero show.

  59. Supergirl 9/10 - Looks good but will it survive on CBS?
    Code Black 4/10- Boring and nothing new...I will keep with GA
    Limitless 8/10- Looks goods, not my cup of tea. Will it mesh with CBS audience.
    Angels from Hell- 6/10- Just meh
    Life in Pieces 7/10- Doesn't look compatible with TBBT- It feels like Modern Family 2.0

  60. Except for not telling Cat, then yeah it looks like everyone will know about her secret identity which IMO is so much better than keeping it to herself and have everyone look like idiots trying to figure out who's Supergirl.

  61. Angel from Hell -
    More funny than some of the new sitcoms and it has a great cast but I think it will get old. Not sold yet.

    Code Black -
    Medical Drama = Pass. The end.

    Limitless -
    Looks solid. My fears are alleviated and I'm in!

    Life in Pieces -
    A little all over the place and very hit and miss for me. Not sold at all.

    Supergirl -
    Better than expected, but the music was horrendous!

  62. Same. I'm going to watch Quantico live since I liked that trailer a bit more and Limitless I'll record. Thank god for DVR's.

  63. The Supergirl promo is really REALLY good. I'm excited about the show and so happy they referenced Clark more than once. The actress did a good job and I like the cast. I loved the costume in the photos and when I saw it in action I loved it even more.

  64. oh darn it that is better than I thought ... I might have to check it out lol

  65. Brandy Danforth13 May 2015 at 23:17

    Me too

  66. Even is Smallville she could fly from the beginning.

  67. Victor Hugo G. Soares13 May 2015 at 23:18

    Pass = Angel from Hell (Unfunny) and Life in Pieces... awful trailers... i want 2 broke Girls and Mike And Molly Back.

    Love it: Supergil and Code Black

    Meh = Limitless but i`ll check

  68. Me too

    I wish both iZombie & Reign could fit into fall schedule. I honestly think Reign will get Friday spot, since only 1 new show will debut in fall

  69. Oh yes only thing that annoyed me was that god awful background music from Supergirl. Everything else was A+ just like I suspected.

  70. Not that impressed with Supergirl.

  71. Greice Moreira13 May 2015 at 23:22

    These pilots seem stronger than what I would have guessed. Code Black seems to be the best new medical drama from the bunch. I loved Limiteless... but it's competing against Quantico... but it has Bradley Cooper... Ahhhh I can't choose what I would watch live. Thankfully I don't need to since I don't live in America hehe I ADORED Supergirl. I had zero expectation about it but it seems like it will be the best comic book show of the bunch. Some parts were a bit cliche, very girl flick, but when she became a hero, it was worthy it. The comedies actually seem better than I thought. Life in pieces has a great cast but Angel from Hell didn't do anything for me. Both look good but not my cup of tea.

  72. These were looooong. I actually think overall it is a good slate but I think most of them look shockingly off brand for CBS. In fact, maybe all of them.

    Code Black: 4/10. This looked better than Heartbreak for sure but that really isn't saying much. I like Marcia Gray Garden but that won't be enough to make me watch. The "Mama" scenes sounded cringe worthy and overall, like Heartbreak, it felt it was trying a bit too much to be GA with the interns stuff and all that. Maybe a year from now I take it if it lasts long enough to get there but I won't be seeking this in the fall.

    Angel from Hell 4/10 I found Jane Lynch way over the top on this trailer. Allison Janney she certainly didn't feel like to me. She felt way too cartoonish to me. It is a resounding no for now. But I see why they are pairing this with Mom. And I never thought I would like Mom and I love it now, so who knows, maybe later, but I am very skeptical.

    Life in Pieces 6/10. I didn't laugh with the trailer at all and overall it sounded waaaaaay too much like a Modern Family rip-off. So normally I wouldn't even bother to look at this a second time, except that I like too many people from that cast. I will probably give it a try just to see what it is about, we'll see. But the trailer was pretty generic. The Real O'Neals, which I by no means loved, sounded better. And will the TBBT audience really embrace this?

    Super Girl 9/10 Now we're talking. This looks pretty cool and I actually think it will be different enough from all the comic shows out there. And Calista already has huge potential for scene stealer. Also was I the only one who found it ironic that they put Chyler Leigh on a potential plane crash the first episode? Anyway, I will watch this for sure and I am excited about it but I am pretty shocked at how super hero esque it looks like. The CBS audience will be super confused with this for sure, can it really work on this network?

