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NCIS: Los Angeles - Chernoff, K. (Season Finale) - Review: "Excitement & Disappointments"

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The finale episode of “NCIS: Los Angeles” continued the multi-episode arc dealing with stolen oil and Arkady’s daughter. In “Chernoff, K.,” we saw our favorite agents travel to Russia to track down Anna and the oil. They find Anna pretty quickly, and she’s already killed the man who kidnapped her. She then helps the team determine who was selling the oil, which turns out to be ISIS. After going undercover, the team stops the sale. In the meantime, Arkady and Hetty both give Callen more information about his father. Callen learns his dad escaped from prison and lived in Moscow until the late ‘80s. But Hetty tells him his father died several years ago. Fortunately, though, Hetty is wrong. At the end of the episode we see Callen’s father alive and well. But Callen never learns the truth before heading back to the U.S.

I was looking forward to this episode, hoping it would be a thrilling Russian journey that revealed exciting new information about Callen’s father. And at least that part delivered. I was ecstatic to learn Callen’s father is still alive. That was a gripping, exciting moment that granted fans’ wishes. Several other scenes also proved fun to watch. But unfortunately, much of the episode left me disappointed. The case was boring for a lot of the hour, the team wasn’t utilized well, Arkady’s daughter didn’t end up having any ties to anyone and they didn’t make good use of going to Russia. Overall the episode didn’t feel like a finale.

The episode also didn’t leave me too excited for the new season because it didn’t leave viewers with hope that Callen would find out his father was alive. After waiting so long to learn the identity and story of Callen’s dad, knowing we have to wait even longer for that actual reunion is frustrating. It feels like a tease. And the problem is, people are tired of waiting. It’s taken too long to get here to tease us some more.

The Setting and Plot

One of the things I was excited about with the team going to Russia was seeing them in a new environment. Location episodes are always fun because they give you a unique feel for different countries, cultures and traditions. But I was immediately disappointed on that front. They jumped right into the action with no location setup. We didn’t see them arriving in Russia or getting adjusted. The episode began with a shootout at a house that could have been anywhere. The Russian scenic views were so static, they felt almost lifeless. And when Sam and Callen were driving in Moscow, it looked fake. I felt like they missed a big opportunity to show us the sights, sounds and feel of a new city. Why write an episode going to Russia if they are not going to take advantage of it?

As for the plot, the case just wasn’t that interesting to me. With so much mystery surrounding Anna, they didn’t deliver on the intrigue. Her character was okay but definitely not as exciting as I’d hoped. She was actually pretty obnoxious. (Although maybe I should’ve expected that with Arkady as her father.) And the whole “You should really trust me” storyline did nothing for me. The team also found her so quickly, it felt anti-climactic. And she’d already killed Karposev on her own. They’d built him up to be this violent threat and we never saw him alive. Plus, I’d kind of hoped Anna would be connected to Callen or the case in some interesting way, and there would be an intriguing reason Arkady didn’t want anyone to know about her. But we got none of that.

The rest of the plot was also less than thrilling. Following the buyers and the sellers was confusing – and so was their task with the computers. This series often focuses too much detail on their drawn-out, zig-zag, change-direction-every-moment plots at the expense of paying better attention to the larger picture. The one plot-related highlight I did enjoy was seeing the team all use their individual styles to beat up the buyers’ representatives in the hotel rooms. It was interesting to see Kensi use that ball and chain while Sam whipped out a baton and Callen and Deeks fought the men with their hands. These guys have some serious fighting skills!

Hetty and Arkady

Arkady was as funny as ever, especially in his scenes with Hetty. I absolutely love the two of them together. When Arkady came out of Hetty’s kitchen in her Moscow apartment and started criticizing her lack of food and decor, I had to laugh. These two have undeniable chemistry. And funny dialogue, too. I loved Arkady asking Hetty if she was lonely in school, and Hetty responding that she was “the queen of the prom, Sweetheart.” Go Hetty! (Can you picture Hetty as a prom queen? I want to see a photo!) I also enjoyed how Hetty pointed out in front of Arkady that Anna was nothing like her father because she wanted to help them. “You know I’m standing right here in the room?” Arkady asked her. These two crack me up.

