Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Originals - Episode 2.13 - The Devil is Damned - Extended Promo

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The Originals - Episode 2.13 - The Devil is Damned - Extended Promo

Feb 3, 2015

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  1. I'm quite a bit in love with this. Welcome to visit this website::::::::::::: L o u i s- V u i t t o n- Clearance

  2. God I wish this show was on Netflix, I haven't wanted to binge on show like this since the last season of Vikings. #cantWaitTillMonday

  3. "This family makes me want to murder people." I just love that line. Lol I'm all for Hayley kicking some ass. She did good tonight standing up to Klaus.

  4. Can't wait to see how things will resolve! Also it will be funny to see what Bekah will do to Kol when they first meet and how ill Kol get out of this mess?

  5. Family makes me want to murder people, so true at times LOL

  6. The wolf stuff is the weakest point of the show closely followed by the long-term body hopping (although they have redeemed themselves with Maisie/Rebekah). And the butchering of the main characters. What they've done with Elijah is beyond words, and it's hard to stand by a protagonist like Klaus when he's so disgusting and unlikeable.

  7. It looks like Klaus will take over that situation, and I don't think he'll be able to do anything to Kol's mind without Rebekah's help because Kol is a witch. So Rebekah might get her chance at some revenge through Klaus. The more pressing issue now is finding Marcel and the other vampires. Even Rebekah will want to put her anger with Kol on hold until Marcel is safe or until Hope is safe. It looks like Kol will want to protect Marcel for Davina's sake because people will figure out that both Marcel and Finn are looking for Hope. When Klaus looks into Kol's head and sees what Finn did to him, Rebekah might abandon any plan for revenge on Kol anyway, at least for now. If Kol is confined to that body, then his only way to survive is to become a vampire in that body, if that's even possible after whatever Finn did. I'm not sure I understand it. All I know is that it appears to be an impossibility now for Kol to return to his Original vampire body. If Rebekah refuses to help him, I'm not sure if he'll die or if he'll find some other way.

  8. "This family makes me want to murder people." I don't advocate violence, but I do not blame him. He seems relatively calm and a little sad in that shot. Maybe he's talking to Freya? It would be cool if Freya approaches Klaus and tries to understand him, but from the synopsis, it looks like she'll go looking for Finn first. I'm not opposed anyone restoring order to the family, but the way that Freya gets what she wants is way too violent for my liking. She has no empathy, only a twisted moral code. She could easily be worse than Klaus, however noble her intentions. She seems to only want to connect with Rebekah, and it looked like she made Rebekah a little bit nervous. Freya also appears to believe that family should be together, so she might demand that Hope be brought back to the city before it's actually safe. Freya could be a psychopath, which isn't a big surprise considering who her parents are.

    As thrilled and curious as I am about the mythology of the upcoming werewolf rituals that will create peace and are one step toward making the city safe for Hope, I am also anxious to see that action in the bayou. I'm sure the whole thing will be worked out because everyone knows by now that Finn kidnapped the vampires, but a little bit of vampire vs. werewolf would be fun to watch and is probably something we should see anyway. We missed a long war before the Originals showed up and Klaus overthrew Marcel.

  9. I could eventually see them turn him. I'm quite intrigued to see if they keep Daniel Sherman the real Kaleb around if Kol dies from the body. Maybe he is one of the Kindred.

  10. IKR? I LOVED that scene. Klaus is obviously up to something that he isn't even telling Elijah about, and I know that Haylijah shippers are unhappy about the wedding, but I am fascinated by this whole thing. I'm also glad that for once we're seeing some new mythology that isn't all about MIkaelson family drama. One thing that was made clear in this episode: Hope's blood doesn't sire hybrids to Klaus. Whether or not Hayley broke the sire bond, there would still be some sort of connection, and Hayley's biggest connection is to Hope. It'll be interesting to see if the werewolf rituals do anything to that connection, since the rituals are a mystical way to solidify Hayley's place in the pack.