    Limitless : 9.5/10. Hell yes!! This was awesome. I love both leads (seriously not having Jennifer Carpenter on the screen every year is a crime only surpassed by the fact that she never won all the awards in the world for what she did on Dexter), and I am pretty excited about Bradley Cooper stopping by every now and then. And it looked so cool! Why CBS, oh why aren't you pairing this with Scorpion and are giving it ancient NO as lead-in?

    Overall two strong entries for me, which is good.

  73. Life in Pieces and Angel from Hell are perfect examples of why I do not and can not watch a show just because I like the cast.. I actually need to like the show as well! XD

  74. Why? it's renewed and probably will be the last season.

  75. My only problem is that these all look way off brand for CBS

  76. Supergirl - Looks really awesome. I am so glad they are referencing Superman a lot. Really lot better than what I expected. It is so good to see Chyler Leigh and Callista Flockhart. Melissa Benoist did a good job.

    Code Black - It looks intense and fun. Since I like all sorts of medical drama I will be watching this

    Limitless - I am not sure about this one. Trailer looks solid. But after last year's intelligence I am skeptic. I will watch and then decide. Cautiously optimistic

    Angel from Hell - Was really funny. Love Jane Lynch.
    Life in pieces - Also look solid.'

    The comedies look better than lot of them airing now. Not a comedy fan but I might check these out.

    CBS has a really strong line up of new pilots this season. Very impressed.

  77. iZombie is certain to be on fall, and i wish so much Reign at fridays 8PM.

  78. I don't think Supergirl will work for CBS, but you never know.

  79. Life in Pieces didn't grab me until the end; it made a turn around once it got to the final minutes, so I'll give it a try, though I won't comprimise.

    I'm all in for Supergirl! And for Limitless too; Considering Berlantini made Supergirl it shouldn't have troubles delivering, and Limitless looks awesome by the trailer.

  80. Greice Moreira13 May 2015 at 23:26

    Me too. But it's good enough. It left me willing to see more. I know you were excited for Quantico, Babar, so which one do you think is the stronger show, Limiteless or Quantico?

  81. Melissa Benoist was a great choice for Supergirl, but the rest of it is blah.

  82. and yes LOL for Leigh on the plane crash

  83. Only one more day of these!

    Upfront Season so far to me:

    Will watch a few episodes for sure: Grandfathered, Quantico, The Family, Minority Report, The Frankenstein Code, Blindspot, The Catch (for Shonda and not the trailer per se), Limitless, Super Girl

    Will at least sample it: Oil, The Player, Lucifer, The Grinder

    Will pass for now, depends on buzz/ ratings : The Real O'Neals, Uncle Buck, Wicked City, Life in Pieces

    No, thanks!: People Are Talking, Heartbreak, Rosewood, Bordertown, Dr. Ken, Of Kings and Prophets, The Muppets, Angel from Hell, Code Black

  84. Greg Berlantti is awesome. The only thing I am puzzled about him is that he is behind Laura.

  85. I also thought all these shows look really off brand for CBS. I hope Supergirl gets audience and stays on CBS. Being on CBS they will have better budget.

  86. After Supergirl all we need is Wonder Woman back on prime time and I will be happy !!!

  87. I keep re watching the Supergirl trailer. The effects are pretty good, the main actress looks like she is enjoying the role, and Calista Flockhart is everything! I just hope they are not going to do a pointless, stupid, love triangle. And i really don't like Kara in her normal look. Too much like Felicity.

  88. Quantico vs. Limitless will be torture. Like you, I also don't have to choose but I don't like that they are up against each other, I think there is a lot of overlap there.

  89. Really? Wow, I had no idea! I would have never guessed it

  90. Pilots for me so far (I dropped a few shows off the list since yesterday):

    Highly anticipated: The Frankenstein Code, The Muppets

    Will check out a few episodes: The Grinder, Grandfathered, Bordertown

    Will check out the pilot: Limitless, Minority Report, Wicked City (pretty much just because of Ed Westwick)

    Shows with no trailers I plan to check out: Emerald City, Scream Queens, Heroes Reborn, Game of Silence

    Cordon will likely will join one of those tomorrow.

    Pass Everything else

  91. Disappointed in all of CBS new shows I expected more from Super Girl but I'll give a try

  92. arrowshieldfan13 May 2015 at 23:30

    when the last female superhero show that was successful?