And then there was the singing. Hetty was so amused with her distraction plan at the hotel. And poor Arkady had no choice. His singing audition was hilarious. Did you see the way he thanked the judges with all that confidence and suave style? I think he actually enjoyed himself. I really wish they’d expanded this scene. I would have liked to know more about his audition or see him walk in the room and struggle with picking a song and getting started. This scene was already funny, but it could have been even better if they’d explored it more.

Hetty had other great moments, too. She knew just how to draw out Anna. She used her stealth skills to sneak into the security room. And she revealed she used to be married. That was a shocker – for Callen and us! His reaction was hilarious. I definitely got the impression Hetty was lying when she said it meant nothing to her. But she piqued my interest. Who was her undercover husband? Hetty has such a fascinating life. And she always keeps us guessing.

After all his selfish actions, Arkady proved himself to be a selfless father by jumping in front of Anna to protect her from getting shot. He also demonstrated his loyalty and helpfulness by telling everyone to leave him bleeding in the garage so he could stall the police and give them a chance to get away. I hope Sam remembers that in the future! And I was very happy to hear he was still alive. I actually thought they were going to kill him there for a moment. But fortunately for us, he lived to joke another day!

Sam, Kensi, Deeks, Eric and Nell

For a finale episode, I was really surprised that they didn’t use all the characters well. Kensi and Deeks were barely shown. Nell and Eric didn’t add anything. And Sam had a minor supporting role. Everything was pretty much about Callen. Don’t get me wrong – I love Callen. But I also expected the other characters would have some important contributions. While they did have smaller enjoyable scenes, they were all grossly underused. And that was disappointing.

Sam played the role of supportive yet questioning partner. I loved how he stood by the car watching his friend when Callen goes to visit his father’s grave. He gave Callen time and space but was still there for him. But he also served as a reality check and voice of reason. This was actually kind of sad, but I understood. He disapproved of Callen using Eric’s Kremlin access to dig up information because the action could put them in danger. And he didn’t want his partner getting his hopes up about his father because he didn’t want to see him disappointed if his dad was dead.

Sam had some funny lines when it came to Arkady. After Arkady’s contact doesn’t want to see him again, Sam responds, “Does anyone in Russia like you?” (Arkady was also funny in his answer: “These are anomalies. You know, I’m good-time guy.”) Sam also made me laugh when Callen told Anna they were her father’s friends and Sam clarified, “I’m more of an acquaintance.”

Kensi and Deeks had two short scenes that I enjoyed. Their first was the shooting in the woods. Kensi amused me as she gave Deeks no credit for killing the bad guy, leaving Deeks confused as to why his actions were not appreciated. I loved how he repeated “You’re welcome” even though Kensi never said thank you. Then I enjoyed watching Kensi stop the driver from Cameroon. She was fantastic playing the ditzy, cute, coy girl who needs help. Little does this man know. I loved when she whipped out her gun and threw his “bunny” nickname right back at him. But the only time we saw Deeks in the scene was when he got in the car without a word. I missed seeing more of these two.

As for Nell and Eric, I was surprised they got on each other’s nerves so much. Nell was annoyed when Eric kept asking her what she was doing. (Her rude response annoyed me.) Then Eric got snippy with her requests later. He was clearly under a lot of pressure but that was surprising because he doesn’t usually get stressed out in situations like these.

Callen and his Father

Callen’s search for information on his father was the best part of this episode, its saving grace. But even with that, it wasn’t until the end that I felt they made it worth our while. Up until the last few scenes, I thought they were kind of stingy with information. But nonetheless, I enjoyed watching the revelations, beginning with Arkady and Callen at the cafe. I love how Callen can read Arkady so well. He knows Arkady chose that location for a reason. And Arkady finally tells him why. His dad used to frequent the cafe, using it as a meeting hub. I loved how Callen goes from not trusting Arkady to suddenly looking at a picture of his father. There was a moment of vulnerability before he glances at the picture, realizing what it is. He’s surprised, intrigued, wondering if this is really his dad, accepting it’s really him. Finally seeing his father’s face is a huge deal. This was a nice moment. Callen also learns some surprising information. His dad must have somehow escaped from Gulag (a Soviet system of forced labor camps where millions died) because 14 years after he was sent there, he was still helping refugees escape, taking meetings at this cafe. Arkady met him there once himself.

