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POLL : What did you think of Eye Candy - YOLO?

3 Feb 2015

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  1. I like this episode. It was a nice departure from the main storyline. It also showed where the story could go once the serial killer is caught.

  2. and it would interest you?

  3. use more electricity

  4. I really don't like Lindy working with the cops, I just don't.

  5. so what DO you like for Lindy?

  6. Is it because you think Tommy is the serial killer?

  7. Yeah, it was a nice filler episode!

  8. I could imagine like every season one main antagonist, that could work. I don't want them to drag this thing with Flirtual killer, like PLL did with A.

  9. That's one of the reasons. But mainly, I really loved seeing Lindy working on her own including she knows how to defend herself. We saw her take down Connor which is pretty awesome. Another reason, the cops had to bribe about her sister to help them find the killer? Why didn't they help her out before? They're just using her for their own gains because if they would have done their job like they were suppose to, Ben would probably still be alive (MAYBE...Read the book about that.) as well as these victims. I have always had a bad feeling about Tommy, I don't trust him and I somehow always turn out right when having a bad feeling about someone.

  10. I liked the CotW episode for a change.

  11. I think Eye Candy has potential, but Tommy needs to be replaced, such an awful actor. Too bad that they killed off Daniel Lessing as Ben, he had way more charisma!

  12. Tommy is not the serial killer. Reese is the killer.


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