  93. Is Supergirl lot younger than Superman? What is their age difference?

  94. But they will also have higher expectations so it goes both ways. I hope it succeeds, but really, everything looks so off brand. Maybe CBS is finally giving up on the NCIS-like shows?

  95. Gotta say, and I guess it says something considering how much I was anti-actress that yeah, she kinda surprised in a good way (I thought she'd be utterly flat/boring/miscast but while she doesn't have "as much charisma as..." she seems rather likable). I'm actually very surprised by the tone I figured it will be the DC way (well and CBS) but it's leaning more on the light side, that's a nice surprise.

  96. Shockingly! There isn't a single one I would say it is in brand. Even Limitless has way more edge than the usual CBS shows.

  97. Super stoked for Supergirl!! And Jeremy Jordan, my heart...

  98. Greice Moreira13 May 2015 at 23:31

    Definitely. I think Limitless will come on top because it has a stronger lead in and Bradley Cooper, but I'm really hoping Quantico can pull decent ratings. Shield is male skewing and if Quantico can retain Shield's audience, then maybe it can survive.

  99. They haven't done one.

  100. Okay. Supergirl looks much better than I thought it would. Goodbye Gotham.

  101. I am skeptic. For years and year, How I Met Your Mother worked completely on an island, with a 18-34 skew completely way off from anything on CBS. Maybe Super Girl does the same? I dunno. I still think CBS should have premiered it after the Super Bowl instead to make sure non CBS audience was aware of it.

  102. Wow, you read my mind. Agreed.

  103. LOL dang it, I really liked Lexi! honestly I still can't watch the episode (sounds way too sad lol) oh well, at least she's saved on this show :p and that is a nice haircut actually.

  104. Most of their shows sound very little original. That doesn't have to be a bad thing per se, but it's shocking how true it is here for all of them:
    - Super Girl: comig book shows in general
    - Code Black: GA
    - Limitless: Limitless, the movie (duh lol)
    - Angels from Hell: Mom
    - Life in Pieces: MF

  105. Supergirl looks 1000x better than i thought. Will definitely add that to the DVR!

  106. Wonder Woman in 975?

  107. Yes! I also commented about the irony of that lool

  108. Looks like it. I don't mind the twist. I can deal with it both ways honestly.

  109. Are they going to have Kara frozen in time well Clark grows in the series before she becomes free ? I showed 10/12 ear old Kara and baby Clark being sent from Krypton in the clip.

  110. They seem non CBS

  111. I think will be a negative for them minus Super Girl/Limitless

  112. I was practically forcing myself to finish the first season of Gotham and couldn't take it anymore. I gave up and good riddance. Supergirl is already a million times better than that and already one of my most anticipated new shows.

  113. Jeremy Jordan!! <3 Loved him on Smash and on The Last 5 Years (great movie BTW if you've never seen him).

  114. I actually don't. I really liked what we got to see and made me wan to watch which is the goal. I feel that if they show too much the pilot will be underwhelming!

  115. It's insane that they aren't pairing Limitless and Scorpion

  116. Limitless is 10000000% NOT a fit with NCIS!

    Supergirl seems to be more compatible with lead out Scorpion

  117. Ohhhh supergirl yay love the trailer can't wait to watch. So Superman exists in the world and jimmy knows about him. Wonder if he'll ever show up. Bye Bye gotham lol.

  118. Way to go Supergirl! That looked pretty awesome! Limitless felt a bit like Intelligence only more serialized. I am already dreading the ratins battle between it and Quantico.

    Code Black seems like another Grey's Anatomy copy, but the trailer was better than Heartbreaker. Still unlikely that I'll watch though.

  119. Yes Bye Bye gotham lol. Hopefully supergirl beats it in the ratings lol.

  120. After I saw the schedule, I figured I'd make my decision after the trailer for Supergirl was released...

    Gotham has been bumped to the DVR.

  121. Life in Pieces has such a great cast that I have a hard time imagining that they won't figure it out. It didn't appeal to me at all this trailer but I might still give it a chance, we'll see. I have a hard time imagining all these people getting attached to a total dud.

  122. Really? I loved it.

  123. Why bother. If it has an interesting story line, captivating script and requires more than 1 brain cell to enjoy it will be cancelled.