Later at the church, Hetty expands on that information. Showing herself to be a caring mother of sorts, she gathered the information Eric found and gives it to Callen herself. She wants to help him find answers. Hetty confirms Arkady’s story that Callen’s dad helped refugees escape to the West until 1988. She also tells Callen his father apparently changed his name. He left Nikita Reznikov behind to become Konstantine Chernoff. He must have taken on the new name after escaping Gulag. Hetty also tells Callen that his father lived an hour away. But Callen picks up on the fact that Hetty used the past tense of the word ‘lived’. When he presses, Hetty confirms his fears: His dad died in 2008.

It was so sad watching Callen receive the news. He starts breathing heavy. His eyes mist over. He fights the emotions and then becomes agitated. As expected, Chris O’Donnell was fantastic. Callen’s greatest fears came true and his hopes were dashed. I was actually happy they gave us this scene before revealing his dad was still alive. This way we got to see the emotional reaction and the drama behind that horrible moment. It will hopefully make the happy news even better (whenever Callen actually receives that). But the sad news doesn’t end there. As he processes everything, Callen realizes his dad lived in Moscow while he himself was there. (I believe he spent time in Russia both with the CIA and NCIS). They were in the same city together for years. Think of all those missed opportunities they could have had together. The realization is awful for Callen, but for the audience it raises some interesting new questions. Could Callen’s dad have known his son was there? I'm not sure how he would have known about covert American missions - except that he has an intelligence background himself. But I like the idea of his dad secretly watching over Callen. Regardless, whatever happened in the past, at least Callen has the chance to pay his respects before they leave.

After visiting the cemetery, Callen returns to the cafe. It was sad to watch him stand outside, looking in. You get the impression he’s been there awhile, just waiting, hoping the news may somehow not be true, and wanting to be in the place his dad used to frequent. But then they have to leave, and the show fades to black. Yet just when you think it’s over, the picture slowly fades back to the cafe. I loved how they structured the ending. They gave us a moment to mourn before they revealed the real truth. As soon as you see the setting, you know what’s coming – and it’s exciting! You watch as a man walks into that café, and you immediately know it’s Callen’s father. He’s alive after all! He sits down at the table and twirls a coin in his hand, a coin meant for someone escaping Russia. He is still helping people leave the country. Callen’s father is still risking his life to help others. If only Callen had stayed a little longer.

The ending raised a slew of new questions. Does Callen’s dad know the whereabouts of his son? Does Hetty know the truth? Does Arkady? The Russian said he worked with Callen’s father until 1988, but could he have started up again later? Maybe the coins in his desk were current coins. The possibilities are endless. But for me the biggest question was this: How is Callen ever going to find out his father is alive? While the revelation was exciting, it was also frustrating because I could foresee it taking a long time for Callen to find out the truth. He thinks his dad is dead. So how long are we going to have to wait now for their reunion? Like many fans, I am getting restless. I don’t want to wait anymore. I don’t want this story to drag on for another two years. I hope they revisit it a lot sooner than I’m expecting.

What did you think of the finale? Did you enjoy the revelations about Callen's father? Are you excited for next season? Do you have any predictions on how Callen and his dad will be reunited? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

About the Author - Tonya Papanikolas
Tonya Papanikolas is an online, print and broadcast journalist who loves covering entertainment and television. She spent more than 10 years as a broadcast news anchor/reporter and now does everything from hosting to writing. She loves covering NCIS: Los Angeles for SpoilerTV. (She's a big fan of Kensi and Deeks!) She also writes SpoilerTV articles on other great shows.

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