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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Halt & Catch Fire?

Feb 11, 2015

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  1. Ambar Moreno CandelasFebruary 11, 2015 at 3:08 AM

    AWESOME EPISODE!!! :D Was very creepy 810 :S wkrghgasehry Old Dean is back :P Hahaha eating Dean and the face and smile of Sammy was great!! OMG my Dean and Sam walking out of the car... sexys bastards!! The ghost in the computer LOL :P And I love so much Sammy worried about Dean... Stupid mark! I can´t with the end... is perfect :´) My feeling! This is the best show ever, I love my Winchester brothers!!!!!!!! ♥

  2. That scene where the ghost's angry face pops on every screen in the house was so bad it got unintentionally funny. And kinda sad in a show that used to be scary.

    That's mostly what I'll remember from the episode. Thankfully though there was enough interaction between the brothers to keep it bearable.

  3. 1st off I seen this Ep before maybe in a movie ohh wait I know what you did last summer lame. 2nd If I have to hear another Dean giving up speech I am going to puke ok sorry remember season 8 when Sam wanted too give up after the death of the season 1 girl what did dean do a keep on fighting speech and now what give up all hell why don't we all give up. The show was ok to me but it was just the same old same old I am ok with the ghost in the internet that was cool.

  4. The episode was great, but not awesome. We revisited the Old Dean as well as the old school way of Supernatural but what I like most was the brotherly bonding at the end. But bring on next week's episode, now that looks awesome!!!

  5. Every time Dean calls Sam, "Sammy", it melts me!!!

  6. Yeah . . . it was a total rip-off of I Know What You Did Last Summer.

    I thought this one was okay too. Sam's ever changing computer/hacking skills continue to amaze me. He seemed pretty tech-savvy in this episode but I know he needed Charlie's assistance w/something techy a few weeks ago. And was there a reason Dean broke the phones instead of just turning off the WiFi signals?

  7. I really liked this episode. It felt like Old School SPN. Especially since it was just the two of them working together.
    Unfortunately, I feel this was the calm before the storm.

  8. Surprisingly, i liked this episode. I can't put my finger on it, but it was good. It was like WhiteNoise meets Shutter. lol (which is ironic, b/c both those movies sucked) I liked that Dean didn't know what the app was, and she didn't know what Christine was. lol That was really funny.

  9. Though I'm glad they went a different route with a ghost this time, Halt & Catch Fire was nothing but a so-so filler episode for me. I'm missing the days when the filler episodes were awesome and I didn't miss the break from the main storyline of the season.

    I've been a fan of Supernatural for a decade and will continue to watch it until it's over but I'm not excited about it anymore. That kinda depresses me as it was once my must watch live show of the week. I hope they can get back on track.

  10. I thought this episode was pretty 'meh'.

    I didn't see the speech at the end as giving up, I thought Dean was saying that he was going to live with and control it as much as he can, which is what Castiel and Sam wanted just a few episodes ago. Sam talked about Cain controlling it and now that's what Dean is going to try and do. Sam wasn't asking Dean to give up back then and I don't see Dean giving up now.

  11. What comes after AWESOME??? MEGA AWESOME?

  12. I didn't comment until now b/c I don't have much to say about this episode. I did not hate it. I thought the opening was great, and I was enjoying it until I realized it was a IKWYDLS rip off. At that point, interest waned. The guest stars were all good, but it was all very predictable.
    I agree w/others who noted Dean's sudden interest in women and food as being odd. What was that about? That all seemed a bit OTT. I was fine w/Dean saying he would control the Mark b/c that is literally the only thing he can do.
    Not to harp on this, but I still don't know why I should be concerned about the MOC. It doesn't seem to be having this huge negative impact on Dean that I can see. How is the MOC hurting him? He seems to control it just fine. Heck, it didn't even come out when he was being choked so what's the big deal?
    IMO, the show hasn't played up the "danger" of the Mark very well. If Dean was losing his control around innocents or attacking random people, I could understand the concern but he's not doing that. He has beat up a few people and killed some rapists, murderers and human traffickers. I don't have a problem w/any of that. For me, this MOC arc has been a huge fail.

  13. I feel the same way. The show doesn't excite me like it used to. I watch but I haven't re-watched even one episode from seasons 7-10.

  14. This is Dean, not Sam, so they can't have him actually do anything that could even remotely be considered attacking an innocent. If Sam had the mark he would be slaughtering babies in their cribs.

  15. That happens to pretty much anything if you do it for a good length of time. Supernatural has been on and even a show that keeps up a good level of quality, well, the bloom comes off the rose eventually. This season has been enjoyable, so I honestly don't think it has nearly as much to do with the quality of the writing as some claim.