  124. I am not familiar with the superman mythology. Do you think it will be a requirement for Super gIRL?

  125. Yeah. I'll still watch Gotham, but Supergirl will take priority viewing.

  126. I also didn't appreciate it. Those "Mama" scenes seemed never ending.

  127. I agree. I don't like. Gives away way too much.

  128. Oh I'm sure it will. This could be the equivalent of what the flash is to the CW for CBS.

  129. I am surprised you thought Life in Pieces felt very CBS, it didn't feel at all to me.

  130. By the time Fish Mooney's eye was replaced I lost my resolve. I had to ditch Gotham. I wanted to finish season 1.

  131. Crazy about TV13 May 2015 at 23:41

    So, Quantico vs. Limitless, who gets the live viewing....

    For me it's Quantico..

  132. I don't think they expect much out of the others. Certainly not Angel from Hell, which will probably be sub 1 by the end of November when it has to air on Thanksgiving.

  133. Angel from Hell actually had me chuckling, but I'd say odds are it'll be cancelled.

  134. Oops, typo :) I didn't like it all, the same with Angel from Hell.

  135. Yes me neither. I don't think he publicizes it much though, probably even he is embarrassed. I even no idea what was he thinking.

  136. Ugh, Fish Mooney is one of the main reasons why I dropped the show. I hated her character so much. Not even Penguin (who's the only character I liked) could make me stick with the show.

  137. Just like last year's Flash trailer for the pilot episode.

  138. I am furious that CBS put Limitless up against Quantico. That show was begging to be paired with Scorpion and make for an all young skewing night of Super Girl-Scorpion-Limitless! CBS would have me the all night with that. The pairing with NO is nonsensical.

  139. Copy pasting what I said to Daniel above:

    That show was begging to be paired with Scorpion and make for an all young skewing night of Super Girl-Scorpion-Limitless! CBS would have me the all night with that. The pairing with NO is nonsensical.

  140. Well, Agent Carter just got renewed. Does that count?

  141. Was it this long? I don't recall

  142. Trailer Review-
    Angel in Hell-0/10.5 mins in Hell.Horrible.Avoid this one at any cost for the sake your sanity.
    Code Black-Typical CBS fare,so nothing new here.Works for some,not for everyone-at least not for me.5/10.
    liked the concept and the lead but i'm skeptical about how it'll fare
    in the long run.Will give it a fair chance.7.5/10.
    Life in Pieces-Poor man's Modern Family but surprisingly impressive.This one gets a thumbs up from me.8.5/10.
    Supergirl-The lead is impressive and the show looks very CW-ish.I'm curious to see it in this network.I'm in.9/10.

  143. That whole arc after she was kidnapped from the boat was so tedious and annoying. Penguin was great. But even his arc was just going round and round. It felt great to say bye bye to the show.

  144. Me too. Loved Quantico. Just curious about Limitless.

  145. Excited for:
    ABC: The Muppets,
    CBS: Limitless, Supergirl
    FOX:: The Frankenstein Code
    NBC: Blindspot, Heroes Reborn, You, Me and the End of the World, Game of Silence

    Interested in:
    ABC: None
    CBS: None
    FOX:: Grandfathered, Lucifer,
    NBC: The Player, Crowded, The Grinder,

    May check out:
    ABC:: The Family
    CBS: Angel from Hell, Life in Pieces
    FOX: Minority Report,

    Everything else

  146. So Emergency Room and Grey's Anatomy make a baby and it's called Code Black. Not thanks.

  147. It was about 5 minutes long. I just checked YouTube.

  148. In order of preference:

    1 - Life In Pieces - very funny and Zoe Lister Jones & Colin Hanks have so much chemistry!
    2 - Limitless - It just works very well, I could see myself watching every week.
    3 - Angel From Hell - waaaaaay better than I was expecting, I laughed a lot.
    4 - Supergirl - I don't usually like superhero shows, but the casting is so good I will actually watch this. Great promo, really sold it to me.
    5 - Code Black - Bad, so bad. It has no identity, the characters are unengaging and the cinematography is s--t.

    I don't see either of the new comedies flopping, so CBS have a comedy scheduling problem up ahead...


  150. Crazy about TV13 May 2015 at 23:48

    Definitely Curious. I don't watch anything on Tuesday at 10, so these two will be it.

  151. Fish was terrible and I'm glad she is gone!

  152. I will be shocked if Angel from Hell doesn't flop. It is launching out of Mom in mid November, then it airs for another 2 weeks after it, then it will air on Thanksgiving eve, then it is preempted, and then it airs episodes in deep december when TBBT is on repeats.

