Update: 14th May We've given the Gallery another visual refresh and improved performance. The gallery should load faster. We've also updated the quality of all the show icons.
Also the site should work better on Mobile Devices.
Hey All,
Just a quick update to let you know that we've made some changes to our Image Gallery.

First the bad news.
- Some of the older articles on the site that have embedded thumbnails will now show broken links. Clicking on the broken link will take you to the correct photos but the thumbnail images will appear broken. We're seeing if we can find a solution however I think we're going to have to live with it for now.
Now for the good news :)
- The New Gallery has been moved to a new domain. images.spoilertv.com. This replaces our old .co.uk address. If you have any bookmarks to the old site these should automatically redirect to the correct page.
- The Gallery has been upgraded and optimised to reduce the chance of the Gallery crashing during heavy load periods. (I'm looking at you Arrow, OUAT and Castle Fans!)
- The Gallery should load quicker as a result
- The Image Thumbnail quality has been enchanced and should appear less "blurry"
- The Search Function has been made faster and allows you to search Title, Description etc
- You can embed whole photo sets or individual photos on your site by using the embed codes on the Album or Photo pages.
- The Archived/Misc shows section should be a lot faster to navigate
- The Gallery should work better on Mobile Phones, and allow you to swipe left/right when on Albums or individual photos.
- We now have over 200,000 Images in the gallery in over 18,000 Albums for nearly 1,000 different shows
If you have any questions or have any problems please don't hesitate in asking in the comments below or by filling out our standard feedback forms that are available in the header menu or at the bottom of the website.