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Scene Of The Week - February 15, 2015 - POLL

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A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great scenes that we've seen recently on TV.

12 MONKEYS, "The Night Room", February 13, 2015, Actors: Kirk Acevedo and more
The Scene: Ramse discovers that there were previous time travelers and test subjects (picked by Darth Locke)

ARROW, "Canaries", February 11, 2015, Actors: Katie Cassidy, Paul Blackthorne, The Scene: Laurel tells Quentin about Sara
Tonya Papanikolas:
This scene was heartbreaking, partly because it was so long overdue. Laurel doesn't even have to say the words before her dad realizes what she means: Sara is dead. He is devastated, losing his daughter for a second time. I loved how Laurel had an "out" where he guessed the wrong thing she wanted to tell him. She could have used that to not tell him the truth, again. But she did the right thing and told him, no matter how hard it was. He deserves to know the truth and she finally realized that. The scene was emotional from her end and also his. It was incredibly sad and very well done. Also picked by Bradley Adams and Diana Mack

BANSHEE, "We Were All Someone Else Yesterday", February 13, 2015, Actors: Antony Starr, Geno Segers and more, The Scenes: Flashback to the alternate opening bar scene & Hood stabs Chayton
Sharon Seymour:
Flashback to the alternate opening bar scene shot in black and white.
DarkUFO: Hood stabs Chayton in his tent.

BETTER CALL SAUL, "Mijo", February 9, 2015, Actors: Bob Odenkirk and more
The Scene: Montage of Jimmy in the courthouse (picked by Bradley Adams)

CRIMINAL MINDS, "Scream", February 11, 2015, Actors: Hailey Sole, Greg Grunberg, The Scene: Meg's uncle Chris checks up on her at the mall
Laura Markus:
What a great father figure Meg has. Greg Grunberg did a great job portraying a worried, yet a comical father who could crack jokes about the gift he bought for his wife, Kate, for Valentine's Day. To make things better (or worse), the "friend" Meg was supposed to meet with was most definitely a bad guy. So, Chris being there saved her life. I hope to see more from him.

FOREVER, "The King of Columbus Circle", February 10, 2015, Actors: Ioan Gruffudd, Judd Hirsch, The Scene: Henry and Abe find out they are distantly related
Justyna K:
It was the most heartwarming scene I've seen this week, maybe even in a long time. I loved how much it meant for the two to be related, even so distantly and despite the fact that they already have such a beautiful father-son relationship. It's not only the best relationship on the show but probably one of my favorites currently on TV. And both actors play these moments perfectly. It was both lovely and funny (comparing their looks in the mirror!). They had such a wonderful reaction and Abe's words: "Isn't that the greatest news you ever heard your whole life?" said it all. I hope to see more scenes like this one and I refuse to say goodbye to this great show anytime soon.
A Dahne: This was such a joyful scene. You could literally see how delighted they were that although they knew they were family all along, that now they had a blood connection to each other as well. The Henry and Abe familial relationship is the best character interaction on TV this season for me.
Tonya Papanikolas: I also loved the pure joy behind this scene. Henry went from being disinterested to being ecstatic over the development, just like Abe. It was so cute how much being distantly related meant to both of them. They each value their relationship with each other so much that they felt like blood relations, even if they weren't. So to find out they actually were related, even distantly, just emphasized even more how much they care. It was cute to see them both so excited over the news. Their reactions were classic. It was like they had won the lottery. The scene was so precious and fun. I loved it.

FORTITUDE, "Episode 3", February 12, 2015, Actors: Richard Dormer, Nicholas Pinnock
The Scene: Dan Anderssen attacks Frank Sutter in the shower (picked by Sharon Seymour)

GREY'S ANATOMY, "All I Could Do Was Cry", February 12, 2015, Actors: Sarah Drew, Jesse Williams, Debbie Allen, The Scene: Catherine helps Jackson and April through their trauma
Tonya Papanikolas:
Oh my gosh, this whole episode was amazing with numerous standout scenes. But this one was phenomenal. The way Jackson's mom told April how she was going to get through delivering and losing their child was such a wonderful - and horribly sad - touch. It made the scene even more emotional than it already was. The way she catered to exactly what April would want, telling her to baptize the baby and then hold him until God took him, was heartbreaking and also incredibly tender and loving. Then it was more heartbreaking when April said maybe God wouldn't take the baby, giving Jackson and his mom an even greater fear for her well-being as she placed her hope in something that wasn't going to happen. The acting was wonderful from everyone. You could feel April's pain and Jackson's love and fear for his wife as he held and cradled her, along with his mother's wisdom and desire to help. Everything about the scene was fantastic.
Klutzy girl: Catherine Avery is there to help Jackson and April through the trauma of losing their child. The entire episode hurt but that scene stuck out as one of the best.