  153. I'm not an expert on comics but based on what I know from Smallville and the movies, flying is very important for both of them. Smallville was an origin story. When it started Clark was only 15 and was just starting to discover his powers, besides super speed and strength. They wanted to end the series with him officially becoming Superman and flying is a very important part of that. Clark was a baby when he left Krypton, he spent all his life thinking he was human with extra gifts but in the pilot he just found out that he's not human so it took him a while to accept being human and a kryptonian, which ultimately led him to be able to fly. Kara it's different, she already knows where she comes from and she's more accepting. In movies or shows like "Lois and Clark" he was flying from the get go.

  154. Limitless and Supergirl look very, very good. I will have to see the original Limitless movie.

  155. Thanks a lot for the explanation! ;) Very kind of you!

  156. Gone? So she's dead? Well she didn't last long. Thank the lords.

  157. SuperGirl: Ok i¡ll admit it. Thatw as better than i expected.
    Limitless: It will only work for Bradley Cooper, for me it's not working.
    Code Balck: Too many Grey's Anatomy vibes. It could go both ways. Funny thing: The procedural the woman used was the same one Owen did in last week GA.

    Angel from Hell looks good.
    Life in pieces: I laughed. Im sucha basic guy i laughed all the way, hope t works

  158. Even though I think it is one of the better sitcoms in a very weak field this year that schedule is B-R-U-T-A-L!

  159. I hope since Supergirl kicked ass with their trailer Legends of Tomorrow does the same at the CW Upfronts tomorrow.

  160. And it really wasn't needed. If CBS really wanted it to succeed they could have used TOC or M&M as placeholders and launched this in January after all the craziness had stopped.

  161. I cannot control myself for Legends of Tomorrow. But we won't get a trailer since there isn't a pilot shot yet. We will get some sort of presentation.

  162. Christopher DeBono13 May 2015 at 23:53

    Yeah this ^
    59 episodes and a pilot movie.

  163. Technically she was shot and launched off the into the water so she could be alive, but the rumor for a long while was that she was leaving the show at the end of the season.

  164. I wasn't a fan of her acting in Glee so I was a little sceptical but I tried to keep an open mind and wait to actually see her in the role before I form an opinion. Like you said she surprised me in a good way. I was genuinely happy that she show is more light and fun, and apparently not too fan of keeping secrets.

  165. More like the product of an affair of The Night Shift with some random person.

  166. Greice Moreira13 May 2015 at 23:55

    So this is how I stand regarding Upfronts:

    Will definitely follow the series unless it is a completely let down: Blindspot, The Family.

    Will watch a few episodes for sure: Minority Report, The Muppets, Quantico, Limitless, Supergirl.

    Will at least sample it: Lucifer, Scream Queens, The Real O'Neals.

    The rest, I'm really not sure... I am very busy and I change my mind quickly. I'm interested in sampling a lot of shows at the moment. My top back up shows are Grandfathered, The Grinder, The Player. But I know myself. If I'm too busy or they don't have good buzz I'll pass. I might check The Catch, Oil, Dr Ken and Uncle Bucky, and even the medical dramas Code Black and Heartbreaker, but it's unlikely I'll follow them unless they blow my mind. I'm willing to sample the pilot of even Rosewood right now. However, I'm the kind of person whose interest is easily picked but keeping it is quite hard, so until Fall, my willpower to check all these might fade. Let's wait and see :)

  167. Not bad CBS limitless and supergirl look good

  168. Angel's from Hell - Looked reasonably good, I really liked Jane Lynch in it, but also the other female lead (forget the name)

    Code Black - Trailer was way too long. Nothing that was happening really caught my attention, but I like the cast so I will at least check the pilot out.

    Limitless - A short, but action packed trailer, I couldn't take my eyes of it for a second. I'll definitely be watching this one.

    Life in pieces - 100% Pass.

    Supergirl - Not sure how I feel about this one. The trailer didn't get going until about 4 minutes in, and even then I wasn't hugely impressed with what was happening. I'll give it a shot though as I love the cast, but the trailer didn't do it for me.

  169. You are very welcome. Hope it helped :D

  170. I agree. I think The Flash/Arrow/The100 all 3 win in CGI over any of the big 4 shows. On a more limited budget. Supernatural brings it a lot too but they have a few missteps sometimes.

