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Bates Motel - The Pit - Review: "You're Gonna Kill Me Norman"

28 Apr 2015

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   Bates Motel continued its amazing third season last night with another great episode, titled “The Pit”. This season has been really the best season of the show, the tension is so high, all the time.
   The show has really taken a dark road this season, it’s creppier than it ever was, but damn, it’s so good. “The Pit” was a great example how much Bates Motel has been rocking its third season. It was so well constructed, each storylines kept on going and unfolding, causing more mess and danger in their ways. Norman is getting worst each episodes, and Norma is still not ready to act on it and this week, they both had been rejecting by someone’s dear to them and Dylan found himself in great, great danger.

   In “The Pit”, Norman was still shaken by James’ question, about his desire to have sex with his mother and so he was acted weird. Well, weirder than usual, and that was a saying for Norman Bates. Of course, Norma worried about him, wondering what the hell James could have told him. It was really interesting to watch Norma struggling with his desire towards Norma, how he watched her and his jealous comment on how she dressed in front of workers. Their relationship has really evolved in something very creep, they’re no longer acting like mother and son, but really as a couple.
   It was even more obvious when they ended up cuddling in her bed. Norman and Norma had quite a bad day. It started off rather well for Norma. She was getting her pool, thanks to Bob even though they were no plans yet to see. Something was definitely off but Norma was hopeful and joyful.

   Norma was even happier when Alex brought back her car ! It was really sweet to see Norma so enthusiastic and just plain happy. She was so sweet to Alex, kissing him on his cheek. It was truely a great scene, so different from the usual darkness. The woman deserved to get some happy moments.
   Sure, it didn’t last. Bob wasn’t really building her a pool, he was keeping her distracted. So, he kidnapped James, the psychologist and tortured him. He wanted to have some levrage against Norma and he got what he wanted. I can't blme James. I knew it was a real bad mistake for Norma to tell him the truth about Norman's dad. She should have known she couldn’t trust anyone with her secret.
   Bob wasted no time and told Romero what he just discovered about Norman’s dad. Romero was shocked and did the only thing to do : he went to see Norma and asked her for the truth. It was a really beautiful and sad scene. Norma and Alex had that sweet chemistry, those looks, those smiles, they always share since the first season. But this time, he asked her to trust him, to say the truth and she lied to him. I think it would be safer to trust Romero than James, but Norma was in her normal state, she did what she always does, she lied, she protected her son. So, Norma lost Romero as a friend and an ally. Too bad. I still hope they can recover from it....

    Norman wasn’t having a great day either. He was still struggling with James’s revelation he might be sexually attracted to his mother. Sure, it is a very disturbing thought and for a disturbed man like Norman, it had to have consequences. Norman was very agitated and angry all along the episode.
   I loved so much Norma and Norman’s arguments. They're always so mean and bad to each other. Norma always wins with the best line anyways but it’s damn funny.
    Norman’s day got really worst when Emma came to talk to him. She basically broke off with him, they tried to have something but it never worked. And she was probably still shocked and scared from Norman’s episode she first witnessed.
   So, Norma and Norman lost their special someone, their chance to have a relationship. And that was the moment Norman decided to tell Norma about his desires for her.

   The whole scene was absolutely great. It was perfectly written and Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore were, as usual, excellent. Norma’s reaction was so good, she dismissed James’s theory in one second. Norman wasn’t attracted to her, he was just a regular young man discovering sexuality and being confused… I’m not so sure about it Norma.... Especially after they both ended up cuddling face to face in her bed. Maybe that’s why Norman’s confused. I’m really glad the writers are exploring more and more Norman and Norma’ twisted and incestuous relationship. The writing is very smart and it's actually very interesting, and yet disturbing to watch it happening, slowly.

   After learning what James said to Norman, Norma had to confront him. As he wasn’t answering his phone (because Bob and his friends beat the crap out of him), she went to see him. He was leaving town but a car couldn’t stop Norma, Norma stopped his car. It was so good, I loved to see Norma so strong and angry. James said he told Bob everything about Norman and Norma’s world starting to crumble.
    Her secret was out, Bob knew Norman killed his father, she was losing her power over him and he was getting so much against her and her family. I was really stressed, especially when Norma told Norman.
    Honestly, I didn’t think she would confess right away to Norman. I thought she’d try to cover it up before, but she had no one to turn to now. Romero was gone, Dylan was away. So, she told Norman what happened. Once again, Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore were absolutely amazing. Norman’s reaction really scared me. he was really angry at his mother for revealing his darkest secret (yet). For a second, I thought he might go on kill her but Norma totally broke down and screamed at him.