GRIMM, "Trial by Fire", February 13, 2015, Actors: Bitsie Tulloch, Claire Coffee, The Scene: Hexenbiest fight
A Dahne:
It was the most anticipated scene of the night and although it was way too short, it delivered. I like how they tried to outmagick each other and how Juliette got the upperhand, surprising a confident Adalind. Sadly Juliette didn't kill her so she lives to annoy another day, but I was cathartic to see Juliette kicking butt.
Diana Mack: The Hexenbeist fight! Juliette was stronger than Adalind and she literally kicked her ass! I was waiting for this.

HELIX, "Oubliette", February 13, 2015, Actors: Billy Campbell, Neil Napier
The Scene: Alan tricks Peter and leaves him behind in The Pitt (picked by Darth Locke)

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, "She's a Murderer", February 12, 2015, Actors: Billy Brown and more, The Scene: Nate gets arrested for the murder of Sam Keating
Daniel van der Veer:
Surprise: Nate is arrested for Sam's murder. I thought Annalise would pin it on Hannah or perhaps even Bonnie, but it was Nate. Selling out her former lover to protect her students must have been a hard choice for her. I am wondering whether or not Nate is in on it and whether he and Annalise have a plan, or if Annalise is just pulling a desperate move.
Diana Mack: Nate gets arrested for the murder of Sam Keating and it's also revealed that Annalise set everything up to protect her five students. I guess it was a hard choice she made - she chose her students who eventually became part of her world and framed her former lover. I didn't see this coming.

MARVEL'S AGENT CARTER, "A Sin to Err", February 10, 2015, Actors: Hayley Atwell and more, The Scene: Peggy fights the SSR agents in the diner
This show is so outstanding! I really hope it is renewed because it can be really rewarding and amazingly scripted. Peggy's fight with the SSR agents was on par with most of the stunts made on Arrow, and it served them right as Peggy got to prove them what she is made off. Of course, the situation is less than ideal since Peggy was starting to gain their respect, but considering how sexist and outright jerks most of these guys have been to Peggy I can't deny the great amount of satisfaction I got from watching her kicking their asses. There are multiple other scenes worth talking about, the episode as a whole was really a standout, but this one had to be my favorite. Can someone explain to me how this show isn't a hit?

PARKS AND RECREATION, "Ms. Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington" & "Pie-Mary", Feburary 10, 2015, Actors: Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Adam Scott, The Scenes: Ben and Leslie's speech at the end & April thanks Leslie for being there for her
Justyna K:
I can't believe how close to the end of the show we are now. And this season is absolutely amazing and easily one of my favorites. Everything works wonderfully and this week I loved seeing April's journey to find a job she truly cares about and Ben and Leslie's first stop at his campaign. And I just have to say, I'm so happy about this plot and the fact that these two are doing so well. They're quite a perfect match and definitely one of the best couples on TV. Their speech at the end of "Pie-Mary" was absolutely charming, hilarious and so smart and true on many, many levels. Exactly like this series. It's just an amazing example of what this show does best and I love it! Amy Poehler and Adam Scott were absolutely brilliant in the scene. Kudos! I already miss you all!
Klutzy Girl: April thanks Leslie for being there for her all this time and says she loves her. I adore their friendship and I'm going to miss this show so much.

PERSON OF INTEREST, "Guilty", February 10, 2015, Actors: Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson, Kevin Chapman, The Scenes: Reese and Finch talk in morse code & Fusco refuses to be excluded from the team
Reese sends Finch morse code via his sniper rifle who thinks he's about to be shot, lol.
Bradley Adams: Fusco tells Reese that he's OK with the risk of death being involved with the team.
Sharon Seymour: Fusco tells Reese that it's not his decision to keep him excluded. Also picked by Darth Locke

STALKER, "Salvation", February 11, 2015, Actors: Dylan McDermott, Maggie Q, The Scene: Jack wakes up in Beth's apartment
Laura Markus:
Does this need explaining? As someone who'd love to see more from Jack and Beth, this was the perfect scene. Jack, although on the couch, woke up with no pants on and seemed a bit on edge. Beth looked peachy, though. You cannot convince me that they didn't have some fun the night before. I only wish we could have seen what happened, but I'm still happy with it.

SUITS, "Fork in the Road", February 11, 2015, Actors: Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, The Scene: Louis offers to teach Mike to drive
Laura Markus:
What a heartbreaking scene delivered effortlessly by Patrick J Adams. Harvey wanted Louis and Mike to make-up, but I'm sure this is more than he bargained for. Mike reveals the reason why he never got his license, it is because his parents died in a car accident. What a touching moment. Louis said he's teach him how. Louis FINALLY stopped being a jerk for a minute and I loved it.

