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Quote of the Week, 29th March 2015

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A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the Spoiler TV team this past week. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off below the article.

12 MONKEYS, "Shonin", 27th March, 2015

DarthLocke: The Striking Woman "How was your bath? I've wanted to meet you for some time. I knew your father. My company contributed to his research many years ago. May I? Did he ever tell you how much he loved you? My father was the same. He had plans for me. Like there was a thing in a box, with printed instructions. Difficult, problematic. We know you didn't kill those people at Markridge, Jennifer. We have proof: security footage.No more running. Did you ever know your mother, Jennifer? They took her away, didn't they? A long time ago. Your father abandoned her too. Locked her away till she went to sleep.No one was left to protect you."
I can protect you now. You can be a daughter again.
Jennifer "I want to be a daughter again."

ALLEGIANCE, "The Arrival", 26th March, 2015

Dahne: Katya "There's more thumb than office in a lot of these."
Victor "You try taking covert photos in the middle of a meeting with a paranoid spy master."

Michelle "Do you feel better?"
Sam "About Alex, yes. Not about the fairness of the universe to be frank."

ARROW, "Suicidal Tendencies", 25th March, 2015

Sharon Seymour: Diggle “Hurt her and they'll never find your body.”

BATES MOTEL, "Persuasion", 23rd March, 2015

DarthLocke: Romero "So, when you spoke to her, did Annika tell you she was a prostitute?"
Norman "Not explicitly, but I got the impression that she was. When she said she was working at a party, I didn't think she was a magician."

Psychology Professor "So, I I I've got this theory called "The Secret Club of the Damaged. It's, um, people who have had crappy upbringings who can sense it in other people. It's like an aura around them that we can sense immediately. I don't know you from Adam, but I see a kindness and a sensitivity in your face, and also hurt."

BATTLE CREEK, "Heirlooms", 22nd Mrch, 2015

Laura Markus: Milt "I was based in New York City, Tuesday, September 11, 2001. And I slept through it, literally. I had been up late the night before. I wasn't supposed to work that Tuesday. Forgot to set my alarm. Never charged my phone. What difference does it make? While people died and police officers and firefighters and hundreds of other people tried to save them and died, I just, uh, I never got a call. I never did anything. I just slept. So after that, I made a commitment that whenever I had a chance to do something, I'm gonna do it. Without asking why. And yes, Battle Creek is probably a demotion and yes, that probably means that someone doesn't like me but I don't ask those questions anymore. I just do what I'm asked to do to the best of my abilities."

Russ "So the owner is out front waiting patiently to find out whether he's a murderer?"

Dahne: Eleanor Whitehall "He died of a heart attack 2 days ago."
Funkhauser "Talk about an excellent alibi."

Meredith "Great. I was going to do an actual autopsy, you know, with science and stuff but if you've got it figured out, saves me some time."

BETTER CALL SAUL, "Rico", 23rd March, 2015

Bradley Adams: Jimmy "I guess it's like losing your virginity.. third time's the charm." also picked by Laura Markus

Jimmy "Blow my magic flute."

BONES, "The Psychic in the Soup", 26th March, 2015

Sharon Seymour: Avalon “Professor, I didn't see that one coming — and that's hard for a psychic to say.”

CASTLE, "At Close Range", 23rd March, 2015

Jimmy Ryan: Ryan "Well when you have a crazy theory you don't call the voice of reason"

CRIMINAL MINDS, "Rock Creek Park", 25th March, 2015

Laura Markus: Fuchs "You need somebody for an unsavoury job, this is who you call."
Rossi "1-800-THUG."
Fuchs "Yeah, pretty much."

Reid "This is really good coffee, by the way. Coffee's a language in itself."
Loker "Who said that, Dickens?"
Reid "Jackie Chan."

PERSON OF INTEREST, "Skip", 24th March, 2015

Jimmy Ryan: Finch "Usually you're the one sneaking up on me"

DarthLocke: Root "It's okay if we're not friends any more. You're alive. It's enough."

Reese "I'm a cop. I'm just reaching for my badge... Damn. She stole my badge."

SCANDAL, "Put A Ring on It", 26th March, 2015

Sharon Seymour: Cyrus “You're wrong, you know. I would never murder you… myself. That's a rookie move. I'd pay a professional to do it.”

SECRETS AND LIES, "The Jacket", 22nd March, 2015

Bradley Adams: Dave "Dude, if I don't get my 14 hours, I'll kill somebody."

SUPERNATURAL, "Paint It Black", 25th March, 2015

Dahne: Olivette "It was a rabid group of sanctimonious do gooders dedicated to our downfall."
Rowena "They had equal magic?"
Olivette "Worse, public relations."

Rowena "The Winchesters. Again with the Winchesters. Perpetually the Winchesters."

THE FLASH, "Rogue Time", 24th March, 2015

sandi: Snart "Oh, by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, Flash. Flash, Lisa."

Snart "The Rogues...cute."

Bradley Adams: Wells "Making a choice between 2 people you love, that is the hardest dilemma you will ever face."
Cisco "Well, you won't have to worry about me making the wrong decision again."
Wells "All you proved today is that you're human. All you proved today is that you love your brother and the reason that we all want you to stay is that we love you too. Now I am not a parent but in many ways you have shown me what it is like to have a son."

Snart "Hello, Cisco. What exactly are your intentions with my sister?"
Cisco "Oh come on. I should have known better. I'm not that lucky. Please don't kill me for kissing your sister."
Snart You kissed him."
Lisa "You're not dad, Lenny."
Snart "I know. Dad's in jail. Sterling role model."

THE FOLLOWING, "A Hostile Witness", 23rd March, 2015

Jimmy Ryan: Joe "What took you so long?"

THE MUSKETEERS, "Trial and Punishment", 27th March, 2015

sandi: Rochefort "In Spain, there was a man who led my torture. Every day, Vargas and I would cross new thresholds of torment together. Do you know why it took so long for him to break me? You. The mere thought of you was a refuge from my agony."
Anne "Know this, Rochefort In all that time I did not think of you once."

Athos "What will you do now?"
Milady "Start a new life. In England, perhaps."
Athos "It rains a great deal in England. And the food is.." [He snorts in disgust]

About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Poldark, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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