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Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.17 - Melinda - Promo

8 Apr 2015

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  1. Oh my God, I am so excited to find out what happened in Bahrain. This is going to be amazing!

  2. omg..a lot of May's flashbacks..this is gonna be so good!!

  3. arrowshieldfan8 April 2015 at 03:08

    will this be the second last episode in the shield vs shield conflict? I think after episode 18 it will be different

  4. I'm so glad they're airing all these episodes without breaks unlike some other shows right now. Yet another reason I'm thankful for Agent Carter.

  5. arrowshieldfan8 April 2015 at 03:09

    you saying arrow/the flash should continue with their episode wthout any breaks?

  6. I'm saying that ABC did a better job of scheduling and making good use of a hiatus than other networks have. Both Agents of SHIELD and Once Upon a Time took extended breaks and they filled the space with worthwhile original programming and minimizing the need to air repeats when both shows returned.

  7. Lol, that is probably the most overly dramatic promo I've ever seen..."And it will FINALLY be revealed!" So unnecessary, lol, but looking forward to it! This show has been on a roll.

  8. arrowshieldfan8 April 2015 at 03:33

    this will be the last break for the cw but yeah the cw make a mistake airing arrow and not flash episode 15 so now the schedule/timeline are mess up and one show is behind...both show should have episode 15 the same week

  9. YES! I was more excited for this promo than for today's episode LOL

  10. Oh god, THIS will be Ming Na-Wen's episode and I can't freaking wait to see her knock it out of the park next week with it finally revealing the full story behind "the Cavalry". Bring it on!!

  11. I love it because the show gets to keep the same awesome momentum going till the end of the season rather it having so many breaks where it gets so damn frustrating (like last season). Thank god for Agent Carter indeed.

  12. Exactly. Right on.

  13. Stephen S. Bowman8 April 2015 at 03:59

    can't wait but nice to see their finally training skye powers

  14. just from this promo i can't even see how May's still walking around

  15. Yup, more reasons for Agent Carter to be renewed so it can be the permanent bridge for SHIELD while it's on break and we won't have so many pesky hiatuses throughout the year. Plus it's freaking amazing.

  16. Agreed. Carter/Jarvis made an awesome team-up :)

  17. Flashback... No.
    Mom and Daughter on the Mountain! Yes

  18. Besides it being an amazing show, this programming absolutely served well with helping AoS keep it's pace tight.

  19. YAY! For the May backstory!

    Curious to see how the Inhumans training plays out too.

  20. I feel like I say this every week... this is going to be epic! :D

  21. Oh the episode we have been waiting for!

  22. I think that conflict will last until episode 19, and then episodes 20, 21 and 22 could be tied into Age of Ultron as it will be out by then. If they are linking AOS with it and I think they will in some way.

  23. be honest, I never really wanted to know what happened back there. Can't we stick with what is going on in current time?

  24. FINALLY, a May-centric episode. She's my favorite character and she always seems to draw the short straw. About time we learned the truth about the day she became the Cavalry. And hopefully, said revelation comes with tons of ass-kicking.

  25. At least half of this show is Skye this, Skye that. Are you really complaining about another character, one who is usually in the background as well, finally being given some backstory?

  26. I found it so frustrating when people were bitching endlessly about the 3-month midseason break. That long hiatus, with Agent Carter giving us our Marvel fix in the meantime, is the only reason we're now able to enjoy the entire second half of the season uninterrupted, without breaks to ruin the momentum. I very much hope they keep this format next year and don't go back to the absurd on-and-off schedule of Season 1 (hopefully with Agent Carter as the bridge series again, but I'd take a different Marvel series as well).

  27. My flashback dislike is not directed at May. But my history with them. I read manga and when they have flash back for 5to10 chapters thats basiclly 2 months of get back to the main fight already. Just that.

    Also this seasons has been less episodic that's good but there still has been some of the old formula. If they ditched that they would have time for all the characters.
    But Skye focus is not bad as it at least brings progress to the show.

  28. i waited so long for this, counting the days

  29. Historical_Materialist8 April 2015 at 18:18

    The first part of the promo with Skye and the mountain will likely be followed by a nifty effect of the mountain blowing apart. It will probably look really cool and further demonstrate how powerful she is. I gotta wonder though: for a bunch of people trying to stay secluded and hidden from the rest of the world if blowing up a mountain is the best thing to do. Seismic events like that are pretty noticeable and usually bring authorities running.

  30. I agree completely, especially about bridging the gap with another Marvel show whether it be Agent Carter or something else.

  31. You just know the mysterious cargo on Gonzales' ship is going to come up again and tie the Olmost SHIELD storyline to Age of Ultron somehow.

  32. Yeah I do wonder about that and EJO did say that his storyline is connected to AOU in some cool way.

  33. Maybe it's an infinity stone...

  34. There are so many possibilities, but after telling us that Fury was willing to sink a ship and kill hundreds of SHIELD agents just to keep that thing out of Hydra's little Nazi hands, they'd better make it something pretty damn powerful/important.

  35. Thank God finally an episode about May.


  37. Ramon Leonardo9 April 2015 at 03:36

    I'm very curious to see May's flashback, but I'm actually more interested in Skye with her mom...

  38. That too, yeah.

  39. Yeah, I wonder when/if Skye finds out...

  40. I hope it might explain why Real Shield seems to have stayed covert and not fighting Hydra while Coulson and Co were. To me that seems to still be a major plot hole in the Other Shield. What has an entire Carrier with agents and Quinnjets been doing for the period?

  41. Yeah, that's a plot hole alright. Coulson is an inefficient leader for SHIELD because... he's actually been fighting Hydra and getting stuff done while we've been sitting on our asses in our giant ship? Does. Not. Compute.

  42. It would be something if we'd seen some mention of other losses, or if Gonzales had confronted May with a file of destroyed Hydra ops. Instead right now it's just infiltrate Shield cause...


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