  11. I think the Kindred were a story that the writers decided against exploring, and that's why Freya ended up killing them. Two birds were killed with one stone when Cassie suddenly revealed herself as being traitorous in a way that she didn't show signs of before, and that's how Cassie was killed off.

  12. I hate the werewolf SL. I'm over it, it's just dragging. I wouldn't think Hope's blood did anything for Klaus. It's pretty obvious that it would effect Hayley more anyway. She is the mother after all. So the connection to her daughter instead of her father would make perfect sense. (To me anyway). I'm ready to see how Hope is different, and why she's so freaking special. That's what I'm looking forward to.

  13. Agreed. It's beyond my understanding how anyone still counts Elijah among the main characters at this point. Sharman's Kol's had more screen time and has been more immersed in the plot than Elijah. Elijah's useless.

  14. I can't help but think that Hope's species and origin SL is being dragged out for a reason. It's taking forever for the writers to establish on-screen what she is, how she exists, and what she can do. The Tatia story seemed to come out of nowhere, but it established the existence of doppelgangers and what their blood can do, and the fact that no one knows how Esther cursed Klaus, or what kind of spell or ritual she did. The ritual Klaus used to try to break the curse had immediate consequences on TVD, but there could have been other effects as well. A small part of Elena could have stayed with Klaus, or he could have grabbed and fed off of her off-screen while there was vervain in the town water supply, putting her blood in his system when Hope was conceived. I'm not saying Elena is Hope's mother, but a baby that powerful couldn't have come from only Klaus and a werewolf, regardless of who that werewolf is. Tyler used Hope's blood to sire a hybrid partly because he wanted to confirm a theory, but no one said what that theory was. Then JP and MN said in an article that Tyler's cross-over was part of a mythology involving both shows, and they were still deciding whether to "pull the trigger" on it. I wouldn't be surprised if Hope's mythology slowly seeps out until TVD ends, and Elena's character will be evolved enough to have a place in the stories in NOLA. If Nina doesn't want to do it, the body-jumping mythology can be utilized. It might have been JP and KW's plan all along for Klaus to be the reason Elena leaves Mystic Falls and the Salvatore brothers at the end of the series. But like JP said, only minor details have changed.

    I know that a lot of people hate Elena, call her annoying, and feel that she would ruin TO, but lately she's been more aggressive, and totally badass this season. I also noticed that she showed some empathy for Kai. I've seen her prove in more than one episode that she's comfortable and confident when dealing with villainous characters. There's still another year and a half for her character to grow. Also, wouldn't it be nice to see Elena and Elijah in scenes together again?

  15. Klaus is saying what we've all thought at least once.

  16. Yea liked when she stood up to Klaus. Like them as friends. I dont think Klaus will ever trust anyone. And I cringe everytime I see Haley and Jackson and cant believe she is going to tell him. I think Klaus is up to something

  17. Me too. Cant stand this wolf storyline but I am dealing with it. And I like when Klaus was beating up Jackson its funny that he needs a woman to save him. I find Jackson boring thats just me. I think that Klaus is up to something. And looking forward to the storyline with Hope but i fear and cant believe Haley is going to tell Jackson I still dont trust him.

  18. Kind of confused. Haley gave birth to Hope. Elena going to the Originals could be interesting. Elena and Elijah as friends. I will always a elijah and Haley fan maybe Klaus and Elena. But have to confess I was a Elijah and Elena fan for awhile. But I dont know if Nina would continue maybe I am wrong. I am just not for another brother love triangle. Maybe jeolously from Haley

  19. That's an understatement. Klaus is always up to something. I could care less about Jackson, he's boring as hell, and I'll be glad when he's gone.