  16. Sudden interest in food and women? Dean always loves food and women.
    The danger depends o the state of mind of the wearer. Dean isn't giving in this season. The danger of the Mark isn't that he'll go off and become a murderer, it's that it will increase his bloodlust to the point that he might kill an innocent and when he dies, he comes back as a demon. That was all there in last season and the first half of this season.

  17. Agreed! And it would have made the story infinitely more interesting. So far, the MOC hs been a rather boring arc for Dean, IMO.

  18. what are you saying here it would have been a better story if Sam had the MOC then Dean I get it and not so boring sorry but it has been.

  19. That's possibly a reason why the ratings for the last three episodes have been underwhelming - little movement forward on the MoC and the writers haven't taken any further risks with either Demon Dean's or MoCDean's character. It's ho hum if he only lets loose on bad people and demons that Show doesn't give a crap about unless it's Sam doing 'bad stuff' to them. Maybe everything will change when Dean and Cain re-connect - Carver says a twist is coming.
    But for now I'm bored by the MoC storyline; it's not a J vs J acting thing, nor a Dean vs Sam thing (who has/had the most exciting storylines). At this point the last four (10.10-10.14) episodes have been specifically regarding the MoC have been as dull as Sam's scar rubbing in S7.

  20. X2! Aside from beating up (giving up holding back) 'Dark Charlie' no version of Dean really hasn't harmed any character the show presented as the least sympathetic. Re-integrated Charlie forgave him and teen Tina looked at the boys not being able to reverse the hex as a fresh start. Dean feels guilty about those things but I think Show is all but saying Dean feels guilty even about things that are out of his control.
    Something may change though -something that sets Sam off on a separate path to remove Dean's Mark (if Carver is to be believed). I don't think Sam would 'leave' Dean if he felt Dean was all Zen and had the Mark under control.

  21. I really,mreally enjoyed this episode. It wasn't a fantastic, over the top thriller, but it was very solid, with decent guest stars ( this has been a big thing with me considering the horrible guest stars we've had so many times). This episode was wellmwritten, and I don't see it as connected with ikwydls. It's just a classic revenge ghost story. I thought the special effects were well done, and unlike some others, I thought the ghost in the machine scenes were excellent. A little creepy. I don't find Spn scary, and haven't since season 2, so I don't watch it for that.

    I /really/ love te brother interactions this season. /finally/ they are one the same page. This is the level of brotherliness and maturity I've been wanting for years.

    Sam's shined this season ( I'm not in camp with those who think he's never written well and always downplayed to let Dean shine. I don't, and have never seen it. I've seen them get equal show time and plot, etc wtc). I love how he finally seems to truly care for his brother. I know he always has, but he did have a way of not sowing it at times. Again, I'm really digging the maturity level this season.

    Dean..omg, I just want to hug him and cradle him till all his woesfo away. LOVED the last scene in the Impala. Loved what he said and loved that they discussed it and explained it to each other, instead of getting all upset or cold shouldered and if orang each other. That last line was haunting to me. Very foreshadowing. :(

  22. There have been both high and low moments for me this season but that happens with every show. They can't all be great and I do agree that after watching something for a long period of time, it does lose its shine. Supernatural was strong for many years and I had hoped that wouldn't happen but it has. I'm not one of those people who will say that it should have ended at season five. I feel that we would have missed out on some serious greatness had that been the case. I've just found myself losing interest this season and it was unexpected.

  23. I rewatched the whole series last year and found myself enjoying a lot of episodes in seasons 7 through 9. Granted there have been some down right horrible episodes but there have also been some great ones. I'm a big fan of Benny so he was a huge highlight for me. I may have not enjoyed the Levi's but once I got past the episodes that I didn't like, there were ones that I loved. I'm still holding out hope that someone will have take a trip to Purgatory and we'll see Benny again. He and Dean had great chemistry together and I think he could be a huge asset.

  24. I agree completely. I love both Dean and Sam. I'm not upset b/c Dean has the mytharc and Sam doesn't. Simply put, I'm bored. There is nothing interesting happening on the show. The one story w/potential - the MOC - has been sanitized . . . and that's assuming there was ever any intention to take some risks w/the story.

    Honestly, when Dean speaks of the MOC and how much he needs to get rid of it, I feel like I've missed entire episodes b/c I honestly don't see a problem w/the Mark. This year has been painfully uneventful and boring. I am more than ready for a new arc and new stories under a new regime!

  25. I agree . . . but I'm gonna need more show and less tell. So far, I feel like we've been told how horrible the Mark is but we have yet to see how bad it is.

