Some seriously twisted cults are preparing to take down a major business corporation (World Trade Conference) event in Chicago. Each member of the unit goes undercover in the different cults, but we see only Ruzek’s. There he meets a girl, Sierra (Felicia). They have instant chemistry – chemistry that for some reason has been lacking in his relationship with Burgess this season (see more on that in a bit).
After the unit meets up and gets their orders from Voight, Ruzek and Olinsky head out to a hotel just in time to see Sierra (Felicia) fall thirty-some stories out of the building.
A South American diplomat, Fabian Sosa, is prime suspect number one after the team learns Felicia fell from his room. Because he’s a diplomat, he travels with diplomatic immunity. Is it just me or does diplomatic immunity only come up in the absolute worst situations?
With the help of one of Antonio’s CIs, the team learns that Felicia was out “tricking”, also known as high end prostitution, and it’s likely it was for Sosa. But because the team can’t legally talk to Sosa, they go with a military tactic known as rendition.
Thanks to Mouse, the unit discovers Sosa is being blackmailed. Max (the head of the cult Ruzek was with) becomes the next suspect. At the business conference, the unit goes after Max, and it turns out those tasing lessons came in handy, as Max is brought down with a taser by Burgess. But Max isn’t the murderer either – it ends up being someone else from the cult (the same guy who gave Ruzek and Felicia a sideways glance at the meeting!).
Ruzek’s emotions ran high this episode, showing something different from his usual cool, calm, and collected persona. But then I thought back on his character (all the way back to his unconventional ways in the pilot) and realized this episode was just further proof that Ruzek wears his heart on his sleeve, probably more so than any other member of the unit. I absolutely loved the depth that we saw with his character this week.
Burgess set aside the jealousy to be there for Ruzek in any way he needed. There’s that chemistry I’ve been missing all season! I’m a fan of these two again. Things are getting pretty serious, might we see an engagement soon?
Voight and Olivia (Law and Order SVU) are still talking! She sends him a get well soon gift (because if you recall, Voight was shot in the last episode) and the whole team gives him a little grief for it. I say go for it, Voight! Though they both have dominant personalities, so I’m not sure how well that would work out.
Also, I really want to know what was on that note.
The exchange between Mouse and Lindsay might have been my favorite scene of the night. Mouse is adorable and uncomfortable and my bet is that Jay told him everything about Erin. He is so excited to be apart of the team and I hope it’s a permanent position!
Favorite exchange of the night (I really can’t explain why, I just loved it):
“Hey Chuckles,” says Platt.
“Detective Chuckles, if you don’t mind,” replies Halstead.
Platt tells Jay he needs to visit a local bar to keep his brother from getting locked up. What?!? Oh, well hello, Dr. Halstead! You’d think being Jay’s brother and a doctor would make Will a well-adjusted, reputable, mature, etc man. But he’s not, and I like it. Not because of the whole “bad boy” thing, but because it’s unexpected. Yes, these two are brothers, but we can already tell that they are very different men.

Jay fishes for the real reason Will’s in town, but he beats around the bush and uses the first out he can to change the subject. Like true brothers, Will sees Erin and Nadia in the distance and asks, “So, which one is she?” When Erin approaches, Jay quickly mutters, “Shut up! Here she comes.”
Erin is excited to meet someone from Jay’s family, an excitement he didn’t see coming. I was so impressed and pleasantly surprised to see Erin speak up and tell Jay that she still cares about him. I didn’t think that she would be the one holding on.
I like Dr. Will Halstead, but if all goes as planned, I believe he’ll be the leading man on Chicago Med. I know it’s only been one episode (so I’m obviously going to give him a chance), but is he leading man material? I’m not sure yet.
What did you think of the episode? Should Mouse stick around? What do you think of Dr. Halstead?