  20. I agree with you cant stand the wedding storyline. I am a huge Elijah fan and I miss him. Less Jackson and more Elijah. I cant stand Jackson and Haley together- boring. So I agree with you 100 percent

  21. his looks like a good episode. I hope there is more Elijah in this episode. I fear for Hope and I can understand why Klaus would be on Edge. I wonder who the visitor is going to be. Elijah is always protecting Hope and I cant believe that Haley is going to tell Jackson about Hope. what happened with the secret. Hope is going to be in danger and now Freya I dont know if I completely trust her. Still dont trust Jackson and dont like him- he is a wimp

  22. Elijah is my favorite. Less Jackson and more Elijah.

  23. I don't think there would be another brother love triangle after what Klaus and Elijah went through with Tatia. You don't see Klaus and Elijah fight over a woman's affections on this show because they're also too old for it. As I said, it would still be possible, and probably better, if Nina didn't want to continue playing the role. Nina is a great actress, but if she wants to move on, well, Elena never did want to be a vampire and she hates being a doppelganger. I've been wondering for over a year why they don't just make Elena a witch. That would give her a new story at least.

  24. Finn obviously wants Hayley's blood so that he can use the sire bond to locate Hope. There's been talk about manipulating the sire bond before, when Davina was trying to break the bloodline spell. I think this is what Klaus will be dealing with on the wedding day. He won't care what the werewolves get from Hayley, but he won't want them using the ritual to leech anything from Hope. After 1,000 years, I have no trouble believing that Klaus knows more than one way around a sire bond. He just never talked about it on TVD because any sire bonds worked to his advantage. Whatever startling discovery Cami makes in the end of that episode will probably be a result of whatever Klaus does to protect Hope. He would never hurt her, but he might cause a change or a new ability to manifest.

  25. I hope you are right. Julie interview that Klaus added to the mix. I dont want Klaus and Haley to happen. They are better as friends and parents. But I dont know what will happen. I do like Nina I think she is talente

  26. I agree. What do you think of Klaus and Haley dont want that to happen. Someone thought that Elijah would kill jackson and that would put a stake in their relationship. I dont think that will happen- rather it be klaus or Vincent

  27. Yea that makes sense. Elijah is going to protect Hope like he always has. I wonder what Klaus and Elijah will argue about. They go back and forth.

  28. It's been long established that Klaus and Hayley will never be a couple, and Klamille wouldn't go further than a hookup, if that. The hope is that by the end of the series, Klaus and Hayley will be friends, but we're a long ways away from that right now. The way that Hayley is going about trying to bring Hope home (which will probably never happen), and the action Klaus will take to protect Hope from the werewolves, will just cause them to hate each other more and more. This show is about war and family struggles. There would be no show if New Orleans was safe for a baby like Hope. Something will have to happen, and probably by the end of the season, to break through Elijah's fantasy of using a baby to save his extremely dangerous and violent family. He'll be forced to accept that Hope will have to grow up in safe houses, being cared for by whoever's available. I don't think he'll completely unravel when he realizes this, he'll just need time to recover from yet another failure. I'm still interested in what Klaus is planning to do to protect Hope from the werewolves. He's smart enough to know that Jackson wouldn't talk, and I don't think the real plan is to kill Jackson because he already told Elijah that (he's telling everyone at this point), and Elijah isn't supposed to get suspicious of what Klaus is really up to until the wedding day.

  29. So ypu would not listen to the interviews or what Kaley fans say. You think Klaus will have a love interest? I like Cami and Klaus and they built that couple up and I like them together just not with Haley. I think Elijah always wants to protect everyone. And I dont know if Klaus would kill Jackson and I think that Klaus is up to something. And I dont think Elijah would kill Jackson ( i hope not)

  30. No, Klaus isn't supposed to have a love interest for the rest of the season. I don't encounter a lot of Klayley shippers. It would be nice if, in the end of the series when Klaus has shown serious changes, Hope could have a stable nuclear family. But at this point I don't think that'll happen. I'm not even sure how long Hope will be on the show. Babies don't really have a place in this genre. She might have to be given up eventually, or Rebekah will leave with her permanently at some point.

  31. You can watch all the e episodes on for free & the guy posts each new episode so you don't have to wait like on Netflix. You can watch other shows too


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