   Norma’ line to Norman was epic. It was one of the best moment of the entire show. Vera Farmiga delivered with such a touching and strong energy. It was so powerful and that silence after “you’re gonna kill me Norman”, that was amazing. I was speechless too.
   Norma went off, trying to fix it, asking Norman not to fall apart… Which of course he didn’t. He did fall apart, he had a vision of his sexier weird mother… And that dog again. I’m always a bit sad watching the dog running, it was so awful when he died. Anyways, as Norman ran away, far from the motel, he met with Bradley in the middle of the road. What the hell was she doing there ?

   While Norma and Norman were dealing with all that mess, Dylan finally accepted the delivery job. but Caleb went along with him. It was a risky delivery, they were selling guns so anythign could go wrong. I was glad Dylan didn’t do it alone. His relationship with his father/uncle has really grown, it has really done good to both of them, it made them more calm, they connected. Still, I hate Caleb.
    The best part of their trip was Dylan’s sweet phone call to Emma. It was super cute to watch them smiling and making small talk. He was risking his life for hers, and she had no idea yet. I don’t really want to see them as a couple, she’s way too young for him but they have a strong and unique bond on the show. They should run away far from Norma and Norman while they can.

   Dylan and Caleb’s delivery job didn’t really happen as expected. The buyers didn’t have any money because they wanted to kill Chick. Apparently, the last people he sold guns to were in jail now so he was supposed to be punished for that. As he wasn't there, Dylan would be the message. Oops…
    It was really scary. Of course, Dylan coudln’t die just like that but Caleb could have being shot.(I kinda wish for it). He saved his son and himself by shooting the guys with his hidden gun. That was actually a very smart move to hide it in the truck in the first place. For once, kudos to Caleb. So, Dylan and Caleb got no money and no guns now but they’re alive.

   “The Pit” was another great episode of Bates Motel. Norma andNorma are now in serious danger and they’re all alone to face Bob and the corrupted city. Dylan will be back, but he will have to deal with the consequences of the attack… Next episode is going to be crazy and it won’t be the season finale yet !
   What did you think of "The Pit" ? What was your favorite part ? Why is Bradley back and what Norman gonna do ? Hit the comments

About the Author - Romain Ossust
I'm a 29 TV addict. Here is a non exhaustive list of my favorite shows : 12 Monkeys, Ab Fab, 24, Alias, American Horror Story, Banhsee, Bates Motel, Black Sails, Carnivale, Daredevil, Daria, Dead Like Me, Desperate Housewives, Dexter, ER, Fargo, Fringe, Game of Thrones, Girls, Grey’s, Hannibal, Homeland, HIMYM, HTGAWM, Looking, Lost, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, Medium, OUAT, OUAT Wonderland, Orange is the New Black, Orphan Black, Pan Am, Penny Dreadful, Person of Interest, Power, Pushing Daisies, Raising Hope, Rectify, Reign, Scandal, Sex & The City, Six Feet Under, Sleepy Hollow, Spartacus, The 100, The Affair, The Americans, The Big C, The Fall, The Killing, The Leftovers, The Missing, The Strain, The Tudors, The Walking Dead, Transparent, True Blood, True Detective, Tyrant, Ugly Betty, United States of Tara, Utopia, V, Veronica Mars, Weeds.
For SpoilerTV, I'm reviewing The Walking Dead, Banshee, American Horror Story, Bates Motel, Girls, & Orphan Black
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  1. Well if history is any indication, Romero and Norma will reunite as allies. One thing BM does well is that it presents 'unforgivable' situations (see - Dylan hiding Caleb), which seemed like it would undo all the progress that Dylan/Norma had made, but all was fine after Norma had her night out.

    Honestly, the Norman character is the weakest and least interesting of all - blackouts, staring into space, tantrums, dead animals, blah, blah, blah. The other players: Norma, Romero, Dylan, Emma, and, even Caleb, have far more depth. When the shift started to make it more about Norma's life than Norman's, it became more interesting. I mean, seriously, VF is beyond amazing.

  2. Great review.
    1.I have a sinking feeling someone we love will end up in that Pit in the finale.
    2.Emma's future is not looking good.
    3.Bradley never should've come back.
    4.Dylan should send his father packing as soon as possible coz things aren't looking that bright for him either!
    5.Norma should've come clean to Alex when she had the chance-Now she's in deep and she's just starting to realize that!
    6.I'm starting to fear Bob Paris finally,that man is definitely bad news.
    All these hanging over our head & there's only 2 episodes left!

  3. aspirational122 May 2015 at 05:48

    With all due respect, your focus only seems to be on a few selected aspects of Norman's surface behaviors, which suggests that you don't understand the complexities and nuances of his character - which is one of the best written and most interesting aspects of the show. Norman is and will very much remain a central part of this show - it has always been about Norma and Norman's life - from Season 1, episode 1.


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