    Or . . . let me put it like this . . . if Dean's actions thus far are supposed to demonstrate the danger of the Mark, then the story has completely FAILED for me. LOL! I had no problem w/anything Dean did while as a demon or while under the Mark's influence, not even the DC beatdown. None of it bothered or troubled me. Unless something significant happens, it won't make sense to me for Sam to run off to handle the Mark but I know it wouldn't be a Carver season if Sam weren't being thrown under a bus so who knows? Haha! They have been so careful and cautious w/Dean that I don't really see him doing more that what we've already seen, which is not much so I don't know.

  26. I think the lack of concern the writers have for Sam would have caused them to have Sam do far more interesting, controversial things than what they have had Dean do.

    I had my issues w/S9, but I can't say I was bored during it. I am bored this year. There is literally nothing happening on this show right now, which may be way the ratings have dipped a bit.

  27. true like you said Demon Dean was kind of boring I did not watch the Ep because the whole thing was dumb in the 1st place I like Dean human only But too see Sam full on Demon that would been so good and Jared know how too play the evil side great loved him as Meg in season 2 and we never really seen that from Sam before season 4 had the DB thing but never really went Full on with I would love too see that come on we had DD now can we great DS for once.

  28. Right now, as long as Dean has the Mark I believe he's effectively immortal - if he is killed again, he'll revert back to a demon. But how can Dean be killed? He had the MoC when Metatron killed him. So maybe he can only be killed by the First Blade. Wait, didn't Cain try that already (he did)? So I ASSume . Dean can only be killed by someone else with the FB. Wait again, no one can 'use' the FB (which makes zero sense as Crowley/Sam and who knows how many other people have held the FB without spontaneously combusting and it is a blade with a vicious cutting edge and *should be* able to be used as a large knife) besides Cain and Dean.
    So 'they' have to find a way eventually to remove the Mark; I doubt the show will have its series finale with one brother 'immortal' as much as some fans hope it.

    In the meantime Dean is mixing it up with Cain in the next episode. Per the sneak peek and reading a little between the lines Cain has gone batty since frying the demon attackers in First Born. Is Cain sane enough to just target death row inmates and other 'Bad People' buried in his "Killing Field"? Is he ultimately going to teach Dean to become a more efficient vigilante who's enhanced strength is fueled by a 'tribal tat'? Aside from the moral issues of Dean maybe appointing himself as Judge/Jury/Executioner I can't see Sam (and Cas) having a lot of grounds to protest and stop Dean.
    Or the Death Row guy Cas made an educated guess that Cain killed was a one-off and Cain has been killing innocent people, too. That Sam would worry about that eventually Dean would harm innocent people too. Crowley warned Dean in the premiere that the 'Blade' needed to be fed and would him rather kill (innocent) civilians or people that 'had it coming'.
    I'll be bored again if the show has Dean kill only 'people who have it coming' . Dean needs to do or come very close doing something equivalent in magnitude of Sam releasing Lucifer. Sam thought he was doing the right thing in using his powers on demons and Dean thought he was doing the right thing when he accepted the Mark as the only way of killing Abaddon.
    Something needs to drive Sam to leave Dean - to find a way to save Dean.

  29. Right! Show me some Dark Dean doing different but equally questionable deeds as 'Dark Sam' did. Dark Dean as in 'Demon Dean' as Dean's worst nightmare at the end of DALDOM.'Dark Dean' as he tortures Alastair in OTHOAP. Those 'Dark Dean's' were terrifying and Jensen was mesmerizing.
    You're likely right about Sam leaving being Carver's annual 'throw Sam under the bus' move - gotta show Sam as the bigger monster somehow. ;)

  30. Yeah . . . . I'm sure Carver will have Sam doing something despicable that can be debated and criticized for weeks!

  31. I believe you could be right again. and you're correct both in your assessment that the writers are being cautious not to put an indelible stain on Dean - so far - and have shown little concern about the integrity of Sam's character ... after all younger brothers can easily be turned to the Darkside according to Cain.
    Something should change sooner rather than later for the MoC storyline to become absorbing - something 'dodgy' and edge-of-your-seat exciting and fingernail-chewing at the same time and I don't mean the ultimate outcome of the Dean & Cain "M&G" is Cain telling Dean 'Yes, you're cursed with a type of immortality but you can use your extended life, enhanced strength and speed to fight evil I all its forms. You'll still be doing the WinFamBus only with Superpowers!' Yawn.
    As of 10.13 Dean hasn't done one thing since getting the Mark and his short Demon Tour to need REDEMPTION for, not like Sam and Cas have done.


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