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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Christopher DeBono who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).
Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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- Polls need to be TV/Movie related.
- Polls should NOT be time sensitive as they is no guarantee when the polls will be posted. eg Don't post polls like "Who will die on next weeks episode".
- You must supply a Poll Question, and the possible choices. Please try to keep the number of options to a reasonable amount (Max of 20 Items)
- You can only Submit 1 Poll Per Day. Previous polls submitted will still be eligible for posting (ie you don't need to keep submitting the same poll everyday)
Each day we will pick one submitted poll at random to post on the site.
To be honest there's a lot of big hitters that arent even in it too in general, I feel like the Avengers movie after Doomsday will prob be better and full of a better cast. At first when i...
Still and forever will be disappointed that they cast Robert Downey Jr as Dr Doom, so many cool actors out there they could have gave the spotlight to or introduced but nope... sigh..