THE 100, "Rubicon", February 11, 2015, Actors: Devon Bostick, Paige Turco, Raymond J. Barry and more, The Scenes: The containment breach & Clarke and Abby talk after the missile strikes & Cage confronts Dante about helping the 100
Justyna K:
I swear it's getting harder and harder to choose just one scene from The 100, this show is excellent, definitely one of the best on TV and I can't believe it's not being recognized and appreciated more. First of all, there were three scenes that I could have easily chosen this week (the containment breach in Mount Weather, Octavia confronts Lincoln and Abby confronts Clarke after the missile strikes TonDC) and quite a few memorable mentions (like both scenes with Dante and Bellamy meeting with Jasper). In the end, I'm going with my first thought and the events in Mount Weather. Things are absolutely insane, intense and it's probably my favorite place to watch since Bellamy got there and started his undercover mission. This week everything changed after Cage took over control and started killing the 47 for their bone marrow. At least two of the kids died and it was a horrifying view to watch. I love how, despite not really having a chance, Jasper, Monty, Miller, Harper and everyone else still tried to fight every single time one of them was being dragged away to his/her death. But the most memorable moment of the hour for me has to be the last time dr. Tsing entered the room and, after another unsuccessful resistance from the group, tries to take Jasper with her only to get caught in the middle of the containment breach caused by Bellamy. Thank you Bellamy, outstanding work! And thank you Raven and Dante for the help. It worked perfectly. The kids got free, took the guards' guns and ran away to find a safer hideout, but not before making sure the doctor will die case of the radiation. It was such a powerful and dark moment, especially for Jasper, but considering everything they went through and the fact that I have a trouble remembering a more heartless and awful character than dr. Tsing, it wasn't a surprising one. The entire scene is brilliantly done and all the actors did a wonderful job. Everything is at stake now and I can't wait for another episode. Kudos The 100!
Pablozky21: The missile strikes: It is really hard to choose just one scene from this episode, because damn it! What an awesome episode! I really wanted to choose Dr. Tsing's death, but I have to go with the fallout of the missile strike because it wasn't only an incredibly bold choice, but because it will certainly have immense repercussions on Clarke. She already kind of realizes that she went too far when Abby tells her she crossed the line. Did she did the right thing? We've had a really heated and intriguing discussion of the morality about it here on SpoilerTV and that's what I love about it: the show is so thought provoking, deep and complex that people here have been commenting about it for days! And there's no definitve answer to it, so we are left pondering, arguing and that's when it becomes truly engaging. The scene itself was carried with perfection by Eliza Taylor and Paige Turco, showing the strenght of both script and acting talent on the show. The 100 has once again surprised me taking a brave decision by pushing Clarke to a point of no return and it will only make the storyline all the more intriguing and compelling. This show just doesn't disappoint me!
A Dahne: There were so many good scenes from The 100 this week. While I liked the Abby and Clarke confrontation Pablozky chose and I loved Jasper snarking over a dying Dr. Tsing, for me the most powerful scene didn't include any of the main characters. It was Cage confronting his father, who he overthrew last week, about helping the 100 over his own people. I love how both of them think they are doing the right thing. Mostly though I loved the surprise of how it ended. Being the dark show it is, I halfway expected Cage to commit patricide but instead he gave his dad the cure that Dante never wanted. This scene was beautifully acted.
Daniel van der Veer: Did anyone ever think that the missile was not going to hit TonDC? That it would be averted or redirected? That Clarke or Lexa would warn everybody? I know I did, but this is The 100 after all. Of course the missile hits TonDC and kills dozens of people. It's shocking but not something The 100 hasn't done before. And it was great to see Abby figuring out that Clarke knew about the attack. Paige Turco did an outstanding job as she showed Abby's fear and horror. She didn't really recognize her own daugther. Great acting by Eliza Taylor also!

THE MIDDLE, "Valentine's Day VI", February 11, 2015, Actors: Eden Sher, John Gammon, The Scene: Darrin proposes to Sue
I saw it coming, the clues were pretty clear during the episode, especially after Darrin took Sue to his new house. But still, somehow, it surprised me because I really didn't think The Middle would put Sue in this situation, and it leaves us with an actual schrödinger cat, as I can actually see Sue saying either yes or no and the show getting away with it. Will Sue be engaged with Darrin and prepare a life together as she gets through college? Or will she ask him to wait? Whatever the scenario is, props to The Middle for pulling out this scene as well as they did and to leave me wondering for a week.

THE MINDY PROJECT, "Dinner at the Castellanos", February 10, 2015, Actors: Chris Messina and more, The Scene: Danny finds out about Mindy's pregnancy
Klutzy girl:
Danny finding out about Mindy's pregnancy was the highlight of the week and I haven't been able to stop watching that scene. HIS FACE. I'm really excited to see what these two are like as parents.

THE WALKING DEAD, "What Happened and What's Going On", February 8, 2015, Actors: Chad Coleman and more, The Scene: Tyresse hallucinates after being bitten by the walker (picked by DarkUFO)

Justyna JJ Kubica
22. Student. SpoilerTV Writer. Loves Movies, TV Shows (The 100, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Person Of Interest, Arrow, Supernatural (especially 1-5), Agents Of SHIELD, Doctor Who, Fringe, The Musketeers, Psych, etc.) and Books (Harry Potter!). Fantasy & SciFi geek! Scene Of The Week articles author. Writes reviews for Doctor Who, Sherlock & The Musketeers. Member of SpoilerTV team since 27th November 2011.
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