  171. Oddly enough I also wasn't very much entertained by the supergirl trailer but it was ok

  172. Ahah in the fall I am actually more willing to check out everything. But if things premiere very late in the season or amidst a time in which I am already behind all my shows I will also have my interest go away. A good strategy to get me is to premiere shows in pre premiere week. I will almost always sample them that way

  173. The CGI on Shield is pretty awesome too. I would say it is on par with The Flash.

  174. Greice Moreira14 May 2015 at 00:01

    Yes, me too! I really depends of what is happening in my life at the moment. I hate when they premier everything on the same week, it's impossible to sample every single show I'm willing to and still keep up with my work.

  175. It was 5:23 mins long. I remember thinking I know the whole story of pilot.

  176. I actually don't mind so much because the hype from all the shows premiering creates even more hype for me so I a willing to loose some hours of sleep and try a bit of everything.

    But late October is already bad for me. For instance, I wanted to sample both Dracula and Constantine but never got around to do neither because they came out way too late and I was already busy with others. By the time I would get to them, rating were already too low for me to feel it was worthy it!

  177. I feel that way with the Super Girl (and code black, but i won't watch that so I don't care). It's weird that I don't have that impression with the flash.

  178. 1 hour until the Arrow final !!!!!
    ( make sure you check your DVR as the ballgame is on one of the CW affiliates )

  179. On a side note, I am very glad CBS released actual trailers! In some of the years they only released inside looks that feature interviews with the cast and production and all that, it was extremely annoying.

  180. Wish I wasn't at work right now.

  181. PerryGoGrrr 💛14 May 2015 at 00:05

    My ratings for the trailers 0-10
    0 meaning no way in hell will I watch this.
    10 meaning is it fall yet?
    Anything above a 5.0 gets at least a three episode commitment from me.

    Limitless 5.0
    Code Black 5.0
    Angel from hell 6.5
    Life in pieces 4.0
    SuperGirl 8.0

  182. J.J. Francesco14 May 2015 at 00:05

    I'm trying to muster up some iota of excitement for some of these. Still trying...

  183. You might have forgotten or missed that pilot promo for Flash. They gave everything away in that.

  184. I don't watch it anymore but from what I remember, it was good.

  185. Lexieeeeee!!!

  186. Mom already is a stable 2.0 and it will be in the halo of Life in Pieces which looks to me like a smash hit in the making.

  187. Very similar to mine;

    Will watch a few episodes for sure: Quantico, The Family, Minority Report, The Catch, Limitless, Super Girl

    Will at least sample it: Lucifer, The Grinder, Grandfathered The Frankenstein Code, Blindspot, Life in Pieces

    Will pass for now, depends on buzz/ ratings : The Real O'Neals, Dr. Ken.

    No, thanks!: People Are Talking, Heartbreak, Rosewood, Bordertown, Of Kings and Prophets, The Muppets, Angel from Hell, Code Black, Oil, The Player, Uncle Buck, Wicked City.

  188. All of this back and forth on Supergirl/Gotham is just making me anxious for the CW tomorrow. I want to know what my favorites will be going up against. Does anyone know the earliest we should get some news? I don't know what time they start.

  189. Not interested in any of these but I may check Limitless out.

  190. Code Black- Looks phenomenal! It didn't have a soapy touch to it. Hopefully, it tunes down a bit on the choreography. That's my only complaint. Every scene looked too messy and it felt very retro. There wasn't a modern touch to the ER. It really looked like one from 20 years ago. Score: 8.5/10

    Limitless- It was a bit confusing at first. Everyone seemed so shady and it was tough to distinguish the good and bad. It definitely had that Intelligence vibe. Hopefully, ABC doesn't air the premiere of Quantico the same night as the premiere for this one. They both didn't blow me out of this world but they have a lot of promise. Just need to choose the right one. Score: 7.5/10

  191. Definitely watching Supergirl, wow so her secret is basically not a secret, that's surprising but pretty cool.

  192. You are telling me Supergirl is on CBS??? Girl, you are on the wrong network.

  193. The Original Supergirl's comment :) So nice

  194. Depends on the version. In the classic continuty I actually think she's older, just as seen in the trailer (She's a pre-teen to his toddler). Her stasis pod just took alot longer to reach Earth. So he grew up ahead of her.

  195. They mention "National City" in the trailer, but that's not an established DC city name.

  196. I loved every preview expect for Angel from Hell, CBS is going to have a good year

  197. I actually liked Life